(function (factory) { if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { var v = factory(require, exports); if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["require", "exports", "@angular/core", "../../util/util", "./item", "../list/list", "../../platform/platform", "./item-options"], factory); } })(function (require, exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var core_1 = require("@angular/core"); var util_1 = require("../../util/util"); var item_1 = require("./item"); var list_1 = require("../list/list"); var platform_1 = require("../../platform/platform"); var item_options_1 = require("./item-options"); var SWIPE_MARGIN = 30; var ELASTIC_FACTOR = 0.55; var ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_NONE = 0; var ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_LEFT = 1 << 0; var ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_RIGHT = 1 << 1; var ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_BOTH = ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_LEFT | ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_RIGHT; /** * @name ItemSliding * @description * A sliding item is a list item that can be swiped to reveal buttons. It requires * an [Item](../Item) component as a child and a [List](../../list/List) component as * a parent. All buttons to reveal can be placed in the `` element. * * @usage * ```html * * * * Item * * * * * * * * * * * * ``` * * ### Swipe Direction * By default, the buttons are revealed when the sliding item is swiped from right to left, * so the buttons are placed in the right side. But it's also possible to reveal them * in the right side (sliding from left to right) by setting the `side` attribute * on the `ion-item-options` element. Up to 2 `ion-item-options` can used at the same time * in order to reveal two different sets of buttons depending the swipping direction. * * ```html * * * * * * * * ``` * * ### Listening for events (ionDrag) and (ionSwipe) * It's possible to know the current relative position of the sliding item by subscribing * to the (ionDrag)` event. * * ```html * * Item * * * * * ``` * * ### Button Layout * If an icon is placed with text in the option button, by default it will * display the icon on top of the text. This can be changed to display the icon * to the left of the text by setting `icon-start` as an attribute on the * `` element. * * ```html * * * * * ``` * * ### Expandable Options * * Options can be expanded to take up the full width of the item if you swipe past * a certain point. This can be combined with the `ionSwipe` event to call methods * on the class. * * ```html * * * Item * * * * * ``` * * We can call `delete` by either clicking the button, or by doing a full swipe on the item. * * @demo /docs/demos/src/item-sliding/ * @see {@link /docs/components#lists List Component Docs} * @see {@link ../Item Item API Docs} * @see {@link ../../list/List List API Docs} */ var ItemSliding = (function () { function ItemSliding(list, _plt, _renderer, _elementRef, _zone) { this._plt = _plt; this._renderer = _renderer; this._elementRef = _elementRef; this._zone = _zone; this._openAmount = 0; this._startX = 0; this._optsWidthRightSide = 0; this._optsWidthLeftSide = 0; this._tmr = null; this._optsDirty = true; this._state = 2 /* Disabled */; /** * @output {event} Emitted when the sliding position changes. * It reports the relative position. * * ```ts * ondrag(item) { * let percent = item.getSlidingPercent(); * if (percent > 0) { * // positive * console.log('right side'); * } else { * // negative * console.log('left side'); * } * if (Math.abs(percent) > 1) { * console.log('overscroll'); * } * } * ``` * */ this.ionDrag = new core_1.EventEmitter(); list && list.containsSlidingItem(true); _elementRef.nativeElement.$ionComponent = this; this.setElementClass('item-wrapper', true); } Object.defineProperty(ItemSliding.prototype, "_itemOptions", { set: function (itemOptions) { var sides = 0; // Reset left and right options in case they were removed this._leftOptions = this._rightOptions = null; for (var _i = 0, _a = itemOptions.toArray(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var item = _a[_i]; if (item.isRightSide()) { this._rightOptions = item; sides |= ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_RIGHT; } else { this._leftOptions = item; sides |= ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_LEFT; } } this._optsDirty = true; this._sides = sides; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.getOpenAmount = function () { return this._openAmount; }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.getSlidingPercent = function () { var openAmount = this._openAmount; if (openAmount > 0) { return openAmount / this._optsWidthRightSide; } else if (openAmount < 0) { return openAmount / this._optsWidthLeftSide; } else { return 0; } }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.startSliding = function (startX) { if (this._tmr) { this._plt.cancelTimeout(this._tmr); this._tmr = null; } if (this._openAmount === 0) { this._optsDirty = true; this._setState(4 /* Enabled */); } this._startX = startX + this._openAmount; this.item.setElementStyle(this._plt.Css.transition, 'none'); }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.moveSliding = function (x) { if (this._optsDirty) { this.calculateOptsWidth(); return; } var openAmount = (this._startX - x); switch (this._sides) { case ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_RIGHT: openAmount = Math.max(0, openAmount); break; case ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_LEFT: openAmount = Math.min(0, openAmount); break; case ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_BOTH: break; case ITEM_SIDE_FLAG_NONE: return; default: (void 0) /* assert */; break; } if (openAmount > this._optsWidthRightSide) { var optsWidth = this._optsWidthRightSide; openAmount = optsWidth + (openAmount - optsWidth) * ELASTIC_FACTOR; } else if (openAmount < -this._optsWidthLeftSide) { var optsWidth = -this._optsWidthLeftSide; openAmount = optsWidth + (openAmount - optsWidth) * ELASTIC_FACTOR; } this._setOpenAmount(openAmount, false); return openAmount; }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.endSliding = function (velocity) { var restingPoint = (this._openAmount > 0) ? this._optsWidthRightSide : -this._optsWidthLeftSide; // Check if the drag didn't clear the buttons mid-point // and we aren't moving fast enough to swipe open var isResetDirection = (this._openAmount > 0) === !(velocity < 0); var isMovingFast = Math.abs(velocity) > 0.3; var isOnCloseZone = Math.abs(this._openAmount) < Math.abs(restingPoint / 2); if (util_1.swipeShouldReset(isResetDirection, isMovingFast, isOnCloseZone)) { restingPoint = 0; } this.fireSwipeEvent(); this._setOpenAmount(restingPoint, true); return restingPoint; }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.fireSwipeEvent = function () { var _this = this; if (this._state & 32 /* SwipeRight */) { this._zone.run(function () { return _this._rightOptions.ionSwipe.emit(_this); }); } else if (this._state & 64 /* SwipeLeft */) { this._zone.run(function () { return _this._leftOptions.ionSwipe.emit(_this); }); } }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.calculateOptsWidth = function () { if (!this._optsDirty) { return; } this._optsWidthRightSide = 0; if (this._rightOptions) { this._optsWidthRightSide = this._rightOptions.width(); (void 0) /* assert */; } this._optsWidthLeftSide = 0; if (this._leftOptions) { this._optsWidthLeftSide = this._leftOptions.width(); (void 0) /* assert */; } this._optsDirty = false; }; ItemSliding.prototype._setOpenAmount = function (openAmount, isFinal) { var _this = this; var platform = this._plt; if (this._tmr) { platform.cancelTimeout(this._tmr); this._tmr = null; } this._openAmount = openAmount; if (isFinal) { this.item.setElementStyle(platform.Css.transition, ''); } if (openAmount > 0) { var state = (openAmount >= (this._optsWidthRightSide + SWIPE_MARGIN)) ? 8 /* Right */ | 32 /* SwipeRight */ : 8 /* Right */; this._setState(state); } else if (openAmount < 0) { var state_1 = (openAmount <= (-this._optsWidthLeftSide - SWIPE_MARGIN)) ? 16 /* Left */ | 64 /* SwipeLeft */ : 16 /* Left */; this._setState(state_1); } else { (void 0) /* assert */; this._tmr = platform.timeout(function () { _this._setState(2 /* Disabled */); _this._tmr = null; }, 600); this.item.setElementStyle(platform.Css.transform, ''); return; } this.item.setElementStyle(platform.Css.transform, "translate3d(" + -openAmount + "px,0,0)"); var ionDrag = this.ionDrag; if (ionDrag.observers.length > 0) { ionDrag.emit(this); } }; ItemSliding.prototype._setState = function (state) { if (state === this._state) { return; } this.setElementClass('active-slide', (state !== 2 /* Disabled */)); this.setElementClass('active-options-right', !!(state & 8 /* Right */)); this.setElementClass('active-options-left', !!(state & 16 /* Left */)); this.setElementClass('active-swipe-right', !!(state & 32 /* SwipeRight */)); this.setElementClass('active-swipe-left', !!(state & 64 /* SwipeLeft */)); this._state = state; }; /** * Close the sliding item. Items can also be closed from the [List](../../list/List). * * The sliding item can be closed by grabbing a reference to `ItemSliding`. In the * below example, the template reference variable `slidingItem` is placed on the element * and passed to the `share` method. * * ```html * * * * Item * * * * * * * ``` * * ```ts * import { Component } from '@angular/core'; * import { ItemSliding } from 'ionic-angular'; * * @Component({...}) * export class MyClass { * constructor() { } * * share(slidingItem: ItemSliding) { * slidingItem.close(); * } * } * ``` */ ItemSliding.prototype.close = function () { this._setOpenAmount(0, true); }; /** * @hidden */ ItemSliding.prototype.setElementClass = function (cssClass, shouldAdd) { this._renderer.setElementClass(this._elementRef.nativeElement, cssClass, shouldAdd); }; ItemSliding.decorators = [ { type: core_1.Component, args: [{ selector: 'ion-item-sliding', template: "\n \n \n ", changeDetection: core_1.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: core_1.ViewEncapsulation.None },] }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ItemSliding.ctorParameters = function () { return [ { type: list_1.List, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Optional },] }, { type: platform_1.Platform, }, { type: core_1.Renderer, }, { type: core_1.ElementRef, }, { type: core_1.NgZone, }, ]; }; ItemSliding.propDecorators = { 'item': [{ type: core_1.ContentChild, args: [item_1.Item,] },], 'ionDrag': [{ type: core_1.Output },], '_itemOptions': [{ type: core_1.ContentChildren, args: [core_1.forwardRef(function () { return item_options_1.ItemOptions; }),] },], }; return ItemSliding; }()); exports.ItemSliding = ItemSliding; }); //# sourceMappingURL=item-sliding.js.map