import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, NgZone, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { clamp } from '../../util/util'; import { Config } from '../../config/config'; import { DomController } from '../../platform/dom-controller'; import { Haptic } from '../../tap-click/haptic'; import { DECELERATION_FRICTION, FRAME_MS, MAX_PICKER_SPEED, PICKER_OPT_SELECTED } from './picker-options'; import { Platform } from '../../platform/platform'; import { pointerCoord } from '../../util/dom'; import { UIEventManager } from '../../gestures/ui-event-manager'; /** * @hidden */ export class PickerColumnCmp { constructor(config, _plt, elementRef, _zone, _haptic, plt, domCtrl) { this._plt = _plt; this.elementRef = elementRef; this._zone = _zone; this._haptic = _haptic; this.y = 0; this.pos = []; this.startY = null; this.ionChange = new EventEmitter(); = new UIEventManager(plt); this.rotateFactor = config.getNumber('pickerRotateFactor', 0); this.scaleFactor = config.getNumber('pickerScaleFactor', 1); this.decelerateFunc = this.decelerate.bind(this); this.debouncer = domCtrl.debouncer(); } ngAfterViewInit() { // get the scrollable element within the column let colEle = this.colEle.nativeElement; this.colHeight = colEle.clientHeight; // get the height of one option this.optHeight = (colEle.firstElementChild ? colEle.firstElementChild.clientHeight : 0); // Listening for pointer events{ element: this.elementRef.nativeElement, pointerDown: this.pointerStart.bind(this), pointerMove: this.pointerMove.bind(this), pointerUp: this.pointerEnd.bind(this), capture: true, zone: false }); } ngOnDestroy() { this._plt.cancelRaf(this.rafId);; } pointerStart(ev) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._haptic.gestureSelectionStart(); // We have to prevent default in order to block scrolling under the picker // but we DO NOT have to stop propagation, since we still want // some "click" events to capture ev.preventDefault(); // cancel any previous raf's that haven't fired yet this._plt.cancelRaf(this.rafId); // remember where the pointer started from` this.startY = pointerCoord(ev).y; // reset everything this.velocity = 0; this.pos.length = 0; this.pos.push(this.startY,; let options = this.col.options; let minY = (options.length - 1); let maxY = 0; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (!options[i].disabled) { minY = Math.min(minY, i); maxY = Math.max(maxY, i); } } this.minY = (minY * this.optHeight * -1); this.maxY = (maxY * this.optHeight * -1); return true; } pointerMove(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); let currentY = pointerCoord(ev).y; this.pos.push(currentY,; this.debouncer.write(() => { if (this.startY === null) { return; } // update the scroll position relative to pointer start position let y = this.y + (currentY - this.startY); if (y > this.minY) { // scrolling up higher than scroll area y = Math.pow(y, 0.8); this.bounceFrom = y; } else if (y < this.maxY) { // scrolling down below scroll area y += Math.pow(this.maxY - y, 0.9); this.bounceFrom = y; } else { this.bounceFrom = 0; } this.update(y, 0, false, false); let currentIndex = Math.max(Math.abs(Math.round(y / this.optHeight)), 0); if (currentIndex !== this.lastTempIndex) { // Trigger a haptic event for physical feedback that the index has changed this._haptic.gestureSelectionChanged(); this.lastTempIndex = currentIndex; } }); } pointerEnd(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.debouncer.cancel(); if (this.startY === null) { return; } (void 0) /* console.debug */; this.velocity = 0; if (this.bounceFrom > 0) { // bounce back up this.update(this.minY, 100, true, true); return; } else if (this.bounceFrom < 0) { // bounce back down this.update(this.maxY, 100, true, true); return; } let endY = pointerCoord(ev).y; this.pos.push(endY,; let endPos = (this.pos.length - 1); let startPos = endPos; let timeRange = ( - 100); // move pointer to position measured 100ms ago for (var i = endPos; i > 0 && this.pos[i] > timeRange; i -= 2) { startPos = i; } if (startPos !== endPos) { // compute relative movement between these two points var timeOffset = (this.pos[endPos] - this.pos[startPos]); var movedTop = (this.pos[startPos - 1] - this.pos[endPos - 1]); // based on XXms compute the movement to apply for each render step var velocity = ((movedTop / timeOffset) * FRAME_MS); this.velocity = clamp(-MAX_PICKER_SPEED, velocity, MAX_PICKER_SPEED); } if (Math.abs(endY - this.startY) > 3) { var y = this.y + (endY - this.startY); this.update(y, 0, true, true); } this.startY = null; this.decelerate(); } decelerate() { let y = 0; if (isNaN(this.y) || !this.optHeight) { // fallback in case numbers get outta wack this.update(y, 0, true, true); this._haptic.gestureSelectionEnd(); } else if (Math.abs(this.velocity) > 0) { // still decelerating this.velocity *= DECELERATION_FRICTION; // do not let it go slower than a velocity of 1 this.velocity = (this.velocity > 0) ? Math.max(this.velocity, 1) : Math.min(this.velocity, -1); y = Math.round(this.y - this.velocity); if (y > this.minY) { // whoops, it's trying to scroll up farther than the options we have! y = this.minY; this.velocity = 0; } else if (y < this.maxY) { // gahh, it's trying to scroll down farther than we can! y = this.maxY; this.velocity = 0; } var notLockedIn = (y % this.optHeight !