a zip code crypto-currency system good for red ONLY

  1. /**
  2. * @license
  3. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  4. *
  5. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  6. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  7. */
  8. (function (global, factory) {
  9. typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory() :
  10. typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
  11. (factory());
  12. }(this, (function () { 'use strict';
  13. /**
  14. * @license
  15. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  16. *
  17. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  18. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  19. */
  20. var Zone$1 = (function (global) {
  21. var FUNCTION = 'function';
  22. var performance = global['performance'];
  23. function mark(name) {
  24. performance && performance['mark'] && performance['mark'](name);
  25. }
  26. function performanceMeasure(name, label) {
  27. performance && performance['measure'] && performance['measure'](name, label);
  28. }
  29. mark('Zone');
  30. if (global['Zone']) {
  31. throw new Error('Zone already loaded.');
  32. }
  33. var Zone = /** @class */ (function () {
  34. function Zone(parent, zoneSpec) {
  35. this._properties = null;
  36. this._parent = parent;
  37. this._name = zoneSpec ? zoneSpec.name || 'unnamed' : '<root>';
  38. this._properties = zoneSpec && zoneSpec.properties || {};
  39. this._zoneDelegate =
  40. new ZoneDelegate(this, this._parent && this._parent._zoneDelegate, zoneSpec);
  41. }
  42. Zone.assertZonePatched = function () {
  43. if (global['Promise'] !== patches['ZoneAwarePromise']) {
  44. throw new Error('Zone.js has detected that ZoneAwarePromise `(window|global).Promise` ' +
  45. 'has been overwritten.\n' +
  46. 'Most likely cause is that a Promise polyfill has been loaded ' +
  47. 'after Zone.js (Polyfilling Promise api is not necessary when zone.js is loaded. ' +
  48. 'If you must load one, do so before loading zone.js.)');
  49. }
  50. };
  51. Object.defineProperty(Zone, "root", {
  52. get: function () {
  53. var zone = Zone.current;
  54. while (zone.parent) {
  55. zone = zone.parent;
  56. }
  57. return zone;
  58. },
  59. enumerable: true,
  60. configurable: true
  61. });
  62. Object.defineProperty(Zone, "current", {
  63. get: function () {
  64. return _currentZoneFrame.zone;
  65. },
  66. enumerable: true,
  67. configurable: true
  68. });
  69. Object.defineProperty(Zone, "currentTask", {
  70. get: function () {
  71. return _currentTask;
  72. },
  73. enumerable: true,
  74. configurable: true
  75. });
  76. Zone.__load_patch = function (name, fn) {
  77. if (patches.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
  78. throw Error('Already loaded patch: ' + name);
  79. }
  80. else if (!global['__Zone_disable_' + name]) {
  81. var perfName = 'Zone:' + name;
  82. mark(perfName);
  83. patches[name] = fn(global, Zone, _api);
  84. performanceMeasure(perfName, perfName);
  85. }
  86. };
  87. Object.defineProperty(Zone.prototype, "parent", {
  88. get: function () {
  89. return this._parent;
  90. },
  91. enumerable: true,
  92. configurable: true
  93. });
  94. Object.defineProperty(Zone.prototype, "name", {
  95. get: function () {
  96. return this._name;
  97. },
  98. enumerable: true,
  99. configurable: true
  100. });
  101. Zone.prototype.get = function (key) {
  102. var zone = this.getZoneWith(key);
  103. if (zone)
  104. return zone._properties[key];
  105. };
  106. Zone.prototype.getZoneWith = function (key) {
  107. var current = this;
  108. while (current) {
  109. if (current._properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  110. return current;
  111. }
  112. current = current._parent;
  113. }
  114. return null;
  115. };
  116. Zone.prototype.fork = function (zoneSpec) {
  117. if (!zoneSpec)
  118. throw new Error('ZoneSpec required!');
  119. return this._zoneDelegate.fork(this, zoneSpec);
  120. };
  121. Zone.prototype.wrap = function (callback, source) {
  122. if (typeof callback !== FUNCTION) {
  123. throw new Error('Expecting function got: ' + callback);
  124. }
  125. var _callback = this._zoneDelegate.intercept(this, callback, source);
  126. var zone = this;
  127. return function () {
  128. return zone.runGuarded(_callback, this, arguments, source);
  129. };
  130. };
  131. Zone.prototype.run = function (callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) {
  132. if (applyThis === void 0) { applyThis = undefined; }
  133. if (applyArgs === void 0) { applyArgs = null; }
  134. if (source === void 0) { source = null; }
  135. _currentZoneFrame = { parent: _currentZoneFrame, zone: this };
  136. try {
  137. return this._zoneDelegate.invoke(this, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
  138. }
  139. finally {
  140. _currentZoneFrame = _currentZoneFrame.parent;
  141. }
  142. };
  143. Zone.prototype.runGuarded = function (callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) {
  144. if (applyThis === void 0) { applyThis = null; }
  145. if (applyArgs === void 0) { applyArgs = null; }
  146. if (source === void 0) { source = null; }
  147. _currentZoneFrame = { parent: _currentZoneFrame, zone: this };
  148. try {
  149. try {
  150. return this._zoneDelegate.invoke(this, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
  151. }
  152. catch (error) {
  153. if (this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, error)) {
  154. throw error;
  155. }
  156. }
  157. }
  158. finally {
  159. _currentZoneFrame = _currentZoneFrame.parent;
  160. }
  161. };
  162. Zone.prototype.runTask = function (task, applyThis, applyArgs) {
  163. if (task.zone != this) {
  164. throw new Error('A task can only be run in the zone of creation! (Creation: ' +
  165. (task.zone || NO_ZONE).name + '; Execution: ' + this.name + ')');
  166. }
  167. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/778, sometimes eventTask
  168. // will run in notScheduled(canceled) state, we should not try to
  169. // run such kind of task but just return
  170. // we have to define an variable here, if not
  171. // typescript compiler will complain below
  172. var isNotScheduled = task.state === notScheduled;
  173. if (isNotScheduled && task.type === eventTask) {
  174. return;
  175. }
  176. var reEntryGuard = task.state != running;
  177. reEntryGuard && task._transitionTo(running, scheduled);
  178. task.runCount++;
  179. var previousTask = _currentTask;
  180. _currentTask = task;
  181. _currentZoneFrame = { parent: _currentZoneFrame, zone: this };
  182. try {
  183. if (task.type == macroTask && task.data && !task.data.isPeriodic) {
  184. task.cancelFn = null;
  185. }
  186. try {
  187. return this._zoneDelegate.invokeTask(this, task, applyThis, applyArgs);
  188. }
  189. catch (error) {
  190. if (this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, error)) {
  191. throw error;
  192. }
  193. }
  194. }
  195. finally {
  196. // if the task's state is notScheduled or unknown, then it has already been cancelled
  197. // we should not reset the state to scheduled
  198. if (task.state !== notScheduled && task.state !== unknown) {
  199. if (task.type == eventTask || (task.data && task.data.isPeriodic)) {
  200. reEntryGuard && task._transitionTo(scheduled, running);
  201. }
  202. else {
  203. task.runCount = 0;
  204. this._updateTaskCount(task, -1);
  205. reEntryGuard &&
  206. task._transitionTo(notScheduled, running, notScheduled);
  207. }
  208. }
  209. _currentZoneFrame = _currentZoneFrame.parent;
  210. _currentTask = previousTask;
  211. }
  212. };
  213. Zone.prototype.scheduleTask = function (task) {
  214. if (task.zone && task.zone !== this) {
  215. // check if the task was rescheduled, the newZone
  216. // should not be the children of the original zone
  217. var newZone = this;
  218. while (newZone) {
  219. if (newZone === task.zone) {
  220. throw Error("can not reschedule task to " + this
  221. .name + " which is descendants of the original zone " + task.zone.name);
  222. }
  223. newZone = newZone.parent;
  224. }
  225. }
  226. task._transitionTo(scheduling, notScheduled);
  227. var zoneDelegates = [];
  228. task._zoneDelegates = zoneDelegates;
  229. task._zone = this;
  230. try {
  231. task = this._zoneDelegate.scheduleTask(this, task);
  232. }
  233. catch (err) {
  234. // should set task's state to unknown when scheduleTask throw error
  235. // because the err may from reschedule, so the fromState maybe notScheduled
  236. task._transitionTo(unknown, scheduling, notScheduled);
  237. // TODO: @JiaLiPassion, should we check the result from handleError?
  238. this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, err);
  239. throw err;
  240. }
  241. if (task._zoneDelegates === zoneDelegates) {
  242. // we have to check because internally the delegate can reschedule the task.
  243. this._updateTaskCount(task, 1);
  244. }
  245. if (task.state == scheduling) {
  246. task._transitionTo(scheduled, scheduling);
  247. }
  248. return task;
  249. };
  250. Zone.prototype.scheduleMicroTask = function (source, callback, data, customSchedule) {
  251. return this.scheduleTask(new ZoneTask(microTask, source, callback, data, customSchedule, null));
  252. };
  253. Zone.prototype.scheduleMacroTask = function (source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel) {
  254. return this.scheduleTask(new ZoneTask(macroTask, source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel));
  255. };
  256. Zone.prototype.scheduleEventTask = function (source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel) {
  257. return this.scheduleTask(new ZoneTask(eventTask, source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel));
  258. };
  259. Zone.prototype.cancelTask = function (task) {
  260. if (task.zone != this)
  261. throw new Error('A task can only be cancelled in the zone of creation! (Creation: ' +
  262. (task.zone || NO_ZONE).name + '; Execution: ' + this.name + ')');
  263. task._transitionTo(canceling, scheduled, running);
  264. try {
  265. this._zoneDelegate.cancelTask(this, task);
  266. }
  267. catch (err) {
  268. // if error occurs when cancelTask, transit the state to unknown
  269. task._transitionTo(unknown, canceling);
  270. this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, err);
  271. throw err;
  272. }
  273. this._updateTaskCount(task, -1);
  274. task._transitionTo(notScheduled, canceling);
  275. task.runCount = 0;
  276. return task;
  277. };
  278. Zone.prototype._updateTaskCount = function (task, count) {
  279. var zoneDelegates = task._zoneDelegates;
  280. if (count == -1) {
  281. task._zoneDelegates = null;
  282. }
  283. for (var i = 0; i < zoneDelegates.length; i++) {
  284. zoneDelegates[i]._updateTaskCount(task.type, count);
  285. }
  286. };
  287. Zone.__symbol__ = __symbol__;
  288. return Zone;
  289. }());
  290. var DELEGATE_ZS = {
  291. name: '',
  292. onHasTask: function (delegate, _, target, hasTaskState) {
  293. return delegate.hasTask(target, hasTaskState);
  294. },
  295. onScheduleTask: function (delegate, _, target, task) {
  296. return delegate.scheduleTask(target, task);
  297. },
  298. onInvokeTask: function (delegate, _, target, task, applyThis, applyArgs) { return delegate.invokeTask(target, task, applyThis, applyArgs); },
  299. onCancelTask: function (delegate, _, target, task) {
  300. return delegate.cancelTask(target, task);
  301. }
  302. };
  303. var ZoneDelegate = /** @class */ (function () {
  304. function ZoneDelegate(zone, parentDelegate, zoneSpec) {
  305. this._taskCounts = { 'microTask': 0, 'macroTask': 0, 'eventTask': 0 };
  306. this.zone = zone;
  307. this._parentDelegate = parentDelegate;
  308. this._forkZS = zoneSpec && (zoneSpec && zoneSpec.onFork ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._forkZS);
  309. this._forkDlgt = zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onFork ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._forkDlgt);
  310. this._forkCurrZone = zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onFork ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  311. this._interceptZS =
  312. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onIntercept ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._interceptZS);
  313. this._interceptDlgt =
  314. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onIntercept ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._interceptDlgt);
  315. this._interceptCurrZone =
  316. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onIntercept ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  317. this._invokeZS = zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvoke ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._invokeZS);
  318. this._invokeDlgt =
  319. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvoke ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._invokeDlgt);
  320. this._invokeCurrZone = zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvoke ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  321. this._handleErrorZS =
  322. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onHandleError ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._handleErrorZS);
  323. this._handleErrorDlgt =
  324. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onHandleError ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._handleErrorDlgt);
  325. this._handleErrorCurrZone =
  326. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onHandleError ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  327. this._scheduleTaskZS =
  328. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onScheduleTask ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._scheduleTaskZS);
  329. this._scheduleTaskDlgt =
  330. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onScheduleTask ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._scheduleTaskDlgt);
  331. this._scheduleTaskCurrZone =
  332. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onScheduleTask ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  333. this._invokeTaskZS =
  334. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvokeTask ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._invokeTaskZS);
  335. this._invokeTaskDlgt =
  336. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvokeTask ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._invokeTaskDlgt);
  337. this._invokeTaskCurrZone =
  338. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onInvokeTask ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  339. this._cancelTaskZS =
  340. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onCancelTask ? zoneSpec : parentDelegate._cancelTaskZS);
  341. this._cancelTaskDlgt =
  342. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onCancelTask ? parentDelegate : parentDelegate._cancelTaskDlgt);
  343. this._cancelTaskCurrZone =
  344. zoneSpec && (zoneSpec.onCancelTask ? this.zone : parentDelegate.zone);
  345. this._hasTaskZS = null;
  346. this._hasTaskDlgt = null;
  347. this._hasTaskDlgtOwner = null;
  348. this._hasTaskCurrZone = null;
  349. var zoneSpecHasTask = zoneSpec && zoneSpec.onHasTask;
  350. var parentHasTask = parentDelegate && parentDelegate._hasTaskZS;
  351. if (zoneSpecHasTask || parentHasTask) {
  352. // If we need to report hasTask, than this ZS needs to do ref counting on tasks. In such
  353. // a case all task related interceptors must go through this ZD. We can't short circuit it.
  354. this._hasTaskZS = zoneSpecHasTask ? zoneSpec : DELEGATE_ZS;
  355. this._hasTaskDlgt = parentDelegate;
  356. this._hasTaskDlgtOwner = this;
  357. this._hasTaskCurrZone = zone;
  358. if (!zoneSpec.onScheduleTask) {
  359. this._scheduleTaskZS = DELEGATE_ZS;
  360. this._scheduleTaskDlgt = parentDelegate;
  361. this._scheduleTaskCurrZone = this.zone;
  362. }
  363. if (!zoneSpec.onInvokeTask) {
  364. this._invokeTaskZS = DELEGATE_ZS;
  365. this._invokeTaskDlgt = parentDelegate;
  366. this._invokeTaskCurrZone = this.zone;
  367. }
  368. if (!zoneSpec.onCancelTask) {
  369. this._cancelTaskZS = DELEGATE_ZS;
  370. this._cancelTaskDlgt = parentDelegate;
  371. this._cancelTaskCurrZone = this.zone;
  372. }
  373. }
  374. }
  375. ZoneDelegate.prototype.fork = function (targetZone, zoneSpec) {
  376. return this._forkZS ? this._forkZS.onFork(this._forkDlgt, this.zone, targetZone, zoneSpec) :
  377. new Zone(targetZone, zoneSpec);
  378. };
  379. ZoneDelegate.prototype.intercept = function (targetZone, callback, source) {
  380. return this._interceptZS ?
  381. this._interceptZS.onIntercept(this._interceptDlgt, this._interceptCurrZone, targetZone, callback, source) :
  382. callback;
  383. };
  384. ZoneDelegate.prototype.invoke = function (targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) {
  385. return this._invokeZS ?
  386. this._invokeZS.onInvoke(this._invokeDlgt, this._invokeCurrZone, targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) :
  387. callback.apply(applyThis, applyArgs);
  388. };
  389. ZoneDelegate.prototype.handleError = function (targetZone, error) {
  390. return this._handleErrorZS ?
  391. this._handleErrorZS.onHandleError(this._handleErrorDlgt, this._handleErrorCurrZone, targetZone, error) :
  392. true;
  393. };
  394. ZoneDelegate.prototype.scheduleTask = function (targetZone, task) {
  395. var returnTask = task;
  396. if (this._scheduleTaskZS) {
  397. if (this._hasTaskZS) {
  398. returnTask._zoneDelegates.push(this._hasTaskDlgtOwner);
  399. }
  400. returnTask = this._scheduleTaskZS.onScheduleTask(this._scheduleTaskDlgt, this._scheduleTaskCurrZone, targetZone, task);
  401. if (!returnTask)
  402. returnTask = task;
  403. }
  404. else {
  405. if (task.scheduleFn) {
  406. task.scheduleFn(task);
  407. }
  408. else if (task.type == microTask) {
  409. scheduleMicroTask(task);
  410. }
  411. else {
  412. throw new Error('Task is missing scheduleFn.');
  413. }
  414. }
  415. return returnTask;
  416. };
  417. ZoneDelegate.prototype.invokeTask = function (targetZone, task, applyThis, applyArgs) {
  418. return this._invokeTaskZS ?
