import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, NgZone, Optional, Output, Renderer, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import { App } from '../app/app'; import { Config } from '../../config/config'; import { DomController } from '../../platform/dom-controller'; import { Ion } from '../ion'; import { isTabs } from '../../navigation/nav-util'; import { isTrueProperty, removeArrayItem } from '../../util/util'; import { Keyboard } from '../../platform/keyboard'; import { NavController } from '../../navigation/nav-controller'; import { Platform } from '../../platform/platform'; import { ScrollView } from '../../util/scroll-view'; import { ViewController } from '../../navigation/view-controller'; export class EventEmitterProxy extends EventEmitter { subscribe(generatorOrNext, error, complete) { this.onSubscribe(); return super.subscribe(generatorOrNext, error, complete); } } /** * @name Content * @description * The Content component provides an easy to use content area with * some useful methods to control the scrollable area. There should * only be one content in a single view component. If additional scrollable * elements are needed, use [ionScroll](../../scroll/Scroll). * * * The content area can also implement pull-to-refresh with the * [Refresher](../../refresher/Refresher) component. * * @usage * ```html * * Add your content here! * * ``` * * To get a reference to the content component from a Page's logic, * you can use Angular's `@ViewChild` annotation: * * ```ts * import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; * import { Content } from 'ionic-angular'; * * @Component({...}) * export class MyPage{ * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content; * * scrollToTop() { * this.content.scrollToTop(); * } * } * ``` * * @advanced * * ### Scroll Events * * Scroll events happen outside of Angular's Zones. This is for performance reasons. So * if you're trying to bind a value to any scroll event, it will need to be wrapped in * a `` * * ```ts * import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; * @Component({ * template: ` * * * {{scrollAmount}} * * * *

Some realllllllly long content

* `}) * class E2EPage { * public scrollAmount = 0; * constructor( public zone: NgZone){} * scrollHandler(event) { * console.log(`ScrollEvent: ${event}`) *>{ * // since scrollAmount is data-binded, * // the update needs to happen in zone * this.scrollAmount++ * }) * } * } * ``` * * This goes for any scroll event, not just `ionScroll`. * * ### Resizing the content * * If the height of `ion-header`, `ion-footer` or `ion-tabbar` * changes dynamically, `content.resize()` has to be called in order to update the * layout of `Content`. * * * ```ts * @Component({ * template: ` * * * Main Navbar * * * Dynamic Toolbar * * * * * * `}) * * class E2EPage { * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content; * showToolbar: boolean = false; * * toggleToolbar() { * this.showToolbar = !this.showToolbar; * this.content.resize(); * } * } * ``` * * * Scroll to a specific position * * ```ts * import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; * import { Content } from 'ionic-angular'; * * @Component({ * template: ` * * ` * )} * export class MyPage{ * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content; * * scrollTo() { * // set the scrollLeft to 0px, and scrollTop to 500px * // the scroll duration should take 200ms * this.content.scrollTo(0, 500, 200); * } * } * ``` * */ export class Content extends Ion { constructor(config, _plt, _dom, elementRef, renderer, _app, _keyboard, _zone, viewCtrl, navCtrl) { super(config, elementRef, renderer, 'content'); this._plt = _plt; this._dom = _dom; this._app = _app; this._keyboard = _keyboard; this._zone = _zone; /** @internal */ this._scrollPadding = 0; /** @internal */ this._inputPolling = false; /** @internal */ this._hasRefresher = false; /** @internal */ this._imgs = []; /** @internal */ this._scrollDownOnLoad = false; /** * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted when the scrolling first starts. */ this.ionScrollStart = new EventEmitterProxy(); /** * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted on every scroll event. */ this.ionScroll = new EventEmitterProxy(); /** * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted when scrolling ends. */ this.ionScrollEnd = new EventEmitterProxy(); const enableScrollListener = () => this._scroll.enableEvents(); this.ionScroll.onSubscribe = enableScrollListener; this.ionScrollStart.onSubscribe = enableScrollListener; this.ionScrollEnd.onSubscribe = enableScrollListener; this.statusbarPadding = config.getBoolean('statusbarPadding', false); this._imgReqBfr = config.getNumber('imgRequestBuffer', 1400); this._imgRndBfr = config.getNumber('imgRenderBuffer', 400); this._imgVelMax = config.getNumber('imgVelocityMax', 3); this._scroll = new ScrollView(_app, _plt, _dom); while (navCtrl) { if (isTabs(navCtrl)) { this._tabs = navCtrl; break; } navCtrl = navCtrl.parent; } if (viewCtrl) { this._viewCtrl = viewCtrl; // content has a view controller viewCtrl._setIONContent(this); viewCtrl._setIONContentRef(elementRef); this._viewCtrlReadSub = viewCtrl.readReady.subscribe(() => { this._viewCtrlReadSub.unsubscribe(); this._readDimensions(); }); this._viewCtrlWriteSub = viewCtrl.writeReady.subscribe(() => { this._viewCtrlWriteSub.unsubscribe(); this._writeDimensions(); }); } else { // content does not have a view controller; _dom.write(this._writeDimensions.bind(this)); } } /** * Content height of the viewable area. This does not include content * which is outside the overflow area, or content area which is under * headers and footers. Read-only. * * @return {number} */ get contentHeight() { return this._scroll.ev.contentHeight; } /** * Content width including content which is not visible on the screen * due to overflow. Read-only. * * @return {number} */ get contentWidth() { return this._scroll.ev.contentWidth; } /** * Content height including content which is not visible on the screen * due to overflow. Read-only. * * @return {number} */ get scrollHeight() { return this._scroll.ev.scrollHeight; } /** * Content width including content which is not visible due to * overflow. Read-only. * * @return {number} */ get scrollWidth() { return this._scroll.ev.scrollWidth; } /** * The distance of the content's top to its topmost visible content. * * @return {number} */ get scrollTop() { return this._scroll.ev.scrollTop; } /** * @param {number} top */ set scrollTop(top) { this._scroll.setTop(top); } /** * The distance of the content's left to its leftmost visible content. * * @return {number} */ get scrollLeft() { return this._scroll.ev.scrollLeft; } /** * @param {number} top */ set scrollLeft(top) { this._scroll.setLeft(top); } /** * If the content is actively scrolling or not. * * @return {boolean} */ get isScrolling() { return this._scroll.isScrolling; } /** * The current, or last known, vertical scroll direction. Possible * string values include `down` and `up`. * * @return {string} */ get directionY() { return this._scroll.ev.directionY; } /** * The current, or last known, horizontal scroll direction. Possible * string values include `right` and `left`. * * @return {string} */ get directionX() { return this._scroll.ev.directionX; } /** * @hidden */ ngAfterViewInit() { (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; const scroll = this._scroll; scroll.ev.fixedElement = this.getFixedElement(); scroll.ev.scrollElement = this.getScrollElement(); // subscribe to the scroll start scroll.onScrollStart = (ev) => { this.ionScrollStart.emit(ev); }; // subscribe to every scroll move scroll.onScroll = (ev) => { // emit to all of our other friends things be scrolling this.ionScroll.emit(ev); this.imgsUpdate(); }; // subscribe to the scroll end scroll.onScrollEnd = (ev) => { this.ionScrollEnd.emit(ev); this.imgsUpdate(); }; } /** * @hidden */ enableJsScroll() { this._scroll.enableJsScroll(this._cTop, this._cBottom); } /** * @hidden */ ngOnDestroy() { this._scLsn && this._scLsn(); this._viewCtrlReadSub && this._viewCtrlReadSub.unsubscribe(); this._viewCtrlWriteSub && this._viewCtrlWriteSub.unsubscribe(); this._viewCtrlReadSub = this._viewCtrlWriteSub = null; this._scroll && this._scroll.destroy(); this._footerEle = this._scLsn = this._scroll = null; } /** * @hidden */ getScrollElement() { return this._scrollContent.nativeElement; } /** * @private */ getFixedElement() { return this._fixedContent.nativeElement; } /** * @hidden */ onScrollElementTransitionEnd(callback) { this._plt.transitionEnd(this.getScrollElement(), callback); } /** * Scroll to the specified position. * * @param {number} x The x-value to scroll to. * @param {number} y The y-value to scroll to. * @param {number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed. */ scrollTo(x, y, duration = 300, done) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; return this._scroll.scrollTo(x, y, duration, done); } /** * Scroll to the top of the content component. * * @param {number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed. */ scrollToTop(duration = 300) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; return this._scroll.scrollToTop(duration); } /** * Scroll to the bottom of the content component. * * @param {number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed. */ scrollToBottom(duration = 300) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; return this._scroll.scrollToBottom(duration); } /** * @input {boolean} If true, the content will scroll behind the headers * and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar * to transparent. */ get fullscreen() { return this._fullscreen; } set fullscreen(val) { this._fullscreen = isTrueProperty(val); } /** * @input {boolean} If true, the content will scroll down on load. */ get scrollDownOnLoad() { return this._scrollDownOnLoad; } set scrollDownOnLoad(val) { this._scrollDownOnLoad = isTrueProperty(val); } /** * @private */ addImg(img) { this._imgs.push(img); } /** * @hidden */ removeImg(img) { removeArrayItem(this._imgs, img); } /** * @hidden * DOM WRITE */ setScrollElementStyle(prop, val) { const scrollEle = this.getScrollElement(); if (scrollEle) { this._dom.write(() => {[prop] = val; }); } } /** * Returns the content and scroll elements' dimensions. * @returns {object} dimensions The content and scroll elements' dimensions * {number} dimensions.contentHeight content offsetHeight * {number} dimensions.contentTop content offsetTop * {number} dimensions.contentBottom content offsetTop+offsetHeight * {number} dimensions.contentWidth content offsetWidth * {number} dimensions.contentLeft content offsetLeft * {number} dimensions.contentRight content offsetLeft + offsetWidth * {number} dimensions.scrollHeight scroll scrollHeight * {number} dimensions.scrollTop scroll scrollTop * {number} dimensions.scrollBottom scroll scrollTop + scrollHeight * {number} dimensions.scrollWidth scroll scrollWidth * {number} dimensions.scrollLeft scroll scrollLeft * {number} dimensions.scrollRight scroll scrollLeft + scrollWidth */ getContentDimensions() { const scrollEle = this.getScrollElement(); const parentElement = scrollEle.parentElement; return { contentHeight: parentElement.offsetHeight - this._cTop - this._cBottom, contentTop: this._cTop, contentBottom: this._cBottom, contentWidth: parentElement.offsetWidth, contentLeft: parentElement.offsetLeft, scrollHeight: scrollEle.scrollHeight, scrollTop: scrollEle.scrollTop, scrollWidth: scrollEle.scrollWidth, scrollLeft: scrollEle.scrollLeft, }; } /** * @hidden * DOM WRITE * Adds padding to the bottom of the scroll element when the keyboard is open * so content below the keyboard can be scrolled into view. */ addScrollPadding(newPadding) { (void 0) /* assert */; if (newPadding === 0) { this._inputPolling = false; this._scrollPadding = -1; } if (newPadding > this._scrollPadding) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._scrollPadding = newPadding; var scrollEle = this.getScrollElement(); if (scrollEle) { this._dom.write(() => { = (newPadding > 0) ? newPadding + 'px' : ''; }); } } } /** * @hidden * DOM WRITE */ clearScrollPaddingFocusOut() { if (!this._inputPolling) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._inputPolling = true; this._keyboard.onClose(() => { (void 0) /* console.debug */; this.addScrollPadding(0); }, 200, 3000); } } /** * Tell the content to recalculate its dimensions. This should be called * after dynamically adding/removing headers, footers, or tabs. */ resize() {; this._dom.write(this._writeDimensions.bind(this)); } /** * @hidden * DOM READ */ _readDimensions() { const cachePaddingTop = this._pTop; const cachePaddingRight = this._pRight; const cachePaddingBottom = this._pBottom; const cachePaddingLeft = this._pLeft; const cacheHeaderHeight = this._hdrHeight; const cacheFooterHeight = this._ftrHeight; const cacheTabsPlacement = this._tabsPlacement; let tabsTop = 0; let scrollEvent; this._pTop = 0; this._pRight = 0; this._pBottom = 0; this._pLeft = 0; this._hdrHeight = 0; this._ftrHeight = 0; this._tabsPlacement = null; this._tTop = 0; this._fTop = 0; this._fBottom = 0; // In certain cases this._scroll is undefined // if that is the case then we should just return if (!this._scroll) { return; } scrollEvent = this._scroll.ev; let ele = this.getNativeElement(); if (!ele) { (void 0) /* assert */; return; } let computedStyle; let tagName; let parentEle = ele.parentElement; let children = parentEle.children; for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ele = children[i]; tagName = ele.tagName; if (tagName === 'ION-CONTENT') { scrollEvent.contentElement = ele; if (this._fullscreen) { // ******** DOM READ **************** computedStyle = getComputedStyle(ele); this._pTop = parsePxUnit(computedStyle.paddingTop); this._pBottom = parsePxUnit(computedStyle.paddingBottom); this._pRight = parsePxUnit(computedStyle.paddingRight); this._pLeft = parsePxUnit(computedStyle.paddingLeft); } } else if (tagName === 'ION-HEADER') { scrollEvent.headerElement = ele; // ******** DOM READ **************** this._hdrHeight = ele.clientHeight; } else if (tagName === 'ION-FOOTER') { scrollEvent.footerElement = ele; // ******** DOM READ **************** this._ftrHeight = ele.clientHeight; this._footerEle = ele; } } ele = parentEle; let tabbarEle; while (ele && ele.tagName !