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Bean Flavored Learner Lab

  • Objective - to register a Classroom bean which mediates a composite Students and Instructors bean reference.
  • Purpose - to demonstrate the use of
    • Bean registration
    • Dependency Injection
    • IOC Container
    • AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
    • Annotations
      • @Bean
      • @DependsOn
      • @Autowired
      • @PostConstruct
      • @Config
      • @SpringBootTest
      • @Qualifier

Developmental Notes

  • Do NOT clone this repository until completing Part 0.0
  • You may structure this project and the packaging how you please, however keep in mind that @Configuration scans from current directory down.
  • Until Part 10, this project is nearly identical to the LearnerLab completed in the past.

Part 0.0 - Generating Project

  • Navigate to start.spring.io
  • In the Search for Dependencies input box search for
    • DevTools
    • Web
  • Select Generate Project
  • After the project has completed downloading, navigate to the download directory and unzip the project folder.
  • At the root directory of the project, clone this repository.
  • Move all files from the demo project generated by start.spring.io, into the newly cloned learnerlab folder.
  • Open the project via its pom.xml from IntelliJ > File > Open
    • Be sure to Open as Project when prompted

Part 1.0 - Create Person Class

  • Create a Person class.
    • The class should declare a final field named id of type long.
    • The class should declare a field named name of type String.
    • Person constructor should have a parameter of type Long id, String name which sets each of the fields to their respective value.
    • The class should define a getId() method which returns the Person object's id field.
    • The class should define a getName() method which returns the Person object's name field.
    • The class should define a setName() method which sets the Person object's name field.


Part 2.0 - Create Learner Interface

  • Create a Learner interface.
    • Learner should declare one method signature:
      • Method name: learn
      • Method parameters: double numberOfHours
      • Method return-type: void


Part 3.0 - Create Student Class

  • Create a Student class such that:
    • Student is a subclass of Person
    • Student implements the Learner interface
    • Student should have an instance variable totalStudyTime of type double
    • Student should have a concrete implementation of the learn method which increments the totalStudyTime variable by the specified numberOfHours argument.
    • Student should have a getTotalStudyTime() method which returns the totalStudyTime instance variable.


Part 4.0 - Create Teacher Interface

  • Create a Teacher interface.

    • Teacher should declare a teach method signature:

      • Method name: teach
      • Method parameters:
        • Learner learner
        • double numberOfHours
      • Method return-type: void
    • Teacher should declare a lecture method signature:

      • Method name: lecture
      • Method parameters:
        • Iterable<? extends Learner> learners
        • double numberOfHours
      • Method return-type: void


Part 5.0 - Create Instructor Class

  • Create an Instructor class such that:
    • Instructor is a subclass of Person
    • Instructor implements the Teacher interface
    • Instructor should have a concrete implementation of the teach method which invokes the learn method on the specified Learner object.
    • Instructor should have a concrete implementation of the lecture method which invokes the learn method on each of the elements in the specified array of Learner objects.
      • numberOfHours should be evenly split amongst the learners.
        • double numberOfHoursPerLearner = numberOfHours / learners.length;

Part 6.0 - Create People

  • Create an abstract People class
    • The class signature should be parameterized with PersonType such that PersonType is a sub class of Person.
    • The class should implement Iterable of type PersonType.
    • Upon construction People should consume a List of PersonType and set it to a respective personList field.
    • The class should define a constructor which consumes a variable number of PersonType objects and sets the personList field respectively.
    • The class should define a method named add which adds a PersonType to the personList.
    • The class should define a method named remove which removes a PersonType from the personList.
    • The class should define a method named size which returns the size of personList.
    • The class should define a method named clear which clears our personList field.
    • The class should define a method named addAll which adds an Iterable of PersonType objects to the composite personList.
      • This method will NOT take an argument of Collection<PersonType>
    • The class should define a method named findById which makes use of a long id parameter to return a PersonType object with the respective id field.
    • The class should define a method named findAll which returns the composite personList.


Part 7.0 - Create Students

  • Create a Students class.
    • The class should be a subclass of People of parameterized type Student.
    • The class should consume a variable number of Student objects upon construction and pass them to the super constructor.


Part 8.0 - Create Instructors

  • Create a Instructors class.
    • The class should be a subclass of People of parameterized type Instructor.
    • The class should consume a variable number of Instructor objects upon construction and pass them to the super constructor.


Part 9.0 - Create Classroom

  • Create a Classroom class.
    • The class should consume and set composite reference to an Instructors and Students object upon construction
    • The class should define a method hostLecture which makes use of a Teacher teacher, double numberOfHours parameter to host a lecture to the composite personList field in the students reference.


Part 10.0 - Creating Configuration classes

  • Each of the following Config classes should have a class-signature annotation of @Configuration
    • this annotation tells spring to scan for @Bean definitions within the scope of the class, and register them to the IOC Container for Inject and Autowire use later.
  • Classroom should define getters for each of its fields.

Developmental Notes

  • @Autowired

    • injects bean by type
    • can be used alone.
    • If is used alone, it will be wired by type
    • If more than one bean of same type are declared in the container @Autowired does not know which beans to use for injection.
  • @Qualifier

    • injects bean by specified name
    • supports fields, setter, constructors and multi-argument methods injection
    • together with @Autowired, clarifies which beans to be wired by specifying the bean name (wired by name)


Part 10.1 - Create StudentConfig

  • Note: The creation of this class will demonstrate an implementation of bean registration in Spring.
  • The class should define a method named currentStudents() which returns a Students representative of the current cohort of students.
    • the method should be annotated with @Bean(name = "students")
      • this ensures the Spring container registers the bean with the respective name.
      • a @Bean whose name attribute is not specified defaults to the name of the method it is annotating.
  • The class should define a bean named previousStudents() which returns a Students representative of the previous cohort of students.


Part 10.2 - Create InstructorsConfig

  • The class should define a bean named tcUsaInstructors() which returns an Instructors representative of the Tech Connect USA instructors.
  • The class should define a bean named tcUkInstructors() which returns an Instructors representative of the Tech Connect UK instructors.
  • The class should define a bean named instructors which returns all Instructors employed at ZipCodeWilmington
    • annotate this bean with @Primary
      • this ensures Spring will inject this bean in the case that an Autowire annotation is not supplied with a Qualifier annotation


Part 10.3 - Create ClassroomConfig

  • The class should define a bean named currentCohort() which returns a Classroom object whose dependencies are instructors and students
  • The class should define a bean named previousCohort() which returns an Classroom object whose dependencies are instructors and previousStudents
  • Note: it is sometimes useful (although not always necessary) to use the @DependsOn annotation to help the Spring framework and other readers of the code to understand what order beans should be executed.
    • @DependsOn({"instructors", "students"})


Part 11.0 - Test Config classes

  • Each of the following Test classes should be annotated with
    • @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)
      • enforces which strategy junit should use to run tests
    • @SpringBootTest
      • indicates that this class is a Spring Boot test class
      • provides support to scan for a ContextConfiguration that tells the test class how to load the ApplicationContext.
      • If no ContextConfiguration classes are specified as a parameter to the @SpringBootTest annotation, the default behavior is to load the ApplicationContext by scanning for a @SpringBootConfiguration annotation on