import { EventEmitter, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core'; import { DOCUMENT, Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import * as Constants from './app-constants'; import { Config } from '../../config/config'; import { DIRECTION_BACK, DIRECTION_FORWARD, isTabs } from '../../navigation/nav-util'; import { MenuController } from './menu-controller'; import { Platform } from '../../platform/platform'; import { IOSTransition } from '../../transitions/transition-ios'; import { MDTransition } from '../../transitions/transition-md'; import { WPTransition } from '../../transitions/transition-wp'; /** * @name App * @description * App is a utility class used in Ionic to get information about various aspects of an app */ export class App { constructor(_config, _plt, _menuCtrl) { this._config = _config; this._plt = _plt; this._menuCtrl = _menuCtrl; this._disTime = 0; this._scrollTime = 0; this._title = ''; this._titleSrv = new Title(DOCUMENT); this._rootNavs = new Map(); this._didScroll = false; /** * Observable that emits whenever a view loads in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewDidLoad = new EventEmitter(); /** * Observable that emits before any view is entered in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewWillEnter = new EventEmitter(); /** * Observable that emits after any view is entered in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewDidEnter = new EventEmitter(); /** * Observable that emits before any view is exited in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewWillLeave = new EventEmitter(); /** * Observable that emits after any view is exited in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewDidLeave = new EventEmitter(); /** * Observable that emits before any view unloads in the app. * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable */ this.viewWillUnload = new EventEmitter(); // listen for hardware back button events // register this back button action with a default priority _plt.registerBackButtonAction(this.goBack.bind(this)); this._disableScrollAssist = _config.getBoolean('disableScrollAssist', false); const blurring = _config.getBoolean('inputBlurring', false); if (blurring) { this._enableInputBlurring(); } (void 0) /* runInDev */; _config.setTransition('ios-transition', IOSTransition); _config.setTransition('md-transition', MDTransition); _config.setTransition('wp-transition', WPTransition); } /** * Sets the document title. * @param {string} val Value to set the document title to. */ setTitle(val) { if (val !== this._title) { this._title = val; this._titleSrv.setTitle(val); } } /** * @hidden */ setElementClass(className, isAdd) { this._appRoot.setElementClass(className, isAdd); } /** * @hidden * Sets if the app is currently enabled or not, meaning if it's * available to accept new user commands. For example, this is set to `false` * while views transition, a modal slides up, an action-sheet * slides up, etc. After the transition completes it is set back to `true`. * @param {boolean} isEnabled `true` for enabled, `false` for disabled * @param {number} duration When `isEnabled` is set to `false`, this argument * is used to set the maximum number of milliseconds that app will wait until * it will automatically enable the app again. It's basically a fallback incase * something goes wrong during a transition and the app wasn't re-enabled correctly. */ setEnabled(isEnabled, duration = 700, minDuration = 0) { this._disTime = (isEnabled ? 0 : + duration); if (this._clickBlock) { if (isEnabled) { // disable the click block if it's enabled, or the duration is tiny this._clickBlock.activate(false, CLICK_BLOCK_BUFFER_IN_MILLIS, minDuration); } else { // show the click block for duration + some number this._clickBlock.activate(true, duration + CLICK_BLOCK_BUFFER_IN_MILLIS, minDuration); } } } /** * @hidden * Toggles whether an application can be scrolled * @param {boolean} disableScroll when set to `false`, the application's * scrolling is enabled. When set to `true`, scrolling is disabled. */ _setDisableScroll(disableScroll) { if (this._disableScrollAssist) { this._appRoot._disableScroll(disableScroll); } } /** * @hidden * Boolean if the app is actively enabled or not. * @return {boolean} */ isEnabled() { const disTime = this._disTime; if (disTime === 0) { return true; } return (disTime <; } /** * @hidden */ setScrolling() { this._scrollTime = + ACTIVE_SCROLLING_TIME; this._didScroll = true; } /** * Boolean if the app is actively scrolling or not. * @return {boolean} returns true or false */ isScrolling() { const scrollTime = this._scrollTime; if (scrollTime === 0) { return false; } if (scrollTime < { this._scrollTime = 0; return false; } return true; } /** * @return {NavController} Returns the first Active Nav Controller from the list. This method is deprecated */ getActiveNav() { console.warn('(getActiveNav) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use getActiveNavs instead.'); const navs = this.getActiveNavs(); if (navs && navs.length) { return navs[0]; } return null; } /** * @return {NavController[]} Returns the active NavControllers. Using this method is preferred when we need access to the top-level navigation controller while on the outside views and handlers like `registerBackButtonAction()` */ getActiveNavs(rootNavId) { const portal = this._appRoot._getPortal(Constants.PORTAL_MODAL); if (portal.length() > 0) { return findTopNavs(portal); } if (!this._rootNavs || !this._rootNavs.size) { return []; } if (this._rootNavs.size === 1) { return findTopNavs(this._rootNavs.values().next().value); } if (rootNavId) { return findTopNavs(this._rootNavs.get(rootNavId)); } // fallback