  419. this._invokeTaskZS.onInvokeTask(this._invokeTaskDlgt, this._invokeTaskCurrZone, targetZone, task, applyThis, applyArgs) :
  420. task.callback.apply(applyThis, applyArgs);
  421. };
  422. ZoneDelegate.prototype.cancelTask = function (targetZone, task) {
  423. var value;
  424. if (this._cancelTaskZS) {
  425. value = this._cancelTaskZS.onCancelTask(this._cancelTaskDlgt, this._cancelTaskCurrZone, targetZone, task);
  426. }
  427. else {
  428. if (!task.cancelFn) {
  429. throw Error('Task is not cancelable');
  430. }
  431. value = task.cancelFn(task);
  432. }
  433. return value;
  434. };
  435. ZoneDelegate.prototype.hasTask = function (targetZone, isEmpty) {
  436. // hasTask should not throw error so other ZoneDelegate
  437. // can still trigger hasTask callback
  438. try {
  439. return this._hasTaskZS &&
  440. this._hasTaskZS.onHasTask(this._hasTaskDlgt, this._hasTaskCurrZone, targetZone, isEmpty);
  441. }
  442. catch (err) {
  443. this.handleError(targetZone, err);
  444. }
  445. };
  446. ZoneDelegate.prototype._updateTaskCount = function (type, count) {
  447. var counts = this._taskCounts;
  448. var prev = counts[type];
  449. var next = counts[type] = prev + count;
  450. if (next < 0) {
  451. throw new Error('More tasks executed then were scheduled.');
  452. }
  453. if (prev == 0 || next == 0) {
  454. var isEmpty = {
  455. microTask: counts['microTask'] > 0,
  456. macroTask: counts['macroTask'] > 0,
  457. eventTask: counts['eventTask'] > 0,
  458. change: type
  459. };
  460. this.hasTask(this.zone, isEmpty);
  461. }
  462. };
  463. return ZoneDelegate;
  464. }());
  465. var ZoneTask = /** @class */ (function () {
  466. function ZoneTask(type, source, callback, options, scheduleFn, cancelFn) {
  467. this._zone = null;
  468. this.runCount = 0;
  469. this._zoneDelegates = null;
  470. this._state = 'notScheduled';
  471. this.type = type;
  472. this.source = source;
  473. this.data = options;
  474. this.scheduleFn = scheduleFn;
  475. this.cancelFn = cancelFn;
  476. this.callback = callback;
  477. var self = this;
  478. // TODO: @JiaLiPassion options should have interface
  479. if (type === eventTask && options && options.useG) {
  480. this.invoke = ZoneTask.invokeTask;
  481. }
  482. else {
  483. this.invoke = function () {
  484. return ZoneTask.invokeTask.call(global, self, this, arguments);
  485. };
  486. }
  487. }
  488. ZoneTask.invokeTask = function (task, target, args) {
  489. if (!task) {
  490. task = this;
  491. }
  492. _numberOfNestedTaskFrames++;
  493. try {
  494. task.runCount++;
  495. return task.zone.runTask(task, target, args);
  496. }
  497. finally {
  498. if (_numberOfNestedTaskFrames == 1) {
  499. drainMicroTaskQueue();
  500. }
  501. _numberOfNestedTaskFrames--;
  502. }
  503. };
  504. Object.defineProperty(ZoneTask.prototype, "zone", {
  505. get: function () {
  506. return this._zone;
  507. },
  508. enumerable: true,
  509. configurable: true
  510. });
  511. Object.defineProperty(ZoneTask.prototype, "state", {
  512. get: function () {
  513. return this._state;
  514. },
  515. enumerable: true,
  516. configurable: true
  517. });
  518. ZoneTask.prototype.cancelScheduleRequest = function () {
  519. this._transitionTo(notScheduled, scheduling);
  520. };
  521. ZoneTask.prototype._transitionTo = function (toState, fromState1, fromState2) {
  522. if (this._state === fromState1 || this._state === fromState2) {
  523. this._state = toState;
  524. if (toState == notScheduled) {
  525. this._zoneDelegates = null;
  526. }
  527. }
  528. else {
  529. throw new Error(this.type + " '" + this.source + "': can not transition to '" + toState + "', expecting state '" + fromState1 + "'" + (fromState2 ?
  530. ' or \'' + fromState2 + '\'' :
  531. '') + ", was '" + this._state + "'.");
  532. }
  533. };
  534. ZoneTask.prototype.toString = function () {
  535. if (this.data && typeof this.data.handleId !== 'undefined') {
  536. return this.data.handleId;
  537. }
  538. else {
  539. return Object.prototype.toString.call(this);
  540. }
  541. };
  542. // add toJSON method to prevent cyclic error when
  543. // call JSON.stringify(zoneTask)
  544. ZoneTask.prototype.toJSON = function () {
  545. return {
  546. type: this.type,
  547. state: this.state,
  548. source: this.source,
  549. zone: this.zone.name,
  550. runCount: this.runCount
  551. };
  552. };
  553. return ZoneTask;
  554. }());
  555. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  556. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  558. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  559. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  560. var symbolSetTimeout = __symbol__('setTimeout');
  561. var symbolPromise = __symbol__('Promise');
  562. var symbolThen = __symbol__('then');
  563. var _microTaskQueue = [];
  564. var _isDrainingMicrotaskQueue = false;
  565. var nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise;
  566. function scheduleMicroTask(task) {
  567. // if we are not running in any task, and there has not been anything scheduled
  568. // we must bootstrap the initial task creation by manually scheduling the drain
  569. if (_numberOfNestedTaskFrames === 0 && _microTaskQueue.length === 0) {
  570. // We are not running in Task, so we need to kickstart the microtask queue.
  571. if (!nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise) {
  572. if (global[symbolPromise]) {
  573. nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise = global[symbolPromise].resolve(0);
  574. }
  575. }
  576. if (nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise) {
  577. nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise[symbolThen](drainMicroTaskQueue);
  578. }
  579. else {
  580. global[symbolSetTimeout](drainMicroTaskQueue, 0);
  581. }
  582. }
  583. task && _microTaskQueue.push(task);
  584. }
  585. function drainMicroTaskQueue() {
  586. if (!_isDrainingMicrotaskQueue) {
  587. _isDrainingMicrotaskQueue = true;
  588. while (_microTaskQueue.length) {
  589. var queue = _microTaskQueue;
  590. _microTaskQueue = [];
  591. for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
  592. var task = queue[i];
  593. try {
  594. task.zone.runTask(task, null, null);
  595. }
  596. catch (error) {
  597. _api.onUnhandledError(error);
  598. }
  599. }
  600. }
  601. _api.microtaskDrainDone();
  602. _isDrainingMicrotaskQueue = false;
  603. }
  604. }
  605. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  606. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  607. /// BOOTSTRAP
  608. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  609. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  610. var NO_ZONE = { name: 'NO ZONE' };
  611. var notScheduled = 'notScheduled', scheduling = 'scheduling', scheduled = 'scheduled', running = 'running', canceling = 'canceling', unknown = 'unknown';
  612. var microTask = 'microTask', macroTask = 'macroTask', eventTask = 'eventTask';
  613. var patches = {};
  614. var _api = {
  615. symbol: __symbol__,
  616. currentZoneFrame: function () { return _currentZoneFrame; },
  617. onUnhandledError: noop,
  618. microtaskDrainDone: noop,
  619. scheduleMicroTask: scheduleMicroTask,
  620. showUncaughtError: function () { return !Zone[__symbol__('ignoreConsoleErrorUncaughtError')]; },
  621. patchEventTarget: function () { return []; },
  622. patchOnProperties: noop,
  623. patchMethod: function () { return noop; },
  624. bindArguments: function () { return null; },
  625. setNativePromise: function (NativePromise) {
  626. // sometimes NativePromise.resolve static function
  627. // is not ready yet, (such as core-js/es6.promise)
  628. // so we need to check here.
  629. if (NativePromise && typeof NativePromise.resolve === FUNCTION) {
  630. nativeMicroTaskQueuePromise = NativePromise.resolve(0);
  631. }
  632. },
  633. };
  634. var _currentZoneFrame = { parent: null, zone: new Zone(null, null) };
  635. var _currentTask = null;
  636. var _numberOfNestedTaskFrames = 0;
  637. function noop() { }
  638. function __symbol__(name) {
  639. return '__zone_symbol__' + name;
  640. }
  641. performanceMeasure('Zone', 'Zone');
  642. return global['Zone'] = Zone;
  643. })(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window || typeof self !== 'undefined' && self || global);
  644. Zone.__load_patch('ZoneAwarePromise', function (global, Zone, api) {
  645. var ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  646. var ObjectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
  647. function readableObjectToString(obj) {
  648. if (obj && obj.toString === Object.prototype.toString) {
  649. var className = obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name;
  650. return (className ? className : '') + ': ' + JSON.stringify(obj);
  651. }
  652. return obj ? obj.toString() : Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
  653. }
  654. var __symbol__ = api.symbol;
  655. var _uncaughtPromiseErrors = [];
  656. var symbolPromise = __symbol__('Promise');
  657. var symbolThen = __symbol__('then');
  658. var creationTrace = '__creationTrace__';
  659. api.onUnhandledError = function (e) {
  660. if (api.showUncaughtError()) {
  661. var rejection = e && e.rejection;
  662. if (rejection) {
  663. console.error('Unhandled Promise rejection:', rejection instanceof Error ? rejection.message : rejection, '; Zone:', e.zone.name, '; Task:', e.task && e.task.source, '; Value:', rejection, rejection instanceof Error ? rejection.stack : undefined);
  664. }
  665. else {
  666. console.error(e);
  667. }
  668. }
  669. };
  670. api.microtaskDrainDone = function () {
  671. while (_uncaughtPromiseErrors.length) {
  672. var _loop_1 = function () {
  673. var uncaughtPromiseError = _uncaughtPromiseErrors.shift();
  674. try {
  675. uncaughtPromiseError.zone.runGuarded(function () {
  676. throw uncaughtPromiseError;
  677. });
  678. }
  679. catch (error) {
  680. handleUnhandledRejection(error);
  681. }
  682. };
  683. while (_uncaughtPromiseErrors.length) {
  684. _loop_1();
  685. }
  686. }
  687. };
  688. var UNHANDLED_PROMISE_REJECTION_HANDLER_SYMBOL = __symbol__('unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler');
  689. function handleUnhandledRejection(e) {
  690. api.onUnhandledError(e);
  691. try {
  693. if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {
  694. handler.call(this, e);
  695. }
  696. }
  697. catch (err) {
  698. }
  699. }
  700. function isThenable(value) {
  701. return value && value.then;
  702. }
  703. function forwardResolution(value) {
  704. return value;
  705. }
  706. function forwardRejection(rejection) {
  707. return ZoneAwarePromise.reject(rejection);
  708. }
  709. var symbolState = __symbol__('state');
  710. var symbolValue = __symbol__('value');
  711. var symbolFinally = __symbol__('finally');
  712. var symbolParentPromiseValue = __symbol__('parentPromiseValue');
  713. var symbolParentPromiseState = __symbol__('parentPromiseState');
  714. var source = 'Promise.then';
  715. var UNRESOLVED = null;
  716. var RESOLVED = true;
  717. var REJECTED = false;
  718. var REJECTED_NO_CATCH = 0;
  719. function makeResolver(promise, state) {
  720. return function (v) {
  721. try {
  722. resolvePromise(promise, state, v);
  723. }
  724. catch (err) {
  725. resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
  726. }
  727. // Do not return value or you will break the Promise spec.
  728. };
  729. }
  730. var once = function () {
  731. var wasCalled = false;
  732. return function wrapper(wrappedFunction) {
  733. return function () {
  734. if (wasCalled) {
  735. return;
  736. }
  737. wasCalled = true;
  738. wrappedFunction.apply(null, arguments);
  739. };
  740. };
  741. };
  742. var TYPE_ERROR = 'Promise resolved with itself';
  743. var CURRENT_TASK_TRACE_SYMBOL = __symbol__('currentTaskTrace');
  744. // Promise Resolution
  745. function resolvePromise(promise, state, value) {
  746. var onceWrapper = once();
  747. if (promise === value) {
  748. throw new TypeError(TYPE_ERROR);
  749. }
  750. if (promise[symbolState] === UNRESOLVED) {
  751. // should only get value.then once based on promise spec.
  752. var then = null;
  753. try {
  754. if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
  755. then = value && value.then;
  756. }
  757. }
  758. catch (err) {
  759. onceWrapper(function () {
  760. resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
  761. })();
  762. return promise;
  763. }
  764. // if (value instanceof ZoneAwarePromise) {
  765. if (state !== REJECTED && value instanceof ZoneAwarePromise &&
  766. value.hasOwnProperty(symbolState) && value.hasOwnProperty(symbolValue) &&
  767. value[symbolState] !== UNRESOLVED) {
  768. clearRejectedNoCatch(value);
  769. resolvePromise(promise, value[symbolState], value[symbolValue]);
  770. }
  771. else if (state !== REJECTED && typeof then === 'function') {
  772. try {
  773. then.call(value, onceWrapper(makeResolver(promise, state)), onceWrapper(makeResolver(promise, false)));
  774. }
  775. catch (err) {
  776. onceWrapper(function () {
  777. resolvePromise(promise, false, err);
  778. })();
  779. }
  780. }
  781. else {
  782. promise[symbolState] = state;
  783. var queue = promise[symbolValue];
  784. promise[symbolValue] = value;
  785. if (promise[symbolFinally] === symbolFinally) {
  786. // the promise is generated by Promise.prototype.finally
  787. if (state === RESOLVED) {
  788. // the state is resolved, should ignore the value
  789. // and use parent promise value
  790. promise[symbolState] = promise[symbolParentPromiseState];
  791. promise[symbolValue] = promise[symbolParentPromiseValue];
  792. }
  793. }
  794. // record task information in value when error occurs, so we can
  795. // do some additional work such as render longStackTrace
  796. if (state === REJECTED && value instanceof Error) {
  797. // check if longStackTraceZone is here
  798. var trace = Zone.currentTask && Zone.currentTask.data &&
  799. Zone.currentTask.data[creationTrace];
  800. if (trace) {
  801. // only keep the long stack trace into error when in longStackTraceZone
  802. ObjectDefineProperty(value, CURRENT_TASK_TRACE_SYMBOL, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: trace });
  803. }
  804. }
  805. for (var i = 0; i < queue.length;) {
  806. scheduleResolveOrReject(promise, queue[i++], queue[i++], queue[i++], queue[i++]);
  807. }
  808. if (queue.length == 0 && state == REJECTED) {
  809. promise[symbolState] = REJECTED_NO_CATCH;
  810. try {
  811. // try to print more readable error log
  812. throw new Error('Uncaught (in promise): ' + readableObjectToString(value) +
  813. (value && value.stack ? '\n' + value.stack : ''));
  814. }
  815. catch (err) {
  816. var error_1 = err;
  817. error_1.rejection = value;
  818. error_1.promise = promise;
  819. error_1.zone = Zone.current;
  820. error_1.task = Zone.currentTask;
  821. _uncaughtPromiseErrors.push(error_1);
  822. api.scheduleMicroTask(); // to make sure that it is running
  823. }
  824. }
  825. }
  826. }
  827. // Resolving an already resolved promise is a noop.
