# NumberUtilities * Ensure each of the test cases in the class [NumberUtilitiesTest](https://github.com/Zipcoder/CR-MicroLabs-Loops-NumbersTrianglesTables/blob/master/src/test/java/io/zipcoder/microlabs/mastering_loops/NumberUtilitiesTest.java) successfully passes upon completion of each of the method stubs in the class [NumberUtilities](https://github.com/Zipcoder/CR-MicroLabs-Loops-NumbersTrianglesTables/blob/master/src/main/java/io/zipcoder/microlabs/mastering_loops/NumberUtilities.java). * `String getEvenNumbers(int start, int stop)` * `String getOddNumbers(int start, int stop)` * `String getSquareNumbers(int start, int stop, int step)` * `String getRange(int start, int stop, int step)` * `String getExponentiations(int start, int stop, int step, int exponent)`

## `String getRange(int stop)` * **Description** * Given an integer, `stop`, return a `String` concatenation of all integers between `0` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int stop = 11; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getRange(stop); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 012345678910 ```

## `String getRange(int start, int stop)` * **Description** * Given two integers, `start`, and `stop`, return a `String` concatenation of all integers between `start` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 11; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getRange(start, stop); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 5678910 ```

## `String getRange(int start, int stop, int step)` * **Description** * Given three integers, `start`, `stop`, and `step` return a `String` concatenation of all integers between `start` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 20; int step = 5; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getRange(min, max, step); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 51015 ```

## `String getEvenNumbers(int start, int stop)` * **Description** * Given two integers, `start`, and `stop`, return a `String` concatenation of all even integers between `start` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 20; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getOddNumbers(min, max); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 681012141618 ```

## `String getOddNumbers(int start, int stop)` * **Description** * Given two integers, `start`, and `stop`, return a `String` concatenation of all even integers between `start` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 20; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getOddNumbers(min, max); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 5791113151719 ```

## `String getSquareNumbers(int start, int stop)` * **Description** * Given two integers, `start`, and `stop`, return a `String` concatenation of all values squared between `start` up to and not including `stop`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 20; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getOddNumbers(min, max); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 25100225 ```

## `String getExponentiations(int start, int stop, int step, int exponent)` * **Description** * Given four integers, `start`, `stop`, `step`, and `exponent`, return a `String` concatenation of all values, raised to the specified `exponent`, between `start` up to and not including `stop`, incrementing by the specified `step`. ### Example * Sample Script ``` // : Given int start = 5; int stop = 20; int step = 5; int exponent = 2; // : When String outcome = NumberUtilities.getOddNumbers(min, max); // : Then System.out.println(outcome); ``` * Sample Output ``` 25100225 ```