var booleanCondition = require('esmangle-evaluator').booleanCondition; var recast = require('recast'); var types = recast.types; var b =; var VISITOR_METHODS = { visitLogicalExpression: visitLogicalExp, visitIfStatement: visitCondition, visitConditionalExpression: visitCondition }; module.exports = function(branch) { recast.visit(branch, VISITOR_METHODS); return branch; }; /** * "||" and "&&" */ function visitLogicalExp(path) { var leftEval = booleanCondition(path.node.left); if (typeof leftEval !== 'boolean') { // console.log('___ %s ___', path.node.operator); this.traverse(path); return; } if (leftEval === true && path.node.operator === '||') { // console.log('true || ___'); path.replace(b.literal(true)); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } if (leftEval === true && path.node.operator === '&&') { // console.log('true && ___'); path.replace(path.node.right); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } if (leftEval === false && path.node.operator === '&&') { // console.log('false && ___'); path.replace(b.literal(false)); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } if (leftEval === false && path.node.operator === '||') { // console.log('false || ___'); path.replace(path.node.right); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } } /** * "if" and ternary "?" */ function visitCondition(path) { var testEval = booleanCondition(path.node.test); if (typeof testEval !== 'boolean') { // console.log('if/? ___'); this.traverse(path); return; } if (testEval === true) { // console.log('if/? (true)'); path.replace(path.value.consequent); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } if (testEval === false) { // console.log('if/? (false)'); path.replace(path.value.alternate); recast.visit(path, VISITOR_METHODS); return false; } }