  828. return promise;
  829. }
  830. var REJECTION_HANDLED_HANDLER = __symbol__('rejectionHandledHandler');
  831. function clearRejectedNoCatch(promise) {
  832. if (promise[symbolState] === REJECTED_NO_CATCH) {
  833. // if the promise is rejected no catch status
  834. // and queue.length > 0, means there is a error handler
  835. // here to handle the rejected promise, we should trigger
  836. // windows.rejectionhandled eventHandler or nodejs rejectionHandled
  837. // eventHandler
  838. try {
  839. var handler = Zone[REJECTION_HANDLED_HANDLER];
  840. if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {
  841. handler.call(this, { rejection: promise[symbolValue], promise: promise });
  842. }
  843. }
  844. catch (err) {
  845. }
  846. promise[symbolState] = REJECTED;
  847. for (var i = 0; i < _uncaughtPromiseErrors.length; i++) {
  848. if (promise === _uncaughtPromiseErrors[i].promise) {
  849. _uncaughtPromiseErrors.splice(i, 1);
  850. }
  851. }
  852. }
  853. }
  854. function scheduleResolveOrReject(promise, zone, chainPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  855. clearRejectedNoCatch(promise);
  856. var promiseState = promise[symbolState];
  857. var delegate = promiseState ?
  858. (typeof onFulfilled === 'function') ? onFulfilled : forwardResolution :
  859. (typeof onRejected === 'function') ? onRejected : forwardRejection;
  860. zone.scheduleMicroTask(source, function () {
  861. try {
  862. var parentPromiseValue = promise[symbolValue];
  863. var isFinallyPromise = chainPromise && symbolFinally === chainPromise[symbolFinally];
  864. if (isFinallyPromise) {
  865. // if the promise is generated from finally call, keep parent promise's state and value
  866. chainPromise[symbolParentPromiseValue] = parentPromiseValue;
  867. chainPromise[symbolParentPromiseState] = promiseState;
  868. }
  869. // should not pass value to finally callback
  870. var value = zone.run(delegate, undefined, isFinallyPromise && delegate !== forwardRejection && delegate !== forwardResolution ? [] : [parentPromiseValue]);
  871. resolvePromise(chainPromise, true, value);
  872. }
  873. catch (error) {
  874. // if error occurs, should always return this error
  875. resolvePromise(chainPromise, false, error);
  876. }
  877. }, chainPromise);
  878. }
  879. var ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE_TO_STRING = 'function ZoneAwarePromise() { [native code] }';
  880. var ZoneAwarePromise = /** @class */ (function () {
  881. function ZoneAwarePromise(executor) {
  882. var promise = this;
  883. if (!(promise instanceof ZoneAwarePromise)) {
  884. throw new Error('Must be an instanceof Promise.');
  885. }
  886. promise[symbolState] = UNRESOLVED;
  887. promise[symbolValue] = []; // queue;
  888. try {
  889. executor && executor(makeResolver(promise, RESOLVED), makeResolver(promise, REJECTED));
  890. }
  891. catch (error) {
  892. resolvePromise(promise, false, error);
  893. }
  894. }
  895. ZoneAwarePromise.toString = function () {
  897. };
  898. ZoneAwarePromise.resolve = function (value) {
  899. return resolvePromise(new this(null), RESOLVED, value);
  900. };
  901. ZoneAwarePromise.reject = function (error) {
  902. return resolvePromise(new this(null), REJECTED, error);
  903. };
  904. ZoneAwarePromise.race = function (values) {
  905. var resolve;
  906. var reject;
  907. var promise = new this(function (res, rej) {
  908. resolve = res;
  909. reject = rej;
  910. });
  911. function onResolve(value) {
  912. promise && (promise = null || resolve(value));
  913. }
  914. function onReject(error) {
  915. promise && (promise = null || reject(error));
  916. }
  917. for (var _i = 0, values_1 = values; _i < values_1.length; _i++) {
  918. var value = values_1[_i];
  919. if (!isThenable(value)) {
  920. value = this.resolve(value);
  921. }
  922. value.then(onResolve, onReject);
  923. }
  924. return promise;
  925. };
  926. ZoneAwarePromise.all = function (values) {
  927. var resolve;
  928. var reject;
  929. var promise = new this(function (res, rej) {
  930. resolve = res;
  931. reject = rej;
  932. });
  933. var count = 0;
  934. var resolvedValues = [];
  935. for (var _i = 0, values_2 = values; _i < values_2.length; _i++) {
  936. var value = values_2[_i];
  937. if (!isThenable(value)) {
  938. value = this.resolve(value);
  939. }
  940. value.then((function (index) { return function (value) {
  941. resolvedValues[index] = value;
  942. count--;
  943. if (!count) {
  944. resolve(resolvedValues);
  945. }
  946. }; })(count), reject);
  947. count++;
  948. }
  949. if (!count)
  950. resolve(resolvedValues);
  951. return promise;
  952. };
  953. ZoneAwarePromise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  954. var chainPromise = new this.constructor(null);
  955. var zone = Zone.current;
  956. if (this[symbolState] == UNRESOLVED) {
  957. this[symbolValue].push(zone, chainPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected);
  958. }
  959. else {
  960. scheduleResolveOrReject(this, zone, chainPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected);
  961. }
  962. return chainPromise;
  963. };
  964. ZoneAwarePromise.prototype.catch = function (onRejected) {
  965. return this.then(null, onRejected);
  966. };
  967. ZoneAwarePromise.prototype.finally = function (onFinally) {
  968. var chainPromise = new this.constructor(null);
  969. chainPromise[symbolFinally] = symbolFinally;
  970. var zone = Zone.current;
  971. if (this[symbolState] == UNRESOLVED) {
  972. this[symbolValue].push(zone, chainPromise, onFinally, onFinally);
  973. }
  974. else {
  975. scheduleResolveOrReject(this, zone, chainPromise, onFinally, onFinally);
  976. }
  977. return chainPromise;
  978. };
  979. return ZoneAwarePromise;
  980. }());
  981. // Protect against aggressive optimizers dropping seemingly unused properties.
  982. // E.g. Closure Compiler in advanced mode.
  983. ZoneAwarePromise['resolve'] = ZoneAwarePromise.resolve;
  984. ZoneAwarePromise['reject'] = ZoneAwarePromise.reject;
  985. ZoneAwarePromise['race'] = ZoneAwarePromise.race;
  986. ZoneAwarePromise['all'] = ZoneAwarePromise.all;
  987. var NativePromise = global[symbolPromise] = global['Promise'];
  988. var ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE = Zone.__symbol__('ZoneAwarePromise');
  989. var desc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, 'Promise');
  990. if (!desc || desc.configurable) {
  991. desc && delete desc.writable;
  992. desc && delete desc.value;
  993. if (!desc) {
  994. desc = { configurable: true, enumerable: true };
  995. }
  996. desc.get = function () {
  997. // if we already set ZoneAwarePromise, use patched one
  998. // otherwise return native one.
  999. return global[ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE] ? global[ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE] : global[symbolPromise];
  1000. };
  1001. desc.set = function (NewNativePromise) {
  1002. if (NewNativePromise === ZoneAwarePromise) {
  1003. // if the NewNativePromise is ZoneAwarePromise
  1004. // save to global
  1005. global[ZONE_AWARE_PROMISE] = NewNativePromise;
  1006. }
  1007. else {
  1008. // if the NewNativePromise is not ZoneAwarePromise
  1009. // for example: after load zone.js, some library just
  1010. // set es6-promise to global, if we set it to global
  1011. // directly, assertZonePatched will fail and angular
  1012. // will not loaded, so we just set the NewNativePromise
  1013. // to global[symbolPromise], so the result is just like
  1014. // we load ES6 Promise before zone.js
  1015. global[symbolPromise] = NewNativePromise;
  1016. if (!NewNativePromise.prototype[symbolThen]) {
  1017. patchThen(NewNativePromise);
  1018. }
  1019. api.setNativePromise(NewNativePromise);
  1020. }
  1021. };
  1022. ObjectDefineProperty(global, 'Promise', desc);
  1023. }
  1024. global['Promise'] = ZoneAwarePromise;
  1025. var symbolThenPatched = __symbol__('thenPatched');
  1026. function patchThen(Ctor) {
  1027. var proto = Ctor.prototype;
  1028. var prop = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'then');
  1029. if (prop && (prop.writable === false || !prop.configurable)) {
  1030. // check Ctor.prototype.then propertyDescriptor is writable or not
  1031. // in meteor env, writable is false, we should ignore such case
  1032. return;
  1033. }
  1034. var originalThen = proto.then;
  1035. // Keep a reference to the original method.
  1036. proto[symbolThen] = originalThen;
  1037. Ctor.prototype.then = function (onResolve, onReject) {
  1038. var _this = this;
  1039. var wrapped = new ZoneAwarePromise(function (resolve, reject) {
  1040. originalThen.call(_this, resolve, reject);
  1041. });
  1042. return wrapped.then(onResolve, onReject);
  1043. };
  1044. Ctor[symbolThenPatched] = true;
  1045. }
  1046. function zoneify(fn) {
  1047. return function () {
  1048. var resultPromise = fn.apply(this, arguments);
  1049. if (resultPromise instanceof ZoneAwarePromise) {
  1050. return resultPromise;
  1051. }
  1052. var ctor = resultPromise.constructor;
  1053. if (!ctor[symbolThenPatched]) {
  1054. patchThen(ctor);
  1055. }
  1056. return resultPromise;
  1057. };
  1058. }
  1059. if (NativePromise) {
  1060. patchThen(NativePromise);
  1061. var fetch_1 = global['fetch'];
  1062. if (typeof fetch_1 == 'function') {
  1063. global['fetch'] = zoneify(fetch_1);
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. // This is not part of public API, but it is useful for tests, so we expose it.
  1067. Promise[Zone.__symbol__('uncaughtPromiseErrors')] = _uncaughtPromiseErrors;
  1068. return ZoneAwarePromise;
  1069. });
  1070. /**
  1071. * @license
  1072. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  1073. *
  1074. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  1075. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  1076. */
  1077. /**
  1078. * Suppress closure compiler errors about unknown 'Zone' variable
  1079. * @fileoverview
  1080. * @suppress {undefinedVars,globalThis,missingRequire}
  1081. */
  1082. // issue #989, to reduce bundle size, use short name
  1083. /** Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor */
  1084. var ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  1085. /** Object.defineProperty */
  1086. var ObjectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
  1087. /** Object.getPrototypeOf */
  1088. var ObjectGetPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
  1089. /** Object.create */
  1090. var ObjectCreate = Object.create;
  1091. /** Array.prototype.slice */
  1092. var ArraySlice = Array.prototype.slice;
  1093. /** addEventListener string const */
  1094. var ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR = 'addEventListener';
  1095. /** removeEventListener string const */
  1096. var REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR = 'removeEventListener';
  1097. /** zoneSymbol addEventListener */
  1099. /** zoneSymbol removeEventListener */
  1101. /** true string const */
  1102. var TRUE_STR = 'true';
  1103. /** false string const */
  1104. var FALSE_STR = 'false';
  1105. /** __zone_symbol__ string const */
  1106. var ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX = '__zone_symbol__';
  1107. function wrapWithCurrentZone(callback, source) {
  1108. return Zone.current.wrap(callback, source);
  1109. }
  1110. function scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone(source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel) {
  1111. return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(source, callback, data, customSchedule, customCancel);
  1112. }
  1113. var zoneSymbol = Zone.__symbol__;
  1114. var isWindowExists = typeof window !== 'undefined';
  1115. var internalWindow = isWindowExists ? window : undefined;
  1116. var _global = isWindowExists && internalWindow || typeof self === 'object' && self || global;
  1117. var REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE = 'removeAttribute';
  1118. var NULL_ON_PROP_VALUE = [null];
  1119. function bindArguments(args, source) {
  1120. for (var i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1121. if (typeof args[i] === 'function') {
  1122. args[i] = wrapWithCurrentZone(args[i], source + '_' + i);
  1123. }
  1124. }
  1125. return args;
  1126. }
  1127. function patchPrototype(prototype, fnNames) {
  1128. var source = prototype.constructor['name'];
  1129. var _loop_1 = function (i) {
  1130. var name_1 = fnNames[i];
  1131. var delegate = prototype[name_1];
  1132. if (delegate) {
  1133. var prototypeDesc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name_1);
  1134. if (!isPropertyWritable(prototypeDesc)) {
  1135. return "continue";
  1136. }
  1137. prototype[name_1] = (function (delegate) {
  1138. var patched = function () {
  1139. return delegate.apply(this, bindArguments(arguments, source + '.' + name_1));
  1140. };
  1141. attachOriginToPatched(patched, delegate);
  1142. return patched;
  1143. })(delegate);
  1144. }
  1145. };
  1146. for (var i = 0; i < fnNames.length; i++) {
  1147. _loop_1(i);
  1148. }
  1149. }
  1150. function isPropertyWritable(propertyDesc) {
  1151. if (!propertyDesc) {
  1152. return true;
  1153. }
  1154. if (propertyDesc.writable === false) {
  1155. return false;
  1156. }
  1157. return !(typeof propertyDesc.get === 'function' && typeof propertyDesc.set === 'undefined');
  1158. }
  1159. var isWebWorker = (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope);
  1160. // Make sure to access `process` through `_global` so that WebPack does not accidentally browserify
  1161. // this code.
  1162. var isNode = (!('nw' in _global) && typeof _global.process !== 'undefined' &&
  1163. {}.toString.call(_global.process) === '[object process]');
  1164. var isBrowser = !isNode && !isWebWorker && !!(isWindowExists && internalWindow['HTMLElement']);
  1165. // we are in electron of nw, so we are both browser and nodejs
  1166. // Make sure to access `process` through `_global` so that WebPack does not accidentally browserify
  1167. // this code.
