a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

ProjectDescription.md 1.6KB

Your Project Name: My Favorite Things

a cool tagline...

The Best Referrals come from Your Best People

Less than 300 words which describe your project. Etc,....

  • Your Name Here: Nathan Hall

You just accepted a new job that requires you to be on your feet while still dressing in business casual. Also, you and your partner just had a baby and managed to find the perfect diapers that are priced cheaper than the big names but work equally as well.

Fortunately, you remember that you have a circle of close friends and family with similar taste or who are at a similar life stage who uploaded links to all of their favorite products to My Favorite Things.

You click on the Clothing section of the app and get redirected to your most stylish friend's comfortable wingtip shoes that you've always admired from afar. You order them and even receive Cashback by purchasing through a rewards site. A week later, you get a message from the same friend about an amazing deal currently going on for the perfect work blazer.

After having dinner with your favorite couple friends that are expecting, you promise to shoot them about message about the magical diapers that changed your sleepless life. You upload the link and 3 quick reasons why you love the product to My Favorite Things and share the post with said couple. A couple months later they shoot you a text about how useful your recommendation was and how they also purchased the same stroller that you had added to your profile.

In a vast sea of online opinions and product misinformation, it helps to know your Favorite people's Favorite things!