@import "../../themes/ionic.globals.ios"; // iOS Item // -------------------------------------------------- /// @prop - Font size of the item text $item-ios-body-text-font-size: 1.7rem !default; // deprecated $item-ios-paragraph-margin: null !default; /// @prop - Margin top of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-margin-top: 0 !default; /// @prop - Margin end of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-margin-end: 0 !default; /// @prop - Margin bottom of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-margin-bottom: 2px !default; /// @prop - Margin start of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-margin-start: $item-ios-paragraph-margin-end !default; /// @prop - Font size of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-font-size: 1.4rem !default; /// @prop - Color of the item paragraph $item-ios-paragraph-text-color: #8e9093 !default; /// @prop - Size of the avatar in the item $item-ios-avatar-size: 36px !default; /// @prop - Border radius of the avatar in the item $item-ios-avatar-border-radius: 50% !default; /// @prop - Size of the thumbnail in the item $item-ios-thumbnail-size: 56px !default; /// @prop - Shows the detail arrow icon on an item $item-ios-detail-push-show: true !default; /// @prop - Color of the detail arrow icon $item-ios-detail-push-color: $list-ios-border-color !default; /// @prop - Icon for the detail arrow $item-ios-detail-push-svg: "" !default; /// @prop - Background for the divider $item-ios-divider-background: #f7f7f7 !default; /// @prop - Color for the divider $item-ios-divider-color: #222 !default; /// @prop - Background for the sliding content $item-ios-sliding-content-background: $list-ios-background-color !default; // iOS Item // -------------------------------------------------- .item-ios { @include padding-horizontal($item-ios-padding-start, null); @include safe-area-padding-horizontal($item-ios-padding-start, null); @include border-radius(0); position: relative; font-size: $item-ios-body-text-font-size; color: $list-ios-text-color; background-color: $list-ios-background-color; transition: background-color 200ms linear; } .item-ios.activated { background-color: $list-ios-activated-background-color; transition-duration: 0ms; } .item-ios h1 { @include margin(0, 0, 2px); font-size: 2.4rem; font-weight: normal; } .item-ios h2 { @include margin(0, 0, 2px); font-size: 1.7rem; font-weight: normal; } .item-ios h3, .item-ios h4, .item-ios h5, .item-ios h6 { @include margin(0, 0, 3px); font-size: 1.4rem; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; } .item-ios p { overflow: inherit; font-size: $item-ios-paragraph-font-size; line-height: normal; text-overflow: inherit; color: $item-ios-paragraph-text-color; @include deprecated-variable(margin, $item-ios-paragraph-margin) { @include margin($item-ios-paragraph-margin-top, $item-ios-paragraph-margin-end, $item-ios-paragraph-margin-bottom, $item-ios-paragraph-margin-start); } } .item-ios h2:last-child, .item-ios h3:last-child, .item-ios h4:last-child, .item-ios h5:last-child, .item-ios h6:last-child, .item-ios p:last-child { @include margin(null, null, 0, null); } .item-ios.item-block .item-inner { @include padding-horizontal(null, $item-ios-padding-end / 2); @include safe-area-padding-horizontal(null, $item-ios-padding-end / 2); border-bottom: $hairlines-width solid $list-ios-border-color; } // iOS Item Media // -------------------------------------------------- .item-ios [item-left], // deprecated .item-ios [item-start] { @include margin($item-ios-padding-media-top, $item-ios-padding-start, $item-ios-padding-media-bottom, 0); } .item-ios [item-right], // deprecated .item-ios [item-end] { @include margin($item-ios-padding-media-top, ($item-ios-padding-start / 2), $item-ios-padding-media-bottom, ($item-ios-padding-end / 2)); } .item-ios ion-icon[item-left], // deprecated .item-ios ion-icon[item-right], // deprecated .item-ios ion-icon[item-start], .item-ios ion-icon[item-end] { @include margin($item-ios-padding-icon-top, null, $item-ios-padding-icon-bottom, 0); } .item-ios .item-button { @include padding(0, .5em); height: 24px; font-size: 1.3rem; } .item-ios .item-button[icon-only] ion-icon, .item-ios .item-button[icon-only] { @include padding(0, 1px); } .item-ios ion-avatar[item-left], // deprecated .item-ios ion-thumbnail[item-left], // deprecated .item-ios ion-avatar[item-start], .item-ios ion-thumbnail[item-start] { @include margin(($item-ios-padding-end / 2), $item-ios-padding-end, ($item-ios-padding-end / 2), 0); } .item-ios ion-avatar[item-right], // deprecated .item-ios ion-thumbnail[item-right], // deprecated .item-ios ion-avatar[item-end], .item-ios ion-thumbnail[item-end] { @include margin(($item-ios-padding-end / 2)); } // iOS Item Avatar // -------------------------------------------------- .item-ios ion-avatar { min-width: $item-ios-avatar-size; min-height: $item-ios-avatar-size; } .item-ios ion-avatar ion-img, .item-ios ion-avatar img { @include border-radius($item-ios-avatar-border-radius); overflow: hidden; width: $item-ios-avatar-size; height: $item-ios-avatar-size; } // iOS Item Thumbnail // -------------------------------------------------- .item-ios ion-thumbnail { min-width: $item-ios-thumbnail-size; min-height: $item-ios-thumbnail-size; } .item-ios ion-thumbnail ion-img, .item-ios ion-thumbnail img { width: $item-ios-thumbnail-size; height: $item-ios-thumbnail-size; } // iOS Item Detail Push // -------------------------------------------------- // Only show the forward arrow icon if true @if $item-ios-detail-push-show == true { .item-ios[detail-push] .item-inner, button.item-ios:not([detail-none]) .item-inner, a.item-ios:not([detail-none]) .item-inner { $safe-area-position: calc(#{$item-ios-padding-end - 2} + constant(safe-area-inset-right)); $safe-area-position-env: calc(#{$item-ios-padding-end - 2} + env(safe-area-inset-right)); @include svg-background-image($item-ios-detail-push-svg, true); @include padding-horizontal(null, 32px); @include background-position(end, $item-ios-padding-end - 2, center); @include background-position(end, $safe-area-position, center); @include background-position(end, $safe-area-position-env, center); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 14px 14px; } } // iOS Item Group // -------------------------------------------------- ion-item-group .item-ios:first-child .item-inner { border-top-width: 0; } ion-item-group .item-ios:last-child .item-inner, ion-item-group .item-wrapper:last-child .item-ios .item-inner { border: 0; } // iOS Item Divider // -------------------------------------------------- .item-divider-ios { @include padding-horizontal($item-ios-padding-start, null); @include safe-area-padding-horizontal($item-ios-padding-start, null); color: $item-ios-divider-color; background-color: $item-ios-divider-background; } // Generate iOS Item and Item Divider Colors // -------------------------------------------------- @each $color-name, $color-base, $color-contrast in get-colors($colors-ios) { // If there is text with a color it should use this color // and override whatever item sets it to .item-ios .text-ios-#{$color-name} { color: $color-base; } .item-ios-#{$color-name}, .item-divider-ios-#{$color-name} { color: $color-contrast; background-color: $color-base; p { color: $color-contrast; } &.activated { background-color: color-shade($color-base); } } } // iOS Item Sliding // -------------------------------------------------- .list-ios ion-item-sliding { background-color: $item-ios-sliding-content-background; }