  1168. var isMix = typeof _global.process !== 'undefined' &&
  1169. {}.toString.call(_global.process) === '[object process]' && !isWebWorker &&
  1170. !!(isWindowExists && internalWindow['HTMLElement']);
  1171. var zoneSymbolEventNames = {};
  1172. var wrapFn = function (event) {
  1173. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/911, in IE, sometimes
  1174. // event will be undefined, so we need to use window.event
  1175. event = event || _global.event;
  1176. if (!event) {
  1177. return;
  1178. }
  1179. var eventNameSymbol = zoneSymbolEventNames[event.type];
  1180. if (!eventNameSymbol) {
  1181. eventNameSymbol = zoneSymbolEventNames[event.type] = zoneSymbol('ON_PROPERTY' + event.type);
  1182. }
  1183. var target = this || event.target || _global;
  1184. var listener = target[eventNameSymbol];
  1185. var result = listener && listener.apply(this, arguments);
  1186. if (result != undefined && !result) {
  1187. event.preventDefault();
  1188. }
  1189. return result;
  1190. };
  1191. function patchProperty(obj, prop, prototype) {
  1192. var desc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
  1193. if (!desc && prototype) {
  1194. // when patch window object, use prototype to check prop exist or not
  1195. var prototypeDesc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, prop);
  1196. if (prototypeDesc) {
  1197. desc = { enumerable: true, configurable: true };
  1198. }
  1199. }
  1200. // if the descriptor not exists or is not configurable
  1201. // just return
  1202. if (!desc || !desc.configurable) {
  1203. return;
  1204. }
  1205. // A property descriptor cannot have getter/setter and be writable
  1206. // deleting the writable and value properties avoids this error:
  1207. //
  1208. // TypeError: property descriptors must not specify a value or be writable when a
  1209. // getter or setter has been specified
  1210. delete desc.writable;
  1211. delete desc.value;
  1212. var originalDescGet = desc.get;
  1213. var originalDescSet = desc.set;
  1214. // substr(2) cuz 'onclick' -> 'click', etc
  1215. var eventName = prop.substr(2);
  1216. var eventNameSymbol = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName];
  1217. if (!eventNameSymbol) {
  1218. eventNameSymbol = zoneSymbolEventNames[eventName] = zoneSymbol('ON_PROPERTY' + eventName);
  1219. }
  1220. desc.set = function (newValue) {
  1221. // in some of windows's onproperty callback, this is undefined
  1222. // so we need to check it
  1223. var target = this;
  1224. if (!target && obj === _global) {
  1225. target = _global;
  1226. }
  1227. if (!target) {
  1228. return;
  1229. }
  1230. var previousValue = target[eventNameSymbol];
  1231. if (previousValue) {
  1232. target.removeEventListener(eventName, wrapFn);
  1233. }
  1234. // issue #978, when onload handler was added before loading zone.js
  1235. // we should remove it with originalDescSet
  1236. if (originalDescSet) {
  1237. originalDescSet.apply(target, NULL_ON_PROP_VALUE);
  1238. }
  1239. if (typeof newValue === 'function') {
  1240. target[eventNameSymbol] = newValue;
  1241. target.addEventListener(eventName, wrapFn, false);
  1242. }
  1243. else {
  1244. target[eventNameSymbol] = null;
  1245. }
  1246. };
  1247. // The getter would return undefined for unassigned properties but the default value of an
  1248. // unassigned property is null
  1249. desc.get = function () {
  1250. // in some of windows's onproperty callback, this is undefined
  1251. // so we need to check it
  1252. var target = this;
  1253. if (!target && obj === _global) {
  1254. target = _global;
  1255. }
  1256. if (!target) {
  1257. return null;
  1258. }
  1259. var listener = target[eventNameSymbol];
  1260. if (listener) {
  1261. return listener;
  1262. }
  1263. else if (originalDescGet) {
  1264. // result will be null when use inline event attribute,
  1265. // such as <button onclick="func();">OK</button>
  1266. // because the onclick function is internal raw uncompiled handler
  1267. // the onclick will be evaluated when first time event was triggered or
  1268. // the property is accessed, https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/525
  1269. // so we should use original native get to retrieve the handler
  1270. var value = originalDescGet && originalDescGet.call(this);
  1271. if (value) {
  1272. desc.set.call(this, value);
  1273. if (typeof target[REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE] === 'function') {
  1274. target.removeAttribute(prop);
  1275. }
  1276. return value;
  1277. }
  1278. }
  1279. return null;
  1280. };
  1281. ObjectDefineProperty(obj, prop, desc);
  1282. }
  1283. function patchOnProperties(obj, properties, prototype) {
  1284. if (properties) {
  1285. for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
  1286. patchProperty(obj, 'on' + properties[i], prototype);
  1287. }
  1288. }
  1289. else {
  1290. var onProperties = [];
  1291. for (var prop in obj) {
  1292. if (prop.substr(0, 2) == 'on') {
  1293. onProperties.push(prop);
  1294. }
  1295. }
  1296. for (var j = 0; j < onProperties.length; j++) {
  1297. patchProperty(obj, onProperties[j], prototype);
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. }
  1301. var originalInstanceKey = zoneSymbol('originalInstance');
  1302. // wrap some native API on `window`
  1303. function patchClass(className) {
  1304. var OriginalClass = _global[className];
  1305. if (!OriginalClass)
  1306. return;
  1307. // keep original class in global
  1308. _global[zoneSymbol(className)] = OriginalClass;
  1309. _global[className] = function () {
  1310. var a = bindArguments(arguments, className);
  1311. switch (a.length) {
  1312. case 0:
  1313. this[originalInstanceKey] = new OriginalClass();
  1314. break;
  1315. case 1:
  1316. this[originalInstanceKey] = new OriginalClass(a[0]);
  1317. break;
  1318. case 2:
  1319. this[originalInstanceKey] = new OriginalClass(a[0], a[1]);
  1320. break;
  1321. case 3:
  1322. this[originalInstanceKey] = new OriginalClass(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
  1323. break;
  1324. case 4:
  1325. this[originalInstanceKey] = new OriginalClass(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
  1326. break;
  1327. default:
  1328. throw new Error('Arg list too long.');
  1329. }
  1330. };
  1331. // attach original delegate to patched function
  1332. attachOriginToPatched(_global[className], OriginalClass);
  1333. var instance = new OriginalClass(function () { });
  1334. var prop;
  1335. for (prop in instance) {
  1336. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44721
  1337. if (className === 'XMLHttpRequest' && prop === 'responseBlob')
  1338. continue;
  1339. (function (prop) {
  1340. if (typeof instance[prop] === 'function') {
  1341. _global[className].prototype[prop] = function () {
  1342. return this[originalInstanceKey][prop].apply(this[originalInstanceKey], arguments);
  1343. };
  1344. }
  1345. else {
  1346. ObjectDefineProperty(_global[className].prototype, prop, {
  1347. set: function (fn) {
  1348. if (typeof fn === 'function') {
  1349. this[originalInstanceKey][prop] = wrapWithCurrentZone(fn, className + '.' + prop);
  1350. // keep callback in wrapped function so we can
  1351. // use it in Function.prototype.toString to return
  1352. // the native one.
  1353. attachOriginToPatched(this[originalInstanceKey][prop], fn);
  1354. }
  1355. else {
  1356. this[originalInstanceKey][prop] = fn;
  1357. }
  1358. },
  1359. get: function () {
  1360. return this[originalInstanceKey][prop];
  1361. }
  1362. });
  1363. }
  1364. }(prop));
  1365. }
  1366. for (prop in OriginalClass) {
  1367. if (prop !== 'prototype' && OriginalClass.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  1368. _global[className][prop] = OriginalClass[prop];
  1369. }
  1370. }
  1371. }
  1372. function patchMethod(target, name, patchFn) {
  1373. var proto = target;
  1374. while (proto && !proto.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
  1375. proto = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(proto);
  1376. }
  1377. if (!proto && target[name]) {
  1378. // somehow we did not find it, but we can see it. This happens on IE for Window properties.
  1379. proto = target;
  1380. }
  1381. var delegateName = zoneSymbol(name);
  1382. var delegate;
  1383. if (proto && !(delegate = proto[delegateName])) {
  1384. delegate = proto[delegateName] = proto[name];
  1385. // check whether proto[name] is writable
  1386. // some property is readonly in safari, such as HtmlCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob
  1387. var desc = proto && ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, name);
  1388. if (isPropertyWritable(desc)) {
  1389. var patchDelegate_1 = patchFn(delegate, delegateName, name);
  1390. proto[name] = function () {
  1391. return patchDelegate_1(this, arguments);
  1392. };
  1393. attachOriginToPatched(proto[name], delegate);
  1394. }
  1395. }
  1396. return delegate;
  1397. }
  1398. // TODO: @JiaLiPassion, support cancel task later if necessary
  1399. function patchMacroTask(obj, funcName, metaCreator) {
  1400. var setNative = null;
  1401. function scheduleTask(task) {
  1402. var data = task.data;
  1403. data.args[data.cbIdx] = function () {
  1404. task.invoke.apply(this, arguments);
  1405. };
  1406. setNative.apply(data.target, data.args);
  1407. return task;
  1408. }
  1409. setNative = patchMethod(obj, funcName, function (delegate) { return function (self, args) {
  1410. var meta = metaCreator(self, args);
  1411. if (meta.cbIdx >= 0 && typeof args[meta.cbIdx] === 'function') {
  1412. return scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone(meta.name, args[meta.cbIdx], meta, scheduleTask, null);
  1413. }
  1414. else {
  1415. // cause an error by calling it directly.
  1416. return delegate.apply(self, args);
  1417. }
  1418. }; });
  1419. }
  1420. function patchMicroTask(obj, funcName, metaCreator) {
  1421. var setNative = null;
  1422. function scheduleTask(task) {
  1423. var data = task.data;
  1424. data.args[data.cbIdx] = function () {
  1425. task.invoke.apply(this, arguments);
  1426. };
  1427. setNative.apply(data.target, data.args);
  1428. return task;
  1429. }
  1430. setNative = patchMethod(obj, funcName, function (delegate) { return function (self, args) {
  1431. var meta = metaCreator(self, args);
  1432. if (meta.cbIdx >= 0 && typeof args[meta.cbIdx] === 'function') {
  1433. return Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask(meta.name, args[meta.cbIdx], meta, scheduleTask);
  1434. }
  1435. else {
  1436. // cause an error by calling it directly.
  1437. return delegate.apply(self, args);
  1438. }
  1439. }; });
  1440. }
  1441. function attachOriginToPatched(patched, original) {
  1442. patched[zoneSymbol('OriginalDelegate')] = original;
  1443. }
  1444. var isDetectedIEOrEdge = false;
  1445. var ieOrEdge = false;
  1446. function isIEOrEdge() {
  1447. if (isDetectedIEOrEdge) {
  1448. return ieOrEdge;
  1449. }
  1450. isDetectedIEOrEdge = true;
  1451. try {
  1452. var ua = internalWindow.navigator.userAgent;
  1453. if (ua.indexOf('MSIE ') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Trident/') !== -1 || ua.indexOf('Edge/') !== -1) {
  1454. ieOrEdge = true;
  1455. }
  1456. return ieOrEdge;
  1457. }
  1458. catch (error) {
  1459. }
  1460. }
  1461. /**
  1462. * @license
  1463. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  1464. *
  1465. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  1466. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  1467. */
  1468. // override Function.prototype.toString to make zone.js patched function
  1469. // look like native function
  1470. Zone.__load_patch('toString', function (global) {
  1471. // patch Func.prototype.toString to let them look like native
  1472. var originalFunctionToString = Function.prototype.toString;
  1473. var ORIGINAL_DELEGATE_SYMBOL = zoneSymbol('OriginalDelegate');
  1474. var PROMISE_SYMBOL = zoneSymbol('Promise');
  1475. var ERROR_SYMBOL = zoneSymbol('Error');
  1476. var newFunctionToString = function toString() {
  1477. if (typeof this === 'function') {
  1478. var originalDelegate = this[ORIGINAL_DELEGATE_SYMBOL];
  1479. if (originalDelegate) {
  1480. if (typeof originalDelegate === 'function') {
  1481. return originalFunctionToString.apply(this[ORIGINAL_DELEGATE_SYMBOL], arguments);
  1482. }
  1483. else {
  1484. return Object.prototype.toString.call(originalDelegate);
  1485. }
  1486. }
  1487. if (this === Promise) {
  1488. var nativePromise = global[PROMISE_SYMBOL];
  1489. if (nativePromise) {
  1490. return originalFunctionToString.apply(nativePromise, arguments);
  1491. }
  1492. }
  1493. if (this === Error) {
  1494. var nativeError = global[ERROR_SYMBOL];
  1495. if (nativeError) {
  1496. return originalFunctionToString.apply(nativeError, arguments);
  1497. }
  1498. }
  1499. }
  1500. return originalFunctionToString.apply(this, arguments);
  1501. };
  1502. newFunctionToString[ORIGINAL_DELEGATE_SYMBOL] = originalFunctionToString;
  1503. Function.prototype.toString = newFunctionToString;
  1504. // patch Object.prototype.toString to let them look like native
  1505. var originalObjectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
  1506. var PROMISE_OBJECT_TO_STRING = '[object Promise]';
  1507. Object.prototype.toString = function () {
  1508. if (this instanceof Promise) {
  1510. }
  1511. return originalObjectToString.apply(this, arguments);
  1512. };
  1513. });
  1514. /**
  1515. * @license
  1516. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  1517. *
  1518. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  1519. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  1520. */
  1521. /**
  1522. * @fileoverview
  1523. * @suppress {missingRequire}
  1524. */
  1525. // an identifier to tell ZoneTask do not create a new invoke closure
  1527. useG: true
  1528. };
  1529. var zoneSymbolEventNames$1 = {};
  1530. var globalSources = {};
  1531. var EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX = /^__zone_symbol__(\w+)(true|false)$/;
  1532. var IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL = ('__zone_symbol__propagationStopped');
  1533. function patchEventTarget(_global, apis, patchOptions) {
  1534. var ADD_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.add) || ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR;
  1535. var REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.rm) || REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR;
  1536. var LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.listeners) || 'eventListeners';
  1537. var REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER = (patchOptions && patchOptions.rmAll) || 'removeAllListeners';
  1538. var zoneSymbolAddEventListener = zoneSymbol(ADD_EVENT_LISTENER);
  1540. var PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER = 'prependListener';
  1542. var invokeTask = function (task, target, event) {
  1543. // for better performance, check isRemoved which is set
  1544. // by removeEventListener
  1545. if (task.isRemoved) {
  1546. return;
  1547. }
  1548. var delegate = task.callback;
  1549. if (typeof delegate === 'object' && delegate.handleEvent) {
  1550. // create the bind version of handleEvent when invoke
  1551. task.callback = function (event) { return delegate.handleEvent(event); };
  1552. task.originalDelegate = delegate;
  1553. }
  1554. // invoke static task.invoke
  1555. task.invoke(task, target, [event]);
  1556. var options = task.options;
  1557. if (options && typeof options === 'object' && options.once) {
  1558. // if options.once is true, after invoke once remove listener here
  1559. // only browser need to do this, nodejs eventEmitter will cal removeListener
  1560. // inside EventEmitter.once
  1561. var delegate_1 = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
  1562. target[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(target, event.type, delegate_1, options);
  1563. }
  1564. };
  1565. // global shared zoneAwareCallback to handle all event callback with capture = false
  1566. var globalZoneAwareCallback = function (event) {
  1567. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/911, in IE, sometimes
  1568. // event will be undefined, so we need to use window.event
  1569. event = event || _global.event;
  1570. if (!event) {
  1571. return;
  1572. }
  1573. // event.target is needed for Samsung TV and SourceBuffer
  1574. // || global is needed https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/190
  1575. var target = this || event.target || _global;
  1576. var tasks = target[zoneSymbolEventNames$1[event.type][FALSE_STR]];
  1577. if (tasks) {
  1578. // invoke all tasks which attached to current target with given event.type and capture = false
  1579. // for performance concern, if task.length === 1, just invoke
  1580. if (tasks.length === 1) {
  1581. invokeTask(tasks[0], target, event);
  1582. }
  1583. else {
  1584. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/836
  1585. // copy the tasks array before invoke, to avoid
  1586. // the callback will remove itself or other listener
  1587. var copyTasks = tasks.slice();
  1588. for (var i = 0; i < copyTasks.length; i++) {
  1589. if (event && event[IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL] === true) {
  1590. break;
  1591. }
  1592. invokeTask(copyTasks[i], target, event);
  1593. }
  1594. }
  1595. }
  1596. };
  1597. // global shared zoneAwareCallback to handle all event callback with capture = true
  1598. var globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback = function (event) {
  1599. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/911, in IE, sometimes
  1600. // event will be undefined, so we need to use window.event
  1601. event = event || _global.event;
  1602. if (!event) {
  1603. return;
  1604. }
  1605. // event.target is needed for Samsung TV and SourceBuffer
  1606. // || global is needed https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/190
  1607. var target = this || event.target || _global;
  1608. var tasks = target[zoneSymbolEventNames$1[event.type][TRUE_STR]];
  1609. if (tasks) {
  1610. // invoke all tasks which attached to current target with given event.type and capture = false
  1611. // for performance concern, if task.length === 1, just invoke
  1612. if (tasks.length === 1) {
  1613. invokeTask(tasks[0], target, event);
  1614. }
  1615. else {
  1616. // https://github.com/angular/zone.js/issues/836
  1617. // copy the tasks array before invoke, to avoid
  1618. // the callback will remove itself or other listener
  1619. var copyTasks = tasks.slice();
  1620. for (var i = 0; i < copyTasks.length; i++) {
  1621. if (event && event[IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_SYMBOL] === true) {
  1622. break;
  1623. }
  1624. invokeTask(copyTasks[i], target, event);
  1625. }
  1626. }
  1627. }
  1628. };
  1629. function patchEventTargetMethods(obj, patchOptions) {
  1630. if (!obj) {
  1631. return false;
  1632. }
  1633. var useGlobalCallback = true;
  1634. if (patchOptions && patchOptions.useG !== undefined) {
  1635. useGlobalCallback = patchOptions.useG;
  1636. }
  1637. var validateHandler = patchOptions && patchOptions.vh;
  1638. var checkDuplicate = true;
  1639. if (patchOptions && patchOptions.chkDup !== undefined) {
  1640. checkDuplicate = patchOptions.chkDup;
  1641. }
  1642. var returnTarget = false;
  1643. if (patchOptions && patchOptions.rt !== undefined) {
  1644. returnTarget = patchOptions.rt;
  1645. }
  1646. var proto = obj;
  1647. while (proto && !proto.hasOwnProperty(ADD_EVENT_LISTENER)) {
  1648. proto = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(proto);
  1649. }
  1650. if (!proto && obj[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER]) {
  1651. // somehow we did not find it, but we can see it. This happens on IE for Window properties.
  1652. proto = obj;
  1653. }
  1654. if (!proto) {
  1655. return false;
  1656. }
  1657. if (proto[zoneSymbolAddEventListener]) {
  1658. return false;
  1659. }
  1660. // a shared global taskData to pass data for scheduleEventTask
  1661. // so we do not need to create a new object just for pass some data
  1662. var taskData = {};
  1663. var nativeAddEventListener = proto[zoneSymbolAddEventListener] = proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
  1664. var nativeRemoveEventListener = proto[zoneSymbol(REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
  1666. var nativeListeners = proto[zoneSymbol(LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
  1668. var nativeRemoveAllListeners = proto[zoneSymbol(REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER)] =
  1670. var nativePrependEventListener;
  1671. if (patchOptions && patchOptions.prepend) {
  1672. nativePrependEventListener = proto[zoneSymbol(patchOptions.prepend)] =
  1673. proto[patchOptions.prepend];
  1674. }
  1675. var customScheduleGlobal = function () {
  1676. // if there is already a task for the eventName + capture,
  1677. // just return, because we use the shared globalZoneAwareCallback here.