== 0 || Math.abs(this.velocity) > 1); this.update(y, 0, true, !notLockedIn); if (notLockedIn) { // isn't locked in yet, keep decelerating until it is this.rafId = this._plt.raf(this.decelerateFunc); } } else if (this.y % this.optHeight !== 0) { // needs to still get locked into a position so options line up var currentPos = Math.abs(this.y % this.optHeight); // create a velocity in the direction it needs to scroll this.velocity = (currentPos > (this.optHeight / 2) ? 1 : -1); this._haptic.gestureSelectionEnd(); this.decelerate(); } let currentIndex = Math.max(Math.abs(Math.round(y / this.optHeight)), 0); if (currentIndex !== this.lastTempIndex) { // Trigger a haptic event for physical feedback that the index has changed this._haptic.gestureSelectionChanged(); } this.lastTempIndex = currentIndex; } optClick(ev, index) { if (!this.velocity) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); this.setSelected(index, 150); } } setSelected(selectedIndex, duration) { // if there is a selected index, then figure out it's y position // if there isn't a selected index, then just use the top y position let y = (selectedIndex > -1) ? ((selectedIndex * this.optHeight) * -1) : 0; this._plt.cancelRaf(this.rafId); this.velocity = 0; // so what y position we're at this.update(y, duration, true, true); } update(y, duration, saveY, emitChange) { // ensure we've got a good round number :) y = Math.round(y); let i; let button; let opt; let optOffset; let visible; let translateX; let translateY; let translateZ; let rotateX; let transform; let selected; const parent = this.colEle.nativeElement; const children = parent.children; const length = children.length; const selectedIndex = this.col.selectedIndex = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(-y / this.optHeight), 0), length - 1); const durationStr = (duration === 0) ? null : duration + 'ms'; const scaleStr = `scale(${this.scaleFactor})`; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { button = children[i]; opt = this.col.options[i]; optOffset = (i * this.optHeight) + y; visible = true; transform = ''; if (this.rotateFactor !== 0) { rotateX = optOffset * this.rotateFactor; if (Math.abs(rotateX) > 90) { visible = false; } else { translateX = 0; translateY = 0; translateZ = 90; transform = `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `; } } else { translateX = 0; translateZ = 0; translateY = optOffset; if (Math.abs(translateY) > 170) { visible = false; } } selected = selectedIndex === i; if (visible) { transform += `translate3d(0px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) `; if (this.scaleFactor !== 1 && !selected) { transform += scaleStr; } } else { transform = 'translate3d(-9999px,0px,0px)'; } // Update transition duration if (duration !== opt._dur) { opt._dur = duration;[this._plt.Css.transitionDuration] = durationStr; } // Update transform if (transform !== opt._trans) { opt._trans = transform;[this._plt.Css.transform] = transform; } // Update selected item if (selected !== opt._selected) { opt._selected = selected; if (selected) { button.classList.add(PICKER_OPT_SELECTED); } else { button.classList.remove(PICKER_OPT_SELECTED); } } } this.col.prevSelected = selectedIndex; if (saveY) { this.y = y; } if (emitChange) { if (this.lastIndex === undefined) { // have not set a last index yet this.lastIndex = this.col.selectedIndex; } else if (this.lastIndex !== this.col.selectedIndex) { // new selected index has changed from the last index // update the lastIndex and emit that it has changed this.lastIndex = this.col.selectedIndex; var ionChange = this.ionChange; if (ionChange.observers.length > 0) {, this.col.options[this.col.selectedIndex])); } } } } refresh() { let min = this.col.options.length - 1; let max = 0; const options = this.col.options; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (!options[i].disabled) { min = Math.min(min, i); max = Math.max(max, i); } } const selectedIndex = clamp(min, this.col.selectedIndex, max); if (this.col.prevSelected !== selectedIndex) { var y = (selectedIndex * this.optHeight) * -1; this._plt.cancelRaf(this.rafId); this.velocity = 0; this.update(y, 150, true, false); } } } PickerColumnCmp.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: '.picker-col', template: '