a zip code crypto-currency system good for red ONLY

platform-registry.js 7.2KB

  1. import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
  2. import { isCordova, isElectron, isIos, isIosUIWebView } from './platform-utils';
  3. export var PLATFORM_CONFIGS = {
  4. /**
  5. * core
  6. */
  7. 'core': {
  8. settings: {
  9. mode: 'md',
  10. keyboardHeight: 290
  11. }
  12. },
  13. /**
  14. * mobile
  15. */
  16. 'mobile': {},
  17. /**
  18. * phablet
  19. */
  20. 'phablet': {
  21. isMatch: function (plt) {
  22. var smallest = Math.min(plt.width(), plt.height());
  23. var largest = Math.max(plt.width(), plt.height());
  24. return (smallest > 390 && smallest < 520) &&
  25. (largest > 620 && largest < 800);
  26. }
  27. },
  28. /**
  29. * tablet
  30. */
  31. 'tablet': {
  32. isMatch: function (plt) {
  33. var smallest = Math.min(plt.width(), plt.height());
  34. var largest = Math.max(plt.width(), plt.height());
  35. return (smallest > 460 && smallest < 820) &&
  36. (largest > 780 && largest < 1400);
  37. }
  38. },
  39. /**
  40. * android
  41. */
  42. 'android': {
  43. superset: 'mobile',
  44. subsets: [
  45. 'phablet',
  46. 'tablet'
  47. ],
  48. settings: {
  49. activator: function (plt) {
  50. // md mode defaults to use ripple activator
  51. // however, under-powered devices shouldn't use ripple
  52. // if this a linux device, and is using Android Chrome v36 (Android 5.0)
  53. // or above then use ripple, otherwise do not use a ripple effect
  54. if (plt.testNavigatorPlatform('linux')) {
  55. var chromeVersion = plt.matchUserAgentVersion(/Chrome\/(\d+).(\d+)?/);
  56. if (chromeVersion) {
  57. // linux android device using modern android chrome browser gets ripple
  58. if (parseInt(chromeVersion.major, 10) < 36 || plt.version().major < 5) {
  59. return 'none';
  60. }
  61. else {
  62. return 'ripple';
  63. }
  64. }
  65. // linux android device not using chrome browser checks just android's version
  66. if (plt.version().major < 5) {
  67. return 'none';
  68. }
  69. }
  70. // fallback to always use ripple
  71. return 'ripple';
  72. },
  73. autoFocusAssist: 'immediate',
  74. inputCloning: true,
  75. scrollAssist: true,
  76. hoverCSS: false,
  77. keyboardHeight: 300,
  78. mode: 'md',
  79. },
  80. isMatch: function (plt) {
  81. return plt.isPlatformMatch('android', ['android', 'silk'], ['windows phone']);
  82. },
  83. versionParser: function (plt) {
  84. return plt.matchUserAgentVersion(/Android (\d+).(\d+)?/);
  85. }
  86. },
  87. /**
  88. * ios
  89. */
  90. 'ios': {
  91. superset: 'mobile',
  92. subsets: [
  93. 'ipad',
  94. 'iphone'
  95. ],
  96. settings: {
  97. autoFocusAssist: 'delay',
  98. hideCaretOnScroll: true,
  99. hoverCSS: false,
  100. inputBlurring: isIos,
  101. inputCloning: isIos,
  102. keyboardHeight: 250,
  103. mode: 'ios',
  104. statusbarPadding: isCordova,
  105. swipeBackEnabled: isIos,
  106. tapPolyfill: isIosUIWebView,
  107. virtualScrollEventAssist: isIosUIWebView,
  108. disableScrollAssist: isIos,
  109. scrollAssist: isIos,
  110. keyboardResizes: keyboardResizes,
  111. },
  112. isMatch: function (plt) {
  113. return plt.isPlatformMatch('ios', ['iphone', 'ipad', 'ipod'], ['windows phone']);
  114. },
  115. versionParser: function (plt) {
  116. return plt.matchUserAgentVersion(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)?/);
  117. }
  118. },
  119. /**
  120. * ipad
  121. */
  122. 'ipad': {
  123. superset: 'tablet',
  124. settings: {
  125. keyboardHeight: 500,
  126. },
  127. isMatch: function (plt) {
  128. return plt.isPlatformMatch('ipad');
  129. }
  130. },
  131. /**
  132. * iphone
  133. */
  134. 'iphone': {
  135. subsets: [
  136. 'phablet'
  137. ],
  138. isMatch: function (plt) {
  139. return plt.isPlatformMatch('iphone');
  140. }
  141. },
  142. /**
  143. * Windows
  144. */
  145. 'windows': {
  146. superset: 'mobile',
  147. subsets: [
  148. 'phablet',
  149. 'tablet'
  150. ],
  151. settings: {
  152. mode: 'wp',
  153. autoFocusAssist: 'immediate',
  154. hoverCSS: false
  155. },
  156. isMatch: function (plt) {
  157. return plt.isPlatformMatch('windows', ['windows phone']);
  158. },
  159. versionParser: function (plt) {
  160. return plt.matchUserAgentVersion(/Windows Phone (\d+).(\d+)?/);
  161. }
  162. },
  163. /**
  164. * cordova
  165. */
  166. 'cordova': {
  167. isEngine: true,
  168. initialize: function (plt) {
  169. // prepare a custom "ready" for cordova "deviceready"
  170. plt.prepareReady = function () {
  171. // 1) ionic bootstrapped
  172. plt.windowLoad(function (win, doc) {
  173. // 2) window onload triggered or completed
  174. doc.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
  175. // 3) cordova deviceready event triggered
  176. // add cordova listeners to emit platform events
  177. doc.addEventListener('backbutton', function (ev) {
  178. plt.zone.run(function () {
  179. plt.backButton.emit(ev);
  180. });
  181. });
  182. doc.addEventListener('pause', function (ev) {
  183. plt.zone.run(function () {
  184. plt.pause.emit(ev);
  185. });
  186. });
  187. doc.addEventListener('resume', function (ev) {
  188. plt.zone.run(function () {
  189. plt.resume.emit(ev);
  190. });
  191. });
  192. // cordova has its own exitApp method
  193. plt.exitApp = function () {
  194. win['navigator']['app'].exitApp();
  195. };
  196. // cordova has fully loaded and we've added listeners
  197. plt.triggerReady('cordova');
  198. });
  199. });
  200. };
  201. },
  202. isMatch: function (plt) {
  203. return isCordova(plt);
  204. }
  205. },
  206. /**
  207. * electron
  208. */
  209. 'electron': {
  210. superset: 'core',
  211. initialize: function (plt) {
  212. plt.prepareReady = function () {
  213. // 1) ionic bootstrapped
  214. plt.windowLoad(function () {
  215. plt.triggerReady('electron');
  216. });
  217. };
  218. },
  219. isMatch: function (plt) {
  220. return isElectron(plt);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. };
  224. function keyboardResizes(plt) {
  225. var win = plt.win();
  226. if (win.Ionic && win.Ionic.keyboardResizes === true) {
  227. return true;
  228. }
  229. return false;
  230. }
  231. export var PlatformConfigToken = new InjectionToken('PLTCONFIG');
  232. export function providePlatformConfigs() {
  233. return PLATFORM_CONFIGS;
  234. }
  235. //# sourceMappingURL=platform-registry.js.map