  1678. if (taskData.isExisting) {
  1679. return;
  1680. }
  1681. return nativeAddEventListener.call(taskData.target, taskData.eventName, taskData.capture ? globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback : globalZoneAwareCallback, taskData.options);
  1682. };
  1683. var customCancelGlobal = function (task) {
  1684. // if task is not marked as isRemoved, this call is directly
  1685. // from Zone.prototype.cancelTask, we should remove the task
  1686. // from tasksList of target first
  1687. if (!task.isRemoved) {
  1688. var symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames$1[task.eventName];
  1689. var symbolEventName = void 0;
  1690. if (symbolEventNames) {
  1691. symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[task.capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
  1692. }
  1693. var existingTasks = symbolEventName && task.target[symbolEventName];
  1694. if (existingTasks) {
  1695. for (var i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
  1696. var existingTask = existingTasks[i];
  1697. if (existingTask === task) {
  1698. existingTasks.splice(i, 1);
  1699. // set isRemoved to data for faster invokeTask check
  1700. task.isRemoved = true;
  1701. if (existingTasks.length === 0) {
  1702. // all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
  1703. // remove globalZoneAwareCallback and remove the task cache from target
  1704. task.allRemoved = true;
  1705. task.target[symbolEventName] = null;
  1706. }
  1707. break;
  1708. }
  1709. }
  1710. }
  1711. }
  1712. // if all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
  1713. // we will really remove the global event callback,
  1714. // if not, return
  1715. if (!task.allRemoved) {
  1716. return;
  1717. }
  1718. return nativeRemoveEventListener.call(task.target, task.eventName, task.capture ? globalZoneAwareCaptureCallback : globalZoneAwareCallback, task.options);
  1719. };
  1720. var customScheduleNonGlobal = function (task) {
  1721. return nativeAddEventListener.call(taskData.target, taskData.eventName, task.invoke, taskData.options);
  1722. };
  1723. var customSchedulePrepend = function (task) {
  1724. return nativePrependEventListener.call(taskData.target, taskData.eventName, task.invoke, taskData.options);
  1725. };
  1726. var customCancelNonGlobal = function (task) {
  1727. return nativeRemoveEventListener.call(task.target, task.eventName, task.invoke, task.options);
  1728. };
  1729. var customSchedule = useGlobalCallback ? customScheduleGlobal : customScheduleNonGlobal;
  1730. var customCancel = useGlobalCallback ? customCancelGlobal : customCancelNonGlobal;
  1731. var compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate = function (task, delegate) {
  1732. var typeOfDelegate = typeof delegate;
  1733. return (typeOfDelegate === 'function' && task.callback === delegate) ||
  1734. (typeOfDelegate === 'object' && task.originalDelegate === delegate);
  1735. };
  1736. var compare = (patchOptions && patchOptions.diff) ? patchOptions.diff : compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate;
  1737. var blackListedEvents = Zone[Zone.__symbol__('BLACK_LISTED_EVENTS')];
  1738. var makeAddListener = function (nativeListener, addSource, customScheduleFn, customCancelFn, returnTarget, prepend) {
  1739. if (returnTarget === void 0) { returnTarget = false; }
  1740. if (prepend === void 0) { prepend = false; }
  1741. return function () {
  1742. var target = this || _global;
  1743. var delegate = arguments[1];
  1744. if (!delegate) {
  1745. return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
  1746. }
  1747. // don't create the bind delegate function for handleEvent
  1748. // case here to improve addEventListener performance
  1749. // we will create the bind delegate when invoke
  1750. var isHandleEvent = false;
  1751. if (typeof delegate !== 'function') {
  1752. if (!delegate.handleEvent) {
  1753. return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
  1754. }
  1755. isHandleEvent = true;
  1756. }
  1757. if (validateHandler && !validateHandler(nativeListener, delegate, target, arguments)) {
  1758. return;
  1759. }
  1760. var eventName = arguments[0];
  1761. var options = arguments[2];
  1762. if (blackListedEvents) {
  1763. // check black list
  1764. for (var i = 0; i < blackListedEvents.length; i++) {
  1765. if (eventName === blackListedEvents[i]) {
  1766. return nativeListener.apply(this, arguments);
  1767. }
  1768. }
  1769. }
  1770. var capture;
  1771. var once = false;
  1772. if (options === undefined) {
  1773. capture = false;
  1774. }
  1775. else if (options === true) {
  1776. capture = true;
  1777. }
  1778. else if (options === false) {
  1779. capture = false;
  1780. }
  1781. else {
  1782. capture = options ? !!options.capture : false;
  1783. once = options ? !!options.once : false;
  1784. }
  1785. var zone = Zone.current;
  1786. var symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName];
  1787. var symbolEventName;
  1788. if (!symbolEventNames) {
  1789. // the code is duplicate, but I just want to get some better performance
  1790. var falseEventName = eventName + FALSE_STR;
  1791. var trueEventName = eventName + TRUE_STR;
  1792. var symbol = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + falseEventName;
  1793. var symbolCapture = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + trueEventName;
  1794. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName] = {};
  1795. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName][FALSE_STR] = symbol;
  1796. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName][TRUE_STR] = symbolCapture;
  1797. symbolEventName = capture ? symbolCapture : symbol;
  1798. }
  1799. else {
  1800. symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
  1801. }
  1802. var existingTasks = target[symbolEventName];
  1803. var isExisting = false;
  1804. if (existingTasks) {
  1805. // already have task registered
  1806. isExisting = true;
  1807. if (checkDuplicate) {
  1808. for (var i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
  1809. if (compare(existingTasks[i], delegate)) {
  1810. // same callback, same capture, same event name, just return
  1811. return;
  1812. }
  1813. }
  1814. }
  1815. }
  1816. else {
  1817. existingTasks = target[symbolEventName] = [];
  1818. }
  1819. var source;
  1820. var constructorName = target.constructor['name'];
  1821. var targetSource = globalSources[constructorName];
  1822. if (targetSource) {
  1823. source = targetSource[eventName];
  1824. }
  1825. if (!source) {
  1826. source = constructorName + addSource + eventName;
  1827. }
  1828. // do not create a new object as task.data to pass those things
  1829. // just use the global shared one
  1830. taskData.options = options;
  1831. if (once) {
  1832. // if addEventListener with once options, we don't pass it to
  1833. // native addEventListener, instead we keep the once setting
  1834. // and handle ourselves.
  1835. taskData.options.once = false;
  1836. }
  1837. taskData.target = target;
  1838. taskData.capture = capture;
  1839. taskData.eventName = eventName;
  1840. taskData.isExisting = isExisting;
  1841. var data = useGlobalCallback ? OPTIMIZED_ZONE_EVENT_TASK_DATA : null;
  1842. // keep taskData into data to allow onScheduleEventTask to access the task information
  1843. if (data) {
  1844. data.taskData = taskData;
  1845. }
  1846. var task = zone.scheduleEventTask(source, delegate, data, customScheduleFn, customCancelFn);
  1847. // should clear taskData.target to avoid memory leak
  1848. // issue, https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20442
  1849. taskData.target = null;
  1850. // need to clear up taskData because it is a global object
  1851. if (data) {
  1852. data.taskData = null;
  1853. }
  1854. // have to save those information to task in case
  1855. // application may call task.zone.cancelTask() directly
  1856. if (once) {
  1857. options.once = true;
  1858. }
  1859. task.options = options;
  1860. task.target = target;
  1861. task.capture = capture;
  1862. task.eventName = eventName;
  1863. if (isHandleEvent) {
  1864. // save original delegate for compare to check duplicate
  1865. task.originalDelegate = delegate;
  1866. }
  1867. if (!prepend) {
  1868. existingTasks.push(task);
  1869. }
  1870. else {
  1871. existingTasks.unshift(task);
  1872. }
  1873. if (returnTarget) {
  1874. return target;
  1875. }
  1876. };
  1877. };
  1878. proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER] = makeAddListener(nativeAddEventListener, ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE, customSchedule, customCancel, returnTarget);
  1879. if (nativePrependEventListener) {
  1880. proto[PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER] = makeAddListener(nativePrependEventListener, PREPEND_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE, customSchedulePrepend, customCancel, returnTarget, true);
  1881. }
  1882. proto[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER] = function () {
  1883. var target = this || _global;
  1884. var eventName = arguments[0];
  1885. var options = arguments[2];
  1886. var capture;
  1887. if (options === undefined) {
  1888. capture = false;
  1889. }
  1890. else if (options === true) {
  1891. capture = true;
  1892. }
  1893. else if (options === false) {
  1894. capture = false;
  1895. }
  1896. else {
  1897. capture = options ? !!options.capture : false;
  1898. }
  1899. var delegate = arguments[1];
  1900. if (!delegate) {
  1901. return nativeRemoveEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
  1902. }
  1903. if (validateHandler &&
  1904. !validateHandler(nativeRemoveEventListener, delegate, target, arguments)) {
  1905. return;
  1906. }
  1907. var symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName];
  1908. var symbolEventName;
  1909. if (symbolEventNames) {
  1910. symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[capture ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR];
  1911. }
  1912. var existingTasks = symbolEventName && target[symbolEventName];
  1913. if (existingTasks) {
  1914. for (var i = 0; i < existingTasks.length; i++) {
  1915. var existingTask = existingTasks[i];
  1916. if (compare(existingTask, delegate)) {
  1917. existingTasks.splice(i, 1);
  1918. // set isRemoved to data for faster invokeTask check
  1919. existingTask.isRemoved = true;
  1920. if (existingTasks.length === 0) {
  1921. // all tasks for the eventName + capture have gone,
  1922. // remove globalZoneAwareCallback and remove the task cache from target
  1923. existingTask.allRemoved = true;
  1924. target[symbolEventName] = null;
  1925. }
  1926. existingTask.zone.cancelTask(existingTask);
  1927. if (returnTarget) {
  1928. return target;
  1929. }
  1930. return;
  1931. }
  1932. }
  1933. }
  1934. // issue 930, didn't find the event name or callback
  1935. // from zone kept existingTasks, the callback maybe
  1936. // added outside of zone, we need to call native removeEventListener
  1937. // to try to remove it.
  1938. return nativeRemoveEventListener.apply(this, arguments);
  1939. };
  1940. proto[LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER] = function () {
  1941. var target = this || _global;
  1942. var eventName = arguments[0];
  1943. var listeners = [];
  1944. var tasks = findEventTasks(target, eventName);
  1945. for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  1946. var task = tasks[i];
  1947. var delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
  1948. listeners.push(delegate);
  1949. }
  1950. return listeners;
  1951. };
  1952. proto[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER] = function () {
  1953. var target = this || _global;
  1954. var eventName = arguments[0];
  1955. if (!eventName) {
  1956. var keys = Object.keys(target);
  1957. for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  1958. var prop = keys[i];
  1959. var match = EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX.exec(prop);
  1960. var evtName = match && match[1];
  1961. // in nodejs EventEmitter, removeListener event is
  1962. // used for monitoring the removeListener call,
  1963. // so just keep removeListener eventListener until
  1964. // all other eventListeners are removed
  1965. if (evtName && evtName !== 'removeListener') {
  1966. this[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, evtName);
  1967. }
  1968. }
  1969. // remove removeListener listener finally
  1970. this[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, 'removeListener');
  1971. }
  1972. else {
  1973. var symbolEventNames = zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName];
  1974. if (symbolEventNames) {
  1975. var symbolEventName = symbolEventNames[FALSE_STR];
  1976. var symbolCaptureEventName = symbolEventNames[TRUE_STR];
  1977. var tasks = target[symbolEventName];
  1978. var captureTasks = target[symbolCaptureEventName];
  1979. if (tasks) {
  1980. var removeTasks = tasks.slice();
  1981. for (var i = 0; i < removeTasks.length; i++) {
  1982. var task = removeTasks[i];
  1983. var delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
  1984. this[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, eventName, delegate, task.options);
  1985. }
  1986. }
  1987. if (captureTasks) {
  1988. var removeTasks = captureTasks.slice();
  1989. for (var i = 0; i < removeTasks.length; i++) {
  1990. var task = removeTasks[i];
  1991. var delegate = task.originalDelegate ? task.originalDelegate : task.callback;
  1992. this[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER].call(this, eventName, delegate, task.options);
  1993. }
  1994. }
  1995. }
  1996. }
  1997. if (returnTarget) {
  1998. return this;
  1999. }
  2000. };
  2001. // for native toString patch
  2002. attachOriginToPatched(proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeAddEventListener);
  2003. attachOriginToPatched(proto[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeRemoveEventListener);
  2004. if (nativeRemoveAllListeners) {
  2005. attachOriginToPatched(proto[REMOVE_ALL_LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeRemoveAllListeners);
  2006. }
  2007. if (nativeListeners) {
  2008. attachOriginToPatched(proto[LISTENERS_EVENT_LISTENER], nativeListeners);
  2009. }
  2010. return true;
  2011. }
  2012. var results = [];
  2013. for (var i = 0; i < apis.length; i++) {
  2014. results[i] = patchEventTargetMethods(apis[i], patchOptions);
  2015. }
  2016. return results;
  2017. }
  2018. function findEventTasks(target, eventName) {
  2019. var foundTasks = [];
  2020. for (var prop in target) {
  2021. var match = EVENT_NAME_SYMBOL_REGX.exec(prop);
  2022. var evtName = match && match[1];
  2023. if (evtName && (!eventName || evtName === eventName)) {
  2024. var tasks = target[prop];
  2025. if (tasks) {
  2026. for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  2027. foundTasks.push(tasks[i]);
  2028. }
  2029. }
  2030. }
  2031. }
  2032. return foundTasks;
  2033. }
  2034. function patchEventPrototype(global, api) {
  2035. var Event = global['Event'];
  2036. if (Event && Event.prototype) {
  2037. api.patchMethod(Event.prototype, 'stopImmediatePropagation', function (delegate) { return function (self, args) {
  2039. // we need to call the native stopImmediatePropagation
  2040. // in case in some hybrid application, some part of
  2041. // application will be controlled by zone, some are not
  2042. delegate && delegate.apply(self, args);
  2043. }; });
  2044. }
  2045. }
  2046. /**
  2047. * @license
  2048. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2049. *
  2050. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2051. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2052. */
  2053. /**
  2054. * @fileoverview
  2055. * @suppress {missingRequire}
  2056. */
  2057. var taskSymbol = zoneSymbol('zoneTask');
  2058. function patchTimer(window, setName, cancelName, nameSuffix) {
  2059. var setNative = null;
  2060. var clearNative = null;
  2061. setName += nameSuffix;
  2062. cancelName += nameSuffix;
  2063. var tasksByHandleId = {};
  2064. function scheduleTask(task) {
  2065. var data = task.data;
  2066. function timer() {
  2067. try {
  2068. task.invoke.apply(this, arguments);
  2069. }
  2070. finally {
  2071. // issue-934, task will be cancelled
  2072. // even it is a periodic task such as
  2073. // setInterval
  2074. if (!(task.data && task.data.isPeriodic)) {
  2075. if (typeof data.handleId === 'number') {
  2076. // in non-nodejs env, we remove timerId
  2077. // from local cache
  2078. delete tasksByHandleId[data.handleId];
  2079. }
  2080. else if (data.handleId) {
  2081. // Node returns complex objects as handleIds
  2082. // we remove task reference from timer object
  2083. data.handleId[taskSymbol] = null;
  2084. }
  2085. }
  2086. }
  2087. }
  2088. data.args[0] = timer;
  2089. data.handleId = setNative.apply(window, data.args);
  2090. return task;
  2091. }
  2092. function clearTask(task) {
  2093. return clearNative(task.data.handleId);
  2094. }
  2095. setNative =
  2096. patchMethod(window, setName, function (delegate) { return function (self, args) {
  2097. if (typeof args[0] === 'function') {
  2098. var options = {
  2099. handleId: null,
  2100. isPeriodic: nameSuffix === 'Interval',
  2101. delay: (nameSuffix === 'Timeout' || nameSuffix === 'Interval') ? args[1] || 0 : null,
  2102. args: args
  2103. };
  2104. var task = scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone(setName, args[0], options, scheduleTask, clearTask);
  2105. if (!task) {
  2106. return task;
  2107. }
  2108. // Node.js must additionally support the ref and unref functions.
