import { EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { deepCopy, isArray, isPresent, isString, isTrueProperty, isUndefined } from './util'; import { Ion } from '../components/ion'; import { TimeoutDebouncer } from './debouncer'; export class BaseInput extends Ion { constructor(config, elementRef, renderer, name, _defaultValue, _form, _item, _ngControl) { super(config, elementRef, renderer, name); this._defaultValue = _defaultValue; this._form = _form; this._item = _item; this._ngControl = _ngControl; this._isFocus = false; this._disabled = false; this._debouncer = new TimeoutDebouncer(0); this._init = false; this._initModel = false; /** * @output {Range} Emitted when the range selector drag starts. */ this.ionFocus = new EventEmitter(); /** * @output {Range} Emitted when the range value changes. */ this.ionChange = new EventEmitter(); /** * @output {Range} Emitted when the range selector drag ends. */ this.ionBlur = new EventEmitter(); _form && _form.register(this); this._value = deepCopy(this._defaultValue); if (_item) { (void 0) /* assert */; = name + '-' + _item.registerInput(name); this._labelId = _item.labelId; this._item.setElementClass('item-' + name, true); } // If the user passed a ngControl we need to set the valueAccessor if (_ngControl) { _ngControl.valueAccessor = this; } } /** * @input {boolean} If true, the user cannot interact with this element. */ get disabled() { return this._disabled; } set disabled(val) { this.setDisabledState(val); } get value() { return this._value; } set value(val) { if (this._writeValue(val)) { this.onChange(); this._fireIonChange(); } } // 1. Updates the value // 2. Calls _inputUpdated() // 3. Dispatch onChange events setValue(val) { this.value = val; } /** * @hidden */ setDisabledState(isDisabled) { this._disabled = isDisabled = isTrueProperty(isDisabled); this._item && this._item.setElementClass(`item-${this._componentName}-disabled`, isDisabled); } /** * @hidden */ writeValue(val) { if (this._writeValue(val)) { if (this._initModel) { this._fireIonChange(); } else if (this._init) { // ngModel fires the first time too late, we need to skip the first ngModel update this._initModel = true; } } } /** * @hidden */ _writeValue(val) { (void 0) /* assert */; if (isUndefined(val)) { return false; } const normalized = (val === null) ? deepCopy(this._defaultValue) : this._inputNormalize(val); const notUpdate = isUndefined(normalized) || !this._inputShouldChange(normalized); if (notUpdate) { return false; } (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._value = normalized; if (this._init) { this._inputUpdated(); } return true; } /** * @hidden */ _fireIonChange() { if (this._init) { this._debouncer.debounce(() => { (void 0) /* assert */; this.ionChange.emit(this._inputChangeEvent()); this._initModel = true; }); } } /** * @hidden */ registerOnChange(fn) { this._onChanged = fn; } /** * @hidden */ registerOnTouched(fn) { this._onTouched = fn; } /** * @hidden */ _initialize() { if (this._init) { (void 0) /* assert */; return; } this._init = true; if (isPresent(this._value)) { this._inputUpdated(); } } /** * @hidden */ _fireFocus() { if (this._isFocus) { return; } (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._form && this._form.setAsFocused(this); this._setFocus(true); this.ionFocus.emit(this); } /** * @hidden */ _fireBlur() { if (!this._isFocus) { return; } (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._form && this._form.unsetAsFocused(this); this._setFocus(false); this._fireTouched(); this.ionBlur.emit(this); } /** * @hidden */ _fireTouched() { this._onTouched && this._onTouched(); } /** * @hidden */ _setFocus(isFocused) { (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; this._isFocus = isFocused; const item = this._item; if (item) { item.setElementClass('input-has-focus', isFocused); item.setElementClass('item-input-has-focus', isFocused); } this._inputUpdated(); } /** * @hidden */ onChange() { this._onChanged && this._onChanged(this._inputNgModelEvent()); } /** * @hidden */ isFocus() { return this._isFocus; } /** * @hidden */ hasValue() { const val = this._value; if (!isPresent(val)) { return false; } if (isArray(val) || isString(val)) { return val.length > 0; } return true; } /** * @hidden */ focusNext() { this._form && this._form.tabFocus(this); } /** * @hidden */ ngOnDestroy() { (void 0) /* assert */; const form = this._form; form && form.deregister(this); this._init = false; } /** * @hidden */ ngAfterContentInit() { this._initialize(); } /** * @hidden */ initFocus() { const ele = this._elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('button'); ele && ele.focus(); } /** * @hidden */ _inputNormalize(val) { return val; } /** * @hidden */ _inputShouldChange(val) { return this._value !== val; } /** * @hidden */ _inputChangeEvent() { return this; } /** * @hidden */ _inputNgModelEvent() { return this._value; } /** * @hidden */ _inputUpdated() { (void 0) /* assert */; const item = this._item; if (item) { setControlCss(item, this._ngControl); // TODO remove all uses of input-has-value in v4 let hasValue = this.hasValue(); item.setElementClass('input-has-value', hasValue); item.setElementClass('item-input-has-value', hasValue); } } } BaseInput.propDecorators = { 'ionFocus': [{ type: Output },], 'ionChange': [{ type: Output },], 'ionBlur': [{ type: Output },], 'disabled': [{ type: Input },], }; function setControlCss(element, control) { if (!control) { return; } element.setElementClass('ng-untouched', control.untouched); element.setElementClass('ng-touched', control.touched); element.setElementClass('ng-pristine', control.pristine); element.setElementClass('ng-dirty', control.dirty); element.setElementClass('ng-valid', control.valid); element.setElementClass('ng-invalid', !control.valid); } //#