== 'ION-MODAL' && !ele.classList.contains('tab-subpage')) { if (ele.tagName === 'ION-TABS') { tabbarEle = ele.firstElementChild; // ******** DOM READ **************** this._tabbarHeight = tabbarEle.clientHeight; if (this._tabsPlacement === null) { // this is the first tabbar found, remember it's position this._tabsPlacement = ele.getAttribute('tabsplacement'); } } ele = ele.parentElement; } // Tabs top if (this._tabs && this._tabsPlacement === 'top') { this._tTop = this._hdrHeight; tabsTop = this._tabs._top; } // Toolbar height this._cTop = this._hdrHeight; this._cBottom = this._ftrHeight; // Tabs height if (this._tabsPlacement === 'top') { this._cTop += this._tabbarHeight; } else if (this._tabsPlacement === 'bottom') { this._cBottom += this._tabbarHeight; } // Refresher uses a border which should be hidden unless pulled if (this._hasRefresher) { this._cTop -= 1; } // Fixed content shouldn't include content padding this._fTop = this._cTop; this._fBottom = this._cBottom; // Handle fullscreen viewport (padding vs margin) if (this._fullscreen) { this._cTop += this._pTop; this._cBottom += this._pBottom; } // ******** DOM READ **************** const contentDimensions = this.getContentDimensions(); scrollEvent.scrollHeight = contentDimensions.scrollHeight; scrollEvent.scrollWidth = contentDimensions.scrollWidth; scrollEvent.contentHeight = contentDimensions.contentHeight; scrollEvent.contentWidth = contentDimensions.contentWidth; scrollEvent.contentTop = contentDimensions.contentTop; scrollEvent.contentBottom = contentDimensions.contentBottom; this._dirty = (cachePaddingTop !== this._pTop || cachePaddingBottom !== this._pBottom || cachePaddingLeft !== this._pLeft || cachePaddingRight !== this._pRight || cacheHeaderHeight !== this._hdrHeight || cacheFooterHeight !== this._ftrHeight || cacheTabsPlacement !== this._tabsPlacement || tabsTop !== this._tTop || this._cTop !== this.contentTop || this._cBottom !== this.contentBottom); this._scroll.init(this.getScrollElement(), this._cTop, this._cBottom); // initial imgs refresh this.imgsUpdate(); } /** * @hidden * DOM WRITE */ _writeDimensions() { if (!this._dirty) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; return; } const scrollEle = this.getScrollElement(); if (!scrollEle) { (void 0) /* assert */; return; } const fixedEle = this.getFixedElement(); if (!fixedEle) { (void 0) /* assert */; return; } // Tabs height if (this._tabsPlacement === 'bottom' && this._cBottom > 0 && this._footerEle) { var footerPos = this._cBottom - this._ftrHeight; (void 0) /* assert */; // ******** DOM WRITE **************** = cssFormat(footerPos); } // Handle fullscreen viewport (padding vs margin) let topProperty = 'marginTop'; let bottomProperty = 'marginBottom'; let fixedTop = this._fTop; let fixedBottom = this._fBottom; if (this._fullscreen) { (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; // adjust the content with padding, allowing content to scroll under headers/footers // however, on iOS you cannot control the margins of the scrollbar (last tested iOS9.2) // only add inline padding styles if the computed padding value, which would // have come from the app's css, is different than the new padding value topProperty = 'paddingTop'; bottomProperty = 'paddingBottom'; } // Only update top margin if value changed if (this._cTop !== this.contentTop) { (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; // ******** DOM WRITE ****************[topProperty] = cssFormat(this._cTop); // ******** DOM WRITE **************** = cssFormat(fixedTop); this.contentTop = this._cTop; } // Only update bottom margin if value changed if (this._cBottom !== this.contentBottom) { (void 0) /* assert */; (void 0) /* assert */; // ******** DOM WRITE ****************[bottomProperty] = cssFormat(this._cBottom); // ******** DOM WRITE **************** = cssFormat(fixedBottom); this.contentBottom = this._cBottom; } if (this._tabsPlacement !