  2109. var handle = task.data.handleId;
  2110. if (typeof handle === 'number') {
  2111. // for non nodejs env, we save handleId: task
  2112. // mapping in local cache for clearTimeout
  2113. tasksByHandleId[handle] = task;
  2114. }
  2115. else if (handle) {
  2116. // for nodejs env, we save task
  2117. // reference in timerId Object for clearTimeout
  2118. handle[taskSymbol] = task;
  2119. }
  2120. // check whether handle is null, because some polyfill or browser
  2121. // may return undefined from setTimeout/setInterval/setImmediate/requestAnimationFrame
  2122. if (handle && handle.ref && handle.unref && typeof handle.ref === 'function' &&
  2123. typeof handle.unref === 'function') {
  2124. task.ref = handle.ref.bind(handle);
  2125. task.unref = handle.unref.bind(handle);
  2126. }
  2127. if (typeof handle === 'number' || handle) {
  2128. return handle;
  2129. }
  2130. return task;
  2131. }
  2132. else {
  2133. // cause an error by calling it directly.
  2134. return delegate.apply(window, args);
  2135. }
  2136. }; });
  2137. clearNative =
  2138. patchMethod(window, cancelName, function (delegate) { return function (self, args) {
  2139. var id = args[0];
  2140. var task;
  2141. if (typeof id === 'number') {
  2142. // non nodejs env.
  2143. task = tasksByHandleId[id];
  2144. }
  2145. else {
  2146. // nodejs env.
  2147. task = id && id[taskSymbol];
  2148. // other environments.
  2149. if (!task) {
  2150. task = id;
  2151. }
  2152. }
  2153. if (task && typeof task.type === 'string') {
  2154. if (task.state !== 'notScheduled' &&
  2155. (task.cancelFn && task.data.isPeriodic || task.runCount === 0)) {
  2156. if (typeof id === 'number') {
  2157. delete tasksByHandleId[id];
  2158. }
  2159. else if (id) {
  2160. id[taskSymbol] = null;
  2161. }
  2162. // Do not cancel already canceled functions
  2163. task.zone.cancelTask(task);
  2164. }
  2165. }
  2166. else {
  2167. // cause an error by calling it directly.
  2168. delegate.apply(window, args);
  2169. }
  2170. }; });
  2171. }
  2172. /**
  2173. * @license
  2174. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2175. *
  2176. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2177. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2178. */
  2179. /*
  2180. * This is necessary for Chrome and Chrome mobile, to enable
  2181. * things like redefining `createdCallback` on an element.
  2182. */
  2183. var _defineProperty = Object[zoneSymbol('defineProperty')] = Object.defineProperty;
  2184. var _getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object[zoneSymbol('getOwnPropertyDescriptor')] =
  2185. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  2186. var _create = Object.create;
  2187. var unconfigurablesKey = zoneSymbol('unconfigurables');
  2188. function propertyPatch() {
  2189. Object.defineProperty = function (obj, prop, desc) {
  2190. if (isUnconfigurable(obj, prop)) {
  2191. throw new TypeError('Cannot assign to read only property \'' + prop + '\' of ' + obj);
  2192. }
  2193. var originalConfigurableFlag = desc.configurable;
  2194. if (prop !== 'prototype') {
  2195. desc = rewriteDescriptor(obj, prop, desc);
  2196. }
  2197. return _tryDefineProperty(obj, prop, desc, originalConfigurableFlag);
  2198. };
  2199. Object.defineProperties = function (obj, props) {
  2200. Object.keys(props).forEach(function (prop) {
  2201. Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, props[prop]);
  2202. });
  2203. return obj;
  2204. };
  2205. Object.create = function (obj, proto) {
  2206. if (typeof proto === 'object' && !Object.isFrozen(proto)) {
  2207. Object.keys(proto).forEach(function (prop) {
  2208. proto[prop] = rewriteDescriptor(obj, prop, proto[prop]);
  2209. });
  2210. }
  2211. return _create(obj, proto);
  2212. };
  2213. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function (obj, prop) {
  2214. var desc = _getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
  2215. if (isUnconfigurable(obj, prop)) {
  2216. desc.configurable = false;
  2217. }
  2218. return desc;
  2219. };
  2220. }
  2221. function _redefineProperty(obj, prop, desc) {
  2222. var originalConfigurableFlag = desc.configurable;
  2223. desc = rewriteDescriptor(obj, prop, desc);
  2224. return _tryDefineProperty(obj, prop, desc, originalConfigurableFlag);
  2225. }
  2226. function isUnconfigurable(obj, prop) {
  2227. return obj && obj[unconfigurablesKey] && obj[unconfigurablesKey][prop];
  2228. }
  2229. function rewriteDescriptor(obj, prop, desc) {
  2230. // issue-927, if the desc is frozen, don't try to change the desc
  2231. if (!Object.isFrozen(desc)) {
  2232. desc.configurable = true;
  2233. }
  2234. if (!desc.configurable) {
  2235. // issue-927, if the obj is frozen, don't try to set the desc to obj
  2236. if (!obj[unconfigurablesKey] && !Object.isFrozen(obj)) {
  2237. _defineProperty(obj, unconfigurablesKey, { writable: true, value: {} });
  2238. }
  2239. if (obj[unconfigurablesKey]) {
  2240. obj[unconfigurablesKey][prop] = true;
  2241. }
  2242. }
  2243. return desc;
  2244. }
  2245. function _tryDefineProperty(obj, prop, desc, originalConfigurableFlag) {
  2246. try {
  2247. return _defineProperty(obj, prop, desc);
  2248. }
  2249. catch (error) {
  2250. if (desc.configurable) {
  2251. // In case of errors, when the configurable flag was likely set by rewriteDescriptor(), let's
  2252. // retry with the original flag value
  2253. if (typeof originalConfigurableFlag == 'undefined') {
  2254. delete desc.configurable;
  2255. }
  2256. else {
  2257. desc.configurable = originalConfigurableFlag;
  2258. }
  2259. try {
  2260. return _defineProperty(obj, prop, desc);
  2261. }
  2262. catch (error) {
  2263. var descJson = null;
  2264. try {
  2265. descJson = JSON.stringify(desc);
  2266. }
  2267. catch (error) {
  2268. descJson = desc.toString();
  2269. }
  2270. console.log("Attempting to configure '" + prop + "' with descriptor '" + descJson + "' on object '" + obj + "' and got error, giving up: " + error);
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. else {
  2274. throw error;
  2275. }
  2276. }
  2277. }
  2278. /**
  2279. * @license
  2280. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2281. *
  2282. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2283. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2284. */
  2285. // we have to patch the instance since the proto is non-configurable
  2286. function apply(api, _global) {
  2287. var WS = _global.WebSocket;
  2288. // On Safari window.EventTarget doesn't exist so need to patch WS add/removeEventListener
  2289. // On older Chrome, no need since EventTarget was already patched
  2290. if (!_global.EventTarget) {
  2291. patchEventTarget(_global, [WS.prototype]);
  2292. }
  2293. _global.WebSocket = function (x, y) {
  2294. var socket = arguments.length > 1 ? new WS(x, y) : new WS(x);
  2295. var proxySocket;
  2296. var proxySocketProto;
  2297. // Safari 7.0 has non-configurable own 'onmessage' and friends properties on the socket instance
  2298. var onmessageDesc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(socket, 'onmessage');
  2299. if (onmessageDesc && onmessageDesc.configurable === false) {
  2300. proxySocket = ObjectCreate(socket);
  2301. // socket have own property descriptor 'onopen', 'onmessage', 'onclose', 'onerror'
  2302. // but proxySocket not, so we will keep socket as prototype and pass it to
  2303. // patchOnProperties method
  2304. proxySocketProto = socket;
  2305. [ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR, REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR, 'send', 'close'].forEach(function (propName) {
  2306. proxySocket[propName] = function () {
  2307. var args = ArraySlice.call(arguments);
  2308. if (propName === ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR || propName === REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR) {
  2309. var eventName = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : undefined;
  2310. if (eventName) {
  2311. var propertySymbol = Zone.__symbol__('ON_PROPERTY' + eventName);
  2312. socket[propertySymbol] = proxySocket[propertySymbol];
  2313. }
  2314. }
  2315. return socket[propName].apply(socket, args);
  2316. };
  2317. });
  2318. }
  2319. else {
  2320. // we can patch the real socket
  2321. proxySocket = socket;
  2322. }
  2323. patchOnProperties(proxySocket, ['close', 'error', 'message', 'open'], proxySocketProto);
  2324. return proxySocket;
  2325. };
  2326. var globalWebSocket = _global['WebSocket'];
  2327. for (var prop in WS) {
  2328. globalWebSocket[prop] = WS[prop];
  2329. }
  2330. }
  2331. /**
  2332. * @license
  2333. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2334. *
  2335. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2336. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2337. */
  2338. /**
  2339. * @fileoverview
  2340. * @suppress {globalThis}
  2341. */
  2342. var globalEventHandlersEventNames = [
  2343. 'abort',
  2344. 'animationcancel',
  2345. 'animationend',
  2346. 'animationiteration',
  2347. 'auxclick',
  2348. 'beforeinput',
  2349. 'blur',
  2350. 'cancel',
  2351. 'canplay',
  2352. 'canplaythrough',
  2353. 'change',
  2354. 'compositionstart',
  2355. 'compositionupdate',
  2356. 'compositionend',
  2357. 'cuechange',
  2358. 'click',
  2359. 'close',
  2360. 'contextmenu',
  2361. 'curechange',
  2362. 'dblclick',
  2363. 'drag',
  2364. 'dragend',
  2365. 'dragenter',
  2366. 'dragexit',
  2367. 'dragleave',
  2368. 'dragover',
  2369. 'drop',
  2370. 'durationchange',
  2371. 'emptied',
  2372. 'ended',
  2373. 'error',
  2374. 'focus',
  2375. 'focusin',
  2376. 'focusout',
  2377. 'gotpointercapture',
  2378. 'input',
  2379. 'invalid',
  2380. 'keydown',
  2381. 'keypress',
  2382. 'keyup',
  2383. 'load',
  2384. 'loadstart',
  2385. 'loadeddata',
  2386. 'loadedmetadata',
  2387. 'lostpointercapture',
  2388. 'mousedown',
  2389. 'mouseenter',
  2390. 'mouseleave',
  2391. 'mousemove',
  2392. 'mouseout',
  2393. 'mouseover',
  2394. 'mouseup',
  2395. 'mousewheel',
  2396. 'orientationchange',
  2397. 'pause',
  2398. 'play',
  2399. 'playing',
  2400. 'pointercancel',
  2401. 'pointerdown',
  2402. 'pointerenter',
  2403. 'pointerleave',
  2404. 'pointerlockchange',
  2405. 'mozpointerlockchange',
  2406. 'webkitpointerlockerchange',
  2407. 'pointerlockerror',
  2408. 'mozpointerlockerror',
  2409. 'webkitpointerlockerror',
  2410. 'pointermove',
  2411. 'pointout',
  2412. 'pointerover',
  2413. 'pointerup',
  2414. 'progress',
  2415. 'ratechange',
  2416. 'reset',
  2417. 'resize',
  2418. 'scroll',
  2419. 'seeked',
  2420. 'seeking',
  2421. 'select',
  2422. 'selectionchange',
  2423. 'selectstart',
  2424. 'show',
  2425. 'sort',
  2426. 'stalled',
  2427. 'submit',
  2428. 'suspend',
  2429. 'timeupdate',
  2430. 'volumechange',
  2431. 'touchcancel',
  2432. 'touchmove',
  2433. 'touchstart',
  2434. 'touchend',
  2435. 'transitioncancel',
  2436. 'transitionend',
  2437. 'waiting',
  2438. 'wheel'
  2439. ];
  2440. var documentEventNames = [
  2441. 'afterscriptexecute', 'beforescriptexecute', 'DOMContentLoaded', 'fullscreenchange',
  2442. 'mozfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'msfullscreenchange', 'fullscreenerror',
  2443. 'mozfullscreenerror', 'webkitfullscreenerror', 'msfullscreenerror', 'readystatechange',
  2444. 'visibilitychange'
  2445. ];
  2446. var windowEventNames = [
  2447. 'absolutedeviceorientation',
  2448. 'afterinput',
  2449. 'afterprint',
  2450. 'appinstalled',
  2451. 'beforeinstallprompt',
  2452. 'beforeprint',
  2453. 'beforeunload',
  2454. 'devicelight',
  2455. 'devicemotion',
  2456. 'deviceorientation',
  2457. 'deviceorientationabsolute',
  2458. 'deviceproximity',
  2459. 'hashchange',
  2460. 'languagechange',
  2461. 'message',
  2462. 'mozbeforepaint',
  2463. 'offline',
  2464. 'online',
  2465. 'paint',
  2466. 'pageshow',
  2467. 'pagehide',
  2468. 'popstate',
  2469. 'rejectionhandled',
  2470. 'storage',
  2471. 'unhandledrejection',
  2472. 'unload',
  2473. 'userproximity',
  2474. 'vrdisplyconnected',
  2475. 'vrdisplaydisconnected',
  2476. 'vrdisplaypresentchange'
  2477. ];
  2478. var htmlElementEventNames = [
  2479. 'beforecopy', 'beforecut', 'beforepaste', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'dragstart', 'loadend',
  2480. 'animationstart', 'search', 'transitionrun', 'transitionstart', 'webkitanimationend',
  2481. 'webkitanimationiteration', 'webkitanimationstart', 'webkittransitionend'
  2482. ];
  2483. var mediaElementEventNames = ['encrypted', 'waitingforkey', 'msneedkey', 'mozinterruptbegin', 'mozinterruptend'];
  2484. var ieElementEventNames = [
  2485. 'activate',
  2486. 'afterupdate',
  2487. 'ariarequest',
  2488. 'beforeactivate',
  2489. 'beforedeactivate',
  2490. 'beforeeditfocus',
  2491. 'beforeupdate',
  2492. 'cellchange',
  2493. 'controlselect',
  2494. 'dataavailable',
  2495. 'datasetchanged',
  2496. 'datasetcomplete',
  2497. 'errorupdate',
  2498. 'filterchange',
  2499. 'layoutcomplete',
  2500. 'losecapture',
  2501. 'move',
  2502. 'moveend',
  2503. 'movestart',
  2504. 'propertychange',
  2505. 'resizeend',
  2506. 'resizestart',
  2507. 'rowenter',
  2508. 'rowexit',
  2509. 'rowsdelete',
  2510. 'rowsinserted',
  2511. 'command',
  2512. 'compassneedscalibration',
  2513. 'deactivate',
  2514. 'help',
  2515. 'mscontentzoom',
  2516. 'msmanipulationstatechanged',
  2517. 'msgesturechange',
  2518. 'msgesturedoubletap',
  2519. 'msgestureend',
  2520. 'msgesturehold',
  2521. 'msgesturestart',
  2522. 'msgesturetap',
  2523. 'msgotpointercapture',
  2524. 'msinertiastart',
  2525. 'mslostpointercapture',
  2526. 'mspointercancel',
  2527. 'mspointerdown',
  2528. 'mspointerenter',
  2529. 'mspointerhover',
  2530. 'mspointerleave',
  2531. 'mspointermove',
  2532. 'mspointerout',
  2533. 'mspointerover',
  2534. 'mspointerup',
  2535. 'pointerout',
  2536. 'mssitemodejumplistitemremoved',
  2537. 'msthumbnailclick',
  2538. 'stop',
  2539. 'storagecommit'
  2540. ];
  2541. var webglEventNames = ['webglcontextrestored', 'webglcontextlost', 'webglcontextcreationerror'];
  2542. var formEventNames = ['autocomplete', 'autocompleteerror'];
  2543. var detailEventNames = ['toggle'];
  2544. var frameEventNames = ['load'];
  2545. var frameSetEventNames = ['blur', 'error', 'focus', 'load', 'resize', 'scroll', 'messageerror'];
  2546. var marqueeEventNames = ['bounce', 'finish', 'start'];
  2547. var XMLHttpRequestEventNames = [
  2548. 'loadstart', 'progress', 'abort', 'error', 'load', 'progress', 'timeout', 'loadend',
  2549. 'readystatechange'
  2550. ];
  2551. var IDBIndexEventNames = ['upgradeneeded', 'complete', 'abort', 'success', 'error', 'blocked', 'versionchange', 'close'];
  2552. var websocketEventNames = ['close', 'error', 'open', 'message'];
  2553. var workerEventNames = ['error', 'message'];
  2554. var eventNames = globalEventHandlersEventNames.concat(webglEventNames, formEventNames, detailEventNames, documentEventNames, windowEventNames, htmlElementEventNames, ieElementEventNames);
  2555. function filterProperties(target, onProperties, ignoreProperties) {
  2556. if (!ignoreProperties) {
  2557. return onProperties;
  2558. }
  2559. var tip = ignoreProperties.filter(function (ip) { return ip.target === target; });
  2560. if (!tip || tip.length === 0) {
  2561. return onProperties;
  2562. }
  2563. var targetIgnoreProperties = tip[0].ignoreProperties;
  2564. return onProperties.filter(function (op) { return targetIgnoreProperties.indexOf(op) === -1; });
  2565. }
  2566. function patchFilteredProperties(target, onProperties, ignoreProperties, prototype) {
  2567. // check whether target is available, sometimes target will be undefined
  2568. // because different browser or some 3rd party plugin.