to just using all root names let activeNavs = []; this._rootNavs.forEach(nav => { const topNavs = findTopNavs(nav); activeNavs = activeNavs.concat(topNavs); }); return activeNavs; } getRootNav() { console.warn('(getRootNav) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use getRootNavById instead.'); const rootNavs = this.getRootNavs(); if (rootNavs.length === 0) { return null; } else if (rootNavs.length > 1) { console.warn('(getRootNav) there are multiple root navs, use getRootNavs instead'); } return rootNavs[0]; } getRootNavs() { const navs = []; this._rootNavs.forEach(nav => navs.push(nav)); return navs; } /** * @return {NavController} Returns the root NavController */ getRootNavById(navId) { return this._rootNavs.get(navId); } /** * @hidden */ registerRootNav(nav) { this._rootNavs.set(, nav); } /** * @hidden */ unregisterRootNav(nav) { this._rootNavs.delete(; } getActiveNavContainers() { // for each root nav container, get it's active nav let list = []; this._rootNavs.forEach((container) => { list = list.concat(findTopNavs(container)); }); return list; } /** * @hidden */ present(enteringView, opts, appPortal) { (void 0) /* assert */; const portal = this._appRoot._getPortal(appPortal); // Set Nav must be set here in order to dimiss() work synchnously. // TODO: move _setNav() to the earlier stages of NavController. _queueTrns() enteringView._setNav(portal); opts.direction = DIRECTION_FORWARD; if (!opts.animation) { opts.animation = enteringView.getTransitionName(DIRECTION_FORWARD); } enteringView.setLeavingOpts({ keyboardClose: opts.keyboardClose, direction: DIRECTION_BACK, animation: enteringView.getTransitionName(DIRECTION_BACK), ev: opts.ev }); return portal.insertPages(-1, [enteringView], opts); } /** * @hidden */ goBack() { if (this._menuCtrl && this._menuCtrl.isOpen()) { return this._menuCtrl.close(); } const navPromise = this.navPop(); if (!navPromise) { // no views to go back to // let's exit the app if (this._config.getBoolean('navExitApp', true)) { (void 0) /* console.debug */; this._plt.exitApp(); } } return navPromise; } /** * @hidden */ navPop() { if (!this._rootNavs || this._rootNavs.size === 0 || !this.isEnabled()) { return Promise.resolve(); } // If there are any alert/actionsheet open, let's do nothing const portal = this._appRoot._getPortal(Constants.PORTAL_DEFAULT); if (portal.length() > 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } let navToPop = null; let mostRecentVC = null; this._rootNavs.forEach((navContainer) => { const activeNavs = this.getActiveNavs(; const poppableNavs = => getPoppableNav(activeNav)).filter(nav => !!nav); poppableNavs.forEach(poppable => { const topViewController = poppable.last(); if (poppable._isPortal || (topViewController && poppable.length() > 1 && (!mostRecentVC || topViewController._ts >= mostRecentVC._ts))) { mostRecentVC = topViewController; navToPop = poppable; } }); }); if (navToPop) { return navToPop.pop(); } } /** * @hidden */ _enableInputBlurring() { (void 0) /* console.debug */; let focused = true; const self = this; const platform = this._plt; platform.registerListener(platform.doc(), 'focusin', onFocusin, { capture: true, zone: false, passive: true }); platform.registerListener(platform.doc(), 'touchend', onTouchend, { capture: false, zone: false, passive: true }); function onFocusin() { focused = true; } function onTouchend(ev) { // if app did scroll return early if (self._didScroll) { self._didScroll = false; return; } const active = self._plt.getActiveElement(); if (!active) { return; } // only blur if the active element is a text-input or a textarea if (SKIP_BLURRING.indexOf(active.tagName) === -1) { return; } // if the selected target is the active element, do not blur const tapped =; if (tapped === active) { return; } if (SKIP_BLURRING.indexOf(tapped.tagName) >= 0) { return; } // skip if div is a cover if (tapped.classList.contains('input-cover')) { return; } focused = false; // TODO: find a better way, why 50ms? platform.timeout(() => { if (!focused) { active.blur(); } }, 50); } } getNavByIdOrName(id) { const navs = Array.from(this._rootNavs.values()); for (const navContainer of navs) { const match = getNavByIdOrName(navContainer, id); if (match) { return match; } } return null; } } App.decorators = [ { type: Injectable }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ App.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: Config, }, { type: Platform, }, { type: MenuController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, ]; export function getNavByIdOrName(nav, id) { if ( === id || === id) { return nav; } for (const child of nav.getAllChildNavs()) { const tmp = getNavByIdOrName(child, id); if (tmp) { return tmp; } } return null; } function getPoppableNav(nav) { if (!nav) { return null; } if (isTabs(nav)) { // tabs aren't a nav, so just call this function again immediately on the parent on tabs return getPoppableNav(nav.parent); } const len = nav.length(); if (len > 1 || (nav._isPortal && len > 0)) { // this nav controller has more than one view // use this nav! return nav; } // try again using the parent nav (if there is one) return getPoppableNav(nav.parent); } export function findTopNavs(nav) { let containers = []; const childNavs = nav.getActiveChildNavs(); if (!childNavs || !childNavs.length) { containers.push(nav); } else { childNavs.forEach(childNav => { const topNavs = findTopNavs(childNav); containers = containers.concat(topNavs); }); } return containers; } const SKIP_BLURRING = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'ION-INPUT', 'ION-TEXTAREA']; const ACTIVE_SCROLLING_TIME = 100; const CLICK_BLOCK_BUFFER_IN_MILLIS = 64; //#