== null && this._tabs) { // set the position of the tabbar if (this._tabsPlacement === 'top') { // ******** DOM WRITE **************** this._tabs.setTabbarPosition(this._tTop, -1); } else { (void 0) /* assert */; // ******** DOM WRITE **************** this._tabs.setTabbarPosition(-1, 0); } } // Scroll the page all the way down after setting dimensions if (this._scrollDownOnLoad) { this.scrollToBottom(0); this._scrollDownOnLoad = false; } } /** * @hidden */ imgsUpdate() { if (this._scroll.initialized && this._imgs.length && this.isImgsUpdatable()) { updateImgs(this._imgs, this.scrollTop, this.contentHeight, this.directionY, this._imgReqBfr, this._imgRndBfr); } } /** * @hidden */ isImgsUpdatable() { // an image is only "updatable" if the content isn't scrolling too fast // if scroll speed is above the maximum velocity, then let current // requests finish, but do not start new requets or render anything // if scroll speed is below the maximum velocity, then it's ok // to start new requests and render images return Math.abs(this._scroll.ev.velocityY) < this._imgVelMax; } } Content.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'ion-content', template: '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '', host: { '[class.statusbar-padding]': 'statusbarPadding', '[class.has-refresher]': '_hasRefresher' }, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None },] }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ Content.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: Config, }, { type: Platform, }, { type: DomController, }, { type: ElementRef, }, { type: Renderer, }, { type: App, }, { type: Keyboard, }, { type: NgZone, }, { type: ViewController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, { type: NavController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, ]; Content.propDecorators = { '_fixedContent': [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['fixedContent', { read: ElementRef },] },], '_scrollContent': [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['scrollContent', { read: ElementRef },] },], 'ionScrollStart': [{ type: Output },], 'ionScroll': [{ type: Output },], 'ionScrollEnd': [{ type: Output },], 'fullscreen': [{ type: Input },], 'scrollDownOnLoad': [{ type: Input },], }; export function updateImgs(imgs, viewableTop, contentHeight, scrollDirectionY, requestableBuffer, renderableBuffer) { // ok, so it's time to see which images, if any, should be requested and rendered // ultimately, if we're scrolling fast then don't bother requesting or rendering // when scrolling is done, then it needs to do a check to see which images are // important to request and render, and which image requests should be aborted. // Additionally, images which are not near the viewable area should not be // rendered at all in order to save browser resources. const viewableBottom = (viewableTop + contentHeight); const priority1 = []; const priority2 = []; let img; // all images should be paused for (var i = 0, ilen = imgs.length; i < ilen; i++) { img = imgs[i]; if (scrollDirectionY === 'up') { // scrolling up if ( < viewableBottom && img.bottom > viewableTop - renderableBuffer) { // scrolling up, img is within viewable area // or about to be viewable area img.canRequest = img.canRender = true; priority1.push(img); continue; } if (img.bottom <= viewableTop && img.bottom > viewableTop - requestableBuffer) { // scrolling up, img is within requestable area img.canRequest = true; img.canRender = false; priority2.push(img); continue; } if ( >= viewableBottom && < viewableBottom + renderableBuffer) { // scrolling up, img below viewable area // but it's still within renderable area // don't allow a reset img.canRequest = img.canRender = false; continue; } } else { // scrolling down if (img.bottom > viewableTop && < viewableBottom + renderableBuffer) { // scrolling down, img is within viewable area // or about to be viewable area img.canRequest = img.canRender = true; priority1.push(img); continue; } if ( >= viewableBottom && < viewableBottom + requestableBuffer) { // scrolling down, img is within requestable area img.canRequest = true; img.canRender = false; priority2.push(img); continue; } if (img.bottom <= viewableTop && img.bottom > viewableTop - renderableBuffer) { // scrolling down, img above viewable area // but it's still within renderable area // don't allow a reset img.canRequest = img.canRender = false; continue; } } img.canRequest = img.canRender = false; img.reset(); } // update all imgs which are viewable priority1.sort(sortTopToBottom).forEach(i => i.update()); if (scrollDirectionY === 'up') { // scrolling up priority2.sort(sortTopToBottom).reverse().forEach(i => i.update()); } else { // scrolling down priority2.sort(sortTopToBottom).forEach(i => i.update()); } } function sortTopToBottom(a, b) { if ( < { return -1; } if ( > { return 1; } return 0; } function parsePxUnit(val) { return (val.indexOf('px') > 0) ? parseInt(val, 10) : 0; } function cssFormat(val) { return (val > 0 ? val + 'px' : ''); } //#