  2569. if (!target) {
  2570. return;
  2571. }
  2572. var filteredProperties = filterProperties(target, onProperties, ignoreProperties);
  2573. patchOnProperties(target, filteredProperties, prototype);
  2574. }
  2575. function propertyDescriptorPatch(api, _global) {
  2576. if (isNode && !isMix) {
  2577. return;
  2578. }
  2579. var supportsWebSocket = typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined';
  2580. if (canPatchViaPropertyDescriptor()) {
  2581. var ignoreProperties = _global.__Zone_ignore_on_properties;
  2582. // for browsers that we can patch the descriptor: Chrome & Firefox
  2583. if (isBrowser) {
  2584. var internalWindow = window;
  2585. // in IE/Edge, onProp not exist in window object, but in WindowPrototype
  2586. // so we need to pass WindowPrototype to check onProp exist or not
  2587. patchFilteredProperties(internalWindow, eventNames.concat(['messageerror']), ignoreProperties, ObjectGetPrototypeOf(internalWindow));
  2588. patchFilteredProperties(Document.prototype, eventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2589. if (typeof internalWindow['SVGElement'] !== 'undefined') {
  2590. patchFilteredProperties(internalWindow['SVGElement'].prototype, eventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2591. }
  2592. patchFilteredProperties(Element.prototype, eventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2593. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLElement.prototype, eventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2594. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, mediaElementEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2595. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLFrameSetElement.prototype, windowEventNames.concat(frameSetEventNames), ignoreProperties);
  2596. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLBodyElement.prototype, windowEventNames.concat(frameSetEventNames), ignoreProperties);
  2597. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLFrameElement.prototype, frameEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2598. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, frameEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2599. var HTMLMarqueeElement_1 = internalWindow['HTMLMarqueeElement'];
  2600. if (HTMLMarqueeElement_1) {
  2601. patchFilteredProperties(HTMLMarqueeElement_1.prototype, marqueeEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2602. }
  2603. var Worker_1 = internalWindow['Worker'];
  2604. if (Worker_1) {
  2605. patchFilteredProperties(Worker_1.prototype, workerEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2606. }
  2607. }
  2608. patchFilteredProperties(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, XMLHttpRequestEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2609. var XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = _global['XMLHttpRequestEventTarget'];
  2610. if (XMLHttpRequestEventTarget) {
  2611. patchFilteredProperties(XMLHttpRequestEventTarget && XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype, XMLHttpRequestEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2612. }
  2613. if (typeof IDBIndex !== 'undefined') {
  2614. patchFilteredProperties(IDBIndex.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2615. patchFilteredProperties(IDBRequest.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2616. patchFilteredProperties(IDBOpenDBRequest.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2617. patchFilteredProperties(IDBDatabase.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2618. patchFilteredProperties(IDBTransaction.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2619. patchFilteredProperties(IDBCursor.prototype, IDBIndexEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2620. }
  2621. if (supportsWebSocket) {
  2622. patchFilteredProperties(WebSocket.prototype, websocketEventNames, ignoreProperties);
  2623. }
  2624. }
  2625. else {
  2626. // Safari, Android browsers (Jelly Bean)
  2627. patchViaCapturingAllTheEvents();
  2628. patchClass('XMLHttpRequest');
  2629. if (supportsWebSocket) {
  2630. apply(api, _global);
  2631. }
  2632. }
  2633. }
  2634. function canPatchViaPropertyDescriptor() {
  2635. if ((isBrowser || isMix) && !ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onclick') &&
  2636. typeof Element !== 'undefined') {
  2637. // WebKit https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134364
  2638. // IDL interface attributes are not configurable
  2639. var desc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'onclick');
  2640. if (desc && !desc.configurable)
  2641. return false;
  2642. }
  2643. var ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE = 'onreadystatechange';
  2644. var XMLHttpRequestPrototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
  2645. var xhrDesc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE);
  2646. // add enumerable and configurable here because in opera
  2647. // by default XMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange is undefined
  2648. // without adding enumerable and configurable will cause onreadystatechange
  2649. // non-configurable
  2650. // and if XMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange is undefined,
  2651. // we should set a real desc instead a fake one
  2652. if (xhrDesc) {
  2653. ObjectDefineProperty(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE, {
  2654. enumerable: true,
  2655. configurable: true,
  2656. get: function () {
  2657. return true;
  2658. }
  2659. });
  2660. var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  2661. var result = !!req.onreadystatechange;
  2662. // restore original desc
  2663. ObjectDefineProperty(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE, xhrDesc || {});
  2664. return result;
  2665. }
  2666. else {
  2667. var SYMBOL_FAKE_ONREADYSTATECHANGE_1 = zoneSymbol('fake');
  2668. ObjectDefineProperty(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE, {
  2669. enumerable: true,
  2670. configurable: true,
  2671. get: function () {
  2673. },
  2674. set: function (value) {
  2676. }
  2677. });
  2678. var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  2679. var detectFunc = function () { };
  2680. req.onreadystatechange = detectFunc;
  2681. var result = req[SYMBOL_FAKE_ONREADYSTATECHANGE_1] === detectFunc;
  2682. req.onreadystatechange = null;
  2683. return result;
  2684. }
  2685. }
  2686. var unboundKey = zoneSymbol('unbound');
  2687. // Whenever any eventListener fires, we check the eventListener target and all parents
  2688. // for `onwhatever` properties and replace them with zone-bound functions
  2689. // - Chrome (for now)
  2690. function patchViaCapturingAllTheEvents() {
  2691. var _loop_1 = function (i) {
  2692. var property = eventNames[i];
  2693. var onproperty = 'on' + property;
  2694. self.addEventListener(property, function (event) {
  2695. var elt = event.target, bound, source;
  2696. if (elt) {
  2697. source = elt.constructor['name'] + '.' + onproperty;
  2698. }
  2699. else {
  2700. source = 'unknown.' + onproperty;
  2701. }
  2702. while (elt) {
  2703. if (elt[onproperty] && !elt[onproperty][unboundKey]) {
  2704. bound = wrapWithCurrentZone(elt[onproperty], source);
  2705. bound[unboundKey] = elt[onproperty];
  2706. elt[onproperty] = bound;
  2707. }
  2708. elt = elt.parentElement;
  2709. }
  2710. }, true);
  2711. };
  2712. for (var i = 0; i < eventNames.length; i++) {
  2713. _loop_1(i);
  2714. }
  2715. }
  2716. /**
  2717. * @license
  2718. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2719. *
  2720. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2721. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2722. */
  2723. function eventTargetPatch(_global, api) {
  2724. var WTF_ISSUE_555 = 'Anchor,Area,Audio,BR,Base,BaseFont,Body,Button,Canvas,Content,DList,Directory,Div,Embed,FieldSet,Font,Form,Frame,FrameSet,HR,Head,Heading,Html,IFrame,Image,Input,Keygen,LI,Label,Legend,Link,Map,Marquee,Media,Menu,Meta,Meter,Mod,OList,Object,OptGroup,Option,Output,Paragraph,Pre,Progress,Quote,Script,Select,Source,Span,Style,TableCaption,TableCell,TableCol,Table,TableRow,TableSection,TextArea,Title,Track,UList,Unknown,Video';
  2725. var NO_EVENT_TARGET = 'ApplicationCache,EventSource,FileReader,InputMethodContext,MediaController,MessagePort,Node,Performance,SVGElementInstance,SharedWorker,TextTrack,TextTrackCue,TextTrackList,WebKitNamedFlow,Window,Worker,WorkerGlobalScope,XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,XMLHttpRequestUpload,IDBRequest,IDBOpenDBRequest,IDBDatabase,IDBTransaction,IDBCursor,DBIndex,WebSocket'
  2726. .split(',');
  2727. var EVENT_TARGET = 'EventTarget';
  2728. var apis = [];
  2729. var isWtf = _global['wtf'];
  2730. var WTF_ISSUE_555_ARRAY = WTF_ISSUE_555.split(',');
  2731. if (isWtf) {
  2732. // Workaround for: https://github.com/google/tracing-framework/issues/555
  2733. apis = WTF_ISSUE_555_ARRAY.map(function (v) { return 'HTML' + v + 'Element'; }).concat(NO_EVENT_TARGET);
  2734. }
  2735. else if (_global[EVENT_TARGET]) {
  2736. apis.push(EVENT_TARGET);
  2737. }
  2738. else {
  2739. // Note: EventTarget is not available in all browsers,
  2740. // if it's not available, we instead patch the APIs in the IDL that inherit from EventTarget
  2741. apis = NO_EVENT_TARGET;
  2742. }
  2743. var isDisableIECheck = _global['__Zone_disable_IE_check'] || false;
  2744. var isEnableCrossContextCheck = _global['__Zone_enable_cross_context_check'] || false;
  2745. var ieOrEdge = isIEOrEdge();
  2746. var ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE = '.addEventListener:';
  2747. var FUNCTION_WRAPPER = '[object FunctionWrapper]';
  2748. var BROWSER_TOOLS = 'function __BROWSERTOOLS_CONSOLE_SAFEFUNC() { [native code] }';
  2749. // predefine all __zone_symbol__ + eventName + true/false string
  2750. for (var i = 0; i < eventNames.length; i++) {
  2751. var eventName = eventNames[i];
  2752. var falseEventName = eventName + FALSE_STR;
  2753. var trueEventName = eventName + TRUE_STR;
  2754. var symbol = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + falseEventName;
  2755. var symbolCapture = ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX + trueEventName;
  2756. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName] = {};
  2757. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName][FALSE_STR] = symbol;
  2758. zoneSymbolEventNames$1[eventName][TRUE_STR] = symbolCapture;
  2759. }
  2760. // predefine all task.source string
  2761. for (var i = 0; i < WTF_ISSUE_555.length; i++) {
  2762. var target = WTF_ISSUE_555_ARRAY[i];
  2763. var targets = globalSources[target] = {};
  2764. for (var j = 0; j < eventNames.length; j++) {
  2765. var eventName = eventNames[j];
  2766. targets[eventName] = target + ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_SOURCE + eventName;
  2767. }
  2768. }
  2769. var checkIEAndCrossContext = function (nativeDelegate, delegate, target, args) {
  2770. if (!isDisableIECheck && ieOrEdge) {
  2771. if (isEnableCrossContextCheck) {
  2772. try {
  2773. var testString = delegate.toString();
  2774. if ((testString === FUNCTION_WRAPPER || testString == BROWSER_TOOLS)) {
  2775. nativeDelegate.apply(target, args);
  2776. return false;
  2777. }
  2778. }
  2779. catch (error) {
  2780. nativeDelegate.apply(target, args);
  2781. return false;
  2782. }
  2783. }
  2784. else {
  2785. var testString = delegate.toString();
  2786. if ((testString === FUNCTION_WRAPPER || testString == BROWSER_TOOLS)) {
  2787. nativeDelegate.apply(target, args);
  2788. return false;
  2789. }
  2790. }
  2791. }
  2792. else if (isEnableCrossContextCheck) {
  2793. try {
  2794. delegate.toString();
  2795. }
  2796. catch (error) {
  2797. nativeDelegate.apply(target, args);
  2798. return false;
  2799. }
  2800. }
  2801. return true;
  2802. };
  2803. var apiTypes = [];
  2804. for (var i = 0; i < apis.length; i++) {
  2805. var type = _global[apis[i]];
  2806. apiTypes.push(type && type.prototype);
  2807. }
  2808. // vh is validateHandler to check event handler
  2809. // is valid or not(for security check)
  2810. patchEventTarget(_global, apiTypes, { vh: checkIEAndCrossContext });
  2811. api.patchEventTarget = patchEventTarget;
  2812. return true;
  2813. }
  2814. function patchEvent(global, api) {
  2815. patchEventPrototype(global, api);
  2816. }
  2817. /**
  2818. * @license
  2819. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2820. *
  2821. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2822. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2823. */
  2824. function registerElementPatch(_global) {
  2825. if ((!isBrowser && !isMix) || !('registerElement' in _global.document)) {
  2826. return;
  2827. }
  2828. var _registerElement = document.registerElement;
  2829. var callbacks = ['createdCallback', 'attachedCallback', 'detachedCallback', 'attributeChangedCallback'];
  2830. document.registerElement = function (name, opts) {
  2831. if (opts && opts.prototype) {
  2832. callbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
  2833. var source = 'Document.registerElement::' + callback;
  2834. var prototype = opts.prototype;
  2835. if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(callback)) {
  2836. var descriptor = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, callback);
  2837. if (descriptor && descriptor.value) {
  2838. descriptor.value = wrapWithCurrentZone(descriptor.value, source);
  2839. _redefineProperty(opts.prototype, callback, descriptor);
  2840. }
  2841. else {
  2842. prototype[callback] = wrapWithCurrentZone(prototype[callback], source);
  2843. }
  2844. }
  2845. else if (prototype[callback]) {
  2846. prototype[callback] = wrapWithCurrentZone(prototype[callback], source);
  2847. }
  2848. });
  2849. }
  2850. return _registerElement.call(document, name, opts);
  2851. };
  2852. attachOriginToPatched(document.registerElement, _registerElement);
  2853. }
  2854. /**
  2855. * @license
  2856. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  2857. *
  2858. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  2859. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  2860. */
  2861. /**
  2862. * @fileoverview
  2863. * @suppress {missingRequire}
  2864. */
  2865. Zone.__load_patch('util', function (global, Zone, api) {
  2866. api.patchOnProperties = patchOnProperties;
  2867. api.patchMethod = patchMethod;
  2868. api.bindArguments = bindArguments;
  2869. });
  2870. Zone.__load_patch('timers', function (global) {
  2871. var set = 'set';
  2872. var clear = 'clear';
  2873. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Timeout');
  2874. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Interval');
  2875. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Immediate');
  2876. });
  2877. Zone.__load_patch('requestAnimationFrame', function (global) {
  2878. patchTimer(global, 'request', 'cancel', 'AnimationFrame');
  2879. patchTimer(global, 'mozRequest', 'mozCancel', 'AnimationFrame');
  2880. patchTimer(global, 'webkitRequest', 'webkitCancel', 'AnimationFrame');
  2881. });
  2882. Zone.__load_patch('blocking', function (global, Zone) {
  2883. var blockingMethods = ['alert', 'prompt', 'confirm'];
  2884. for (var i = 0; i < blockingMethods.length; i++) {
  2885. var name_1 = blockingMethods[i];
  2886. patchMethod(global, name_1, function (delegate, symbol, name) {
  2887. return function (s, args) {
  2888. return Zone.current.run(delegate, global, args, name);
  2889. };
  2890. });
  2891. }
  2892. });
  2893. Zone.__load_patch('EventTarget', function (global, Zone, api) {
  2894. // load blackListEvents from global
  2896. if (global[SYMBOL_BLACK_LISTED_EVENTS]) {
  2898. }
  2899. patchEvent(global, api);
  2900. eventTargetPatch(global, api);
  2901. // patch XMLHttpRequestEventTarget's addEventListener/removeEventListener
  2902. var XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = global['XMLHttpRequestEventTarget'];
  2903. if (XMLHttpRequestEventTarget && XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype) {
  2904. api.patchEventTarget(global, [XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype]);
  2905. }
  2906. patchClass('MutationObserver');
  2907. patchClass('WebKitMutationObserver');
  2908. patchClass('IntersectionObserver');
  2909. patchClass('FileReader');
  2910. });
  2911. Zone.__load_patch('on_property', function (global, Zone, api) {
  2912. propertyDescriptorPatch(api, global);
  2913. propertyPatch();
  2914. registerElementPatch(global);
  2915. });
  2916. Zone.__load_patch('canvas', function (global) {
  2917. var HTMLCanvasElement = global['HTMLCanvasElement'];
  2918. if (typeof HTMLCanvasElement !== 'undefined' && HTMLCanvasElement.prototype &&
  2919. HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob) {
  2920. patchMacroTask(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, 'toBlob', function (self, args) {
  2921. return { name: 'HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob', target: self, cbIdx: 0, args: args };
  2922. });
  2923. }
  2924. });
  2925. Zone.__load_patch('XHR', function (global, Zone) {
  2926. // Treat XMLHttpRequest as a macrotask.
