# ZCW-Lab-Blackjack-BlueJ Make a blackjack game, play against the computer-dealer. Aces are always, only, 1. Writing a Blackjack program Create a BlackJack class, with a runGame() method. 1. Define your methods: - hit() or deal_card() - dealerDraw(dealerScore) - checkWin(dealerScore,playerScore) - isBust(score) 2. Make a variable called endGame and set it equal to False 3. Make a loop that only runs while endGame is False (i.e. the game has not ended) 4. Inside the loop, get input from the player to ask what he wants to do * If his input was “stick” * print out his total and the dealer’s total * check who has won and print it * end the game * If his input was “hit”: * draw him a new card and add it to his total * check if he has bust – if so the game ends and he loses, if not print his new total * if he didn’t bust, decide whether the dealer will draw * check if the dealer is bust – if so the game ends and the player wins That’s all! you might want to use... ``` public int generateRandomInt() { int min = 1; int max = 10; Random r = new Random(); return r.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; } ``` You will have to put `import java.util.Random;` at the very top of your class file.