  2927. patchXHR(global);
  2928. var XHR_TASK = zoneSymbol('xhrTask');
  2929. var XHR_SYNC = zoneSymbol('xhrSync');
  2930. var XHR_LISTENER = zoneSymbol('xhrListener');
  2931. var XHR_SCHEDULED = zoneSymbol('xhrScheduled');
  2932. var XHR_URL = zoneSymbol('xhrURL');
  2933. function patchXHR(window) {
  2934. var XMLHttpRequestPrototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
  2935. function findPendingTask(target) {
  2936. return target[XHR_TASK];
  2937. }
  2938. var oriAddListener = XMLHttpRequestPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2939. var oriRemoveListener = XMLHttpRequestPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2940. if (!oriAddListener) {
  2941. var XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = window['XMLHttpRequestEventTarget'];
  2942. if (XMLHttpRequestEventTarget) {
  2943. var XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype = XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.prototype;
  2944. oriAddListener = XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2945. oriRemoveListener = XMLHttpRequestEventTargetPrototype[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2946. }
  2947. }
  2948. var READY_STATE_CHANGE = 'readystatechange';
  2949. var SCHEDULED = 'scheduled';
  2950. function scheduleTask(task) {
  2951. XMLHttpRequest[XHR_SCHEDULED] = false;
  2952. var data = task.data;
  2953. var target = data.target;
  2954. // remove existing event listener
  2955. var listener = target[XHR_LISTENER];
  2956. if (!oriAddListener) {
  2957. oriAddListener = target[ZONE_SYMBOL_ADD_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2958. oriRemoveListener = target[ZONE_SYMBOL_REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER];
  2959. }
  2960. if (listener) {
  2961. oriRemoveListener.call(target, READY_STATE_CHANGE, listener);
  2962. }
  2963. var newListener = target[XHR_LISTENER] = function () {
  2964. if (target.readyState === target.DONE) {
  2965. // sometimes on some browsers XMLHttpRequest will fire onreadystatechange with
  2966. // readyState=4 multiple times, so we need to check task state here
  2967. if (!data.aborted && XMLHttpRequest[XHR_SCHEDULED] && task.state === SCHEDULED) {
  2968. task.invoke();
  2969. }
  2970. }
  2971. };
  2972. oriAddListener.call(target, READY_STATE_CHANGE, newListener);
  2973. var storedTask = target[XHR_TASK];
  2974. if (!storedTask) {
  2975. target[XHR_TASK] = task;
  2976. }
  2977. sendNative.apply(target, data.args);
  2978. XMLHttpRequest[XHR_SCHEDULED] = true;
  2979. return task;
  2980. }
  2981. function placeholderCallback() { }
  2982. function clearTask(task) {
  2983. var data = task.data;
  2984. // Note - ideally, we would call data.target.removeEventListener here, but it's too late
  2985. // to prevent it from firing. So instead, we store info for the event listener.
  2986. data.aborted = true;
  2987. return abortNative.apply(data.target, data.args);
  2988. }
  2989. var openNative = patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'open', function () { return function (self, args) {
  2990. self[XHR_SYNC] = args[2] == false;
  2991. self[XHR_URL] = args[1];
  2992. return openNative.apply(self, args);
  2993. }; });
  2994. var XMLHTTPREQUEST_SOURCE = 'XMLHttpRequest.send';
  2995. var sendNative = patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'send', function () { return function (self, args) {
  2996. if (self[XHR_SYNC]) {
  2997. // if the XHR is sync there is no task to schedule, just execute the code.
  2998. return sendNative.apply(self, args);
  2999. }
  3000. else {
  3001. var options = {
  3002. target: self,
  3003. url: self[XHR_URL],
  3004. isPeriodic: false,
  3005. delay: null,
  3006. args: args,
  3007. aborted: false
  3008. };
  3009. return scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone(XMLHTTPREQUEST_SOURCE, placeholderCallback, options, scheduleTask, clearTask);
  3010. }
  3011. }; });
  3012. var abortNative = patchMethod(XMLHttpRequestPrototype, 'abort', function () { return function (self) {
  3013. var task = findPendingTask(self);
  3014. if (task && typeof task.type == 'string') {
  3015. // If the XHR has already completed, do nothing.
  3016. // If the XHR has already been aborted, do nothing.
  3017. // Fix #569, call abort multiple times before done will cause
  3018. // macroTask task count be negative number
  3019. if (task.cancelFn == null || (task.data && task.data.aborted)) {
  3020. return;
  3021. }
  3022. task.zone.cancelTask(task);
  3023. }
  3024. // Otherwise, we are trying to abort an XHR which has not yet been sent, so there is no
  3025. // task
  3026. // to cancel. Do nothing.
  3027. }; });
  3028. }
  3029. });
  3030. Zone.__load_patch('geolocation', function (global) {
  3031. /// GEO_LOCATION
  3032. if (global['navigator'] && global['navigator'].geolocation) {
  3033. patchPrototype(global['navigator'].geolocation, ['getCurrentPosition', 'watchPosition']);
  3034. }
  3035. });
  3036. Zone.__load_patch('PromiseRejectionEvent', function (global, Zone) {
  3037. // handle unhandled promise rejection
  3038. function findPromiseRejectionHandler(evtName) {
  3039. return function (e) {
  3040. var eventTasks = findEventTasks(global, evtName);
  3041. eventTasks.forEach(function (eventTask) {
  3042. // windows has added unhandledrejection event listener
  3043. // trigger the event listener
  3044. var PromiseRejectionEvent = global['PromiseRejectionEvent'];
  3045. if (PromiseRejectionEvent) {
  3046. var evt = new PromiseRejectionEvent(evtName, { promise: e.promise, reason: e.rejection });
  3047. eventTask.invoke(evt);
  3048. }
  3049. });
  3050. };
  3051. }
  3052. if (global['PromiseRejectionEvent']) {
  3053. Zone[zoneSymbol('unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler')] =
  3054. findPromiseRejectionHandler('unhandledrejection');
  3055. Zone[zoneSymbol('rejectionHandledHandler')] =
  3056. findPromiseRejectionHandler('rejectionhandled');
  3057. }
  3058. });
  3059. /**
  3060. * @license
  3061. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  3062. *
  3063. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  3064. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  3065. */
  3066. Zone.__load_patch('EventEmitter', function (global) {
  3067. // For EventEmitter
  3068. var EE_ADD_LISTENER = 'addListener';
  3069. var EE_PREPEND_LISTENER = 'prependListener';
  3070. var EE_REMOVE_LISTENER = 'removeListener';
  3071. var EE_REMOVE_ALL_LISTENER = 'removeAllListeners';
  3072. var EE_LISTENERS = 'listeners';
  3073. var EE_ON = 'on';
  3074. var compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate = function (task, delegate) {
  3075. // same callback, same capture, same event name, just return
  3076. return task.callback === delegate || task.callback.listener === delegate;
  3077. };
  3078. function patchEventEmitterMethods(obj) {
  3079. var result = patchEventTarget(global, [obj], {
  3080. useG: false,
  3081. add: EE_ADD_LISTENER,
  3083. prepend: EE_PREPEND_LISTENER,
  3085. listeners: EE_LISTENERS,
  3086. chkDup: false,
  3087. rt: true,
  3088. diff: compareTaskCallbackVsDelegate
  3089. });
  3090. if (result && result[0]) {
  3091. obj[EE_ON] = obj[EE_ADD_LISTENER];
  3092. }
  3093. }
  3094. // EventEmitter
  3095. var events;
  3096. try {
  3097. events = require('events');
  3098. }
  3099. catch (err) {
  3100. }
  3101. if (events && events.EventEmitter) {
  3102. patchEventEmitterMethods(events.EventEmitter.prototype);
  3103. }
  3104. });
  3105. /**
  3106. * @license
  3107. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  3108. *
  3109. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  3110. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  3111. */
  3112. Zone.__load_patch('fs', function () {
  3113. var fs;
  3114. try {
  3115. fs = require('fs');
  3116. }
  3117. catch (err) {
  3118. }
  3119. // watch, watchFile, unwatchFile has been patched
  3120. // because EventEmitter has been patched
  3122. 'access', 'appendFile', 'chmod', 'chown', 'close', 'exists', 'fchmod',
  3123. 'fchown', 'fdatasync', 'fstat', 'fsync', 'ftruncate', 'futimes', 'lchmod',
  3124. 'lchown', 'link', 'lstat', 'mkdir', 'mkdtemp', 'open', 'read',
  3125. 'readdir', 'readFile', 'readlink', 'realpath', 'rename', 'rmdir', 'stat',
  3126. 'symlink', 'truncate', 'unlink', 'utimes', 'write', 'writeFile',
  3127. ];
  3128. if (fs) {
  3129. TO_PATCH_MACROTASK_METHODS.filter(function (name) { return !!fs[name] && typeof fs[name] === 'function'; })
  3130. .forEach(function (name) {
  3131. patchMacroTask(fs, name, function (self, args) {
  3132. return {
  3133. name: 'fs.' + name,
  3134. args: args,
  3135. cbIdx: args.length > 0 ? args.length - 1 : -1,
  3136. target: self
  3137. };
  3138. });
  3139. });
  3140. }
  3141. });
  3142. /**
  3143. * @license
  3144. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  3145. *
  3146. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  3147. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  3148. */
  3149. var set = 'set';
  3150. var clear = 'clear';
  3151. Zone.__load_patch('node_util', function (global, Zone, api) {
  3152. api.patchOnProperties = patchOnProperties;
  3153. api.patchMethod = patchMethod;
  3154. api.bindArguments = bindArguments;
  3155. });
  3156. Zone.__load_patch('node_timers', function (global, Zone) {
  3157. // Timers
  3158. var globalUseTimeoutFromTimer = false;
  3159. try {
  3160. var timers = require('timers');
  3161. var globalEqualTimersTimeout = global.setTimeout === timers.setTimeout;
  3162. if (!globalEqualTimersTimeout && !isMix) {
  3163. // 1. if isMix, then we are in mix environment such as Electron
  3164. // we should only patch timers.setTimeout because global.setTimeout
  3165. // have been patched
  3166. // 2. if global.setTimeout not equal timers.setTimeout, check
  3167. // whether global.setTimeout use timers.setTimeout or not
  3168. var originSetTimeout_1 = timers.setTimeout;
  3169. timers.setTimeout = function () {
  3170. globalUseTimeoutFromTimer = true;
  3171. return originSetTimeout_1.apply(this, arguments);
  3172. };
  3173. var detectTimeout = global.setTimeout(function () { }, 100);
  3174. clearTimeout(detectTimeout);
  3175. timers.setTimeout = originSetTimeout_1;
  3176. }
  3177. patchTimer(timers, set, clear, 'Timeout');
  3178. patchTimer(timers, set, clear, 'Interval');
  3179. patchTimer(timers, set, clear, 'Immediate');
  3180. }
  3181. catch (error) {
  3182. // timers module not exists, for example, when we using nativeScript
  3183. // timers is not available
  3184. }
  3185. if (isMix) {
  3186. // if we are in mix environment, such as Electron,
  3187. // the global.setTimeout has already been patched,
  3188. // so we just patch timers.setTimeout
  3189. return;
  3190. }
  3191. if (!globalUseTimeoutFromTimer) {
  3192. // 1. global setTimeout equals timers setTimeout
  3193. // 2. or global don't use timers setTimeout(maybe some other library patch setTimeout)
  3194. // 3. or load timers module error happens, we should patch global setTimeout
  3195. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Timeout');
  3196. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Interval');
  3197. patchTimer(global, set, clear, 'Immediate');
  3198. }
  3199. else {
  3200. // global use timers setTimeout, but not equals
  3201. // this happens when use nodejs v0.10.x, global setTimeout will
  3202. // use a lazy load version of timers setTimeout
  3203. // we should not double patch timer's setTimeout
  3204. // so we only store the __symbol__ for consistency
  3205. global[Zone.__symbol__('setTimeout')] = global.setTimeout;
  3206. global[Zone.__symbol__('setInterval')] = global.setInterval;
  3207. global[Zone.__symbol__('setImmediate')] = global.setImmediate;
  3208. }
  3209. });
  3210. // patch process related methods
  3211. Zone.__load_patch('nextTick', function () {
  3212. // patch nextTick as microTask
  3213. patchMicroTask(process, 'nextTick', function (self, args) {
  3214. return {
  3215. name: 'process.nextTick',
  3216. args: args,
  3217. cbIdx: (args.length > 0 && typeof args[0] === 'function') ? 0 : -1,
  3218. target: process
  3219. };
  3220. });
  3221. });
  3222. Zone.__load_patch('handleUnhandledPromiseRejection', function (global, Zone, api) {
  3223. Zone[api.symbol('unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler')] =
  3224. findProcessPromiseRejectionHandler('unhandledRejection');
  3225. Zone[api.symbol('rejectionHandledHandler')] =
  3226. findProcessPromiseRejectionHandler('rejectionHandled');
  3227. // handle unhandled promise rejection
  3228. function findProcessPromiseRejectionHandler(evtName) {
  3229. return function (e) {
  3230. var eventTasks = findEventTasks(process, evtName);
  3231. eventTasks.forEach(function (eventTask) {
  3232. // process has added unhandledrejection event listener
  3233. // trigger the event listener
  3234. if (evtName === 'unhandledRejection') {
  3235. eventTask.invoke(e.rejection, e.promise);
  3236. }
  3237. else if (evtName === 'rejectionHandled') {
  3238. eventTask.invoke(e.promise);
  3239. }
  3240. });
  3241. };
  3242. }
  3243. });
  3244. // Crypto
  3245. Zone.__load_patch('crypto', function () {
  3246. var crypto;
  3247. try {
  3248. crypto = require('crypto');
  3249. }
  3250. catch (err) {
  3251. }
  3252. // use the generic patchMacroTask to patch crypto
  3253. if (crypto) {
  3254. var methodNames = ['randomBytes', 'pbkdf2'];
  3255. methodNames.forEach(function (name) {
  3256. patchMacroTask(crypto, name, function (self, args) {
  3257. return {
  3258. name: 'crypto.' + name,
  3259. args: args,
  3260. cbIdx: (args.length > 0 && typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') ?
  3261. args.length - 1 :
  3262. -1,
  3263. target: crypto
  3264. };
  3265. });
  3266. });
  3267. }
  3268. });
  3269. Zone.__load_patch('console', function (global, Zone) {
  3270. var consoleMethods = ['dir', 'log', 'info', 'error', 'warn', 'assert', 'debug', 'timeEnd', 'trace'];
  3271. consoleMethods.forEach(function (m) {
  3272. var originalMethod = console[Zone.__symbol__(m)] = console[m];
  3273. if (originalMethod) {
  3274. console[m] = function () {
  3275. var args = ArraySlice.call(arguments);
  3276. if (Zone.current === Zone.root) {
  3277. return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
  3278. }
  3279. else {
  3280. return Zone.root.run(originalMethod, this, args);
  3281. }
  3282. };
  3283. }
  3284. });
  3285. });
  3286. /**
  3287. * @license
  3288. * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  3289. *
  3290. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
  3291. * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
  3292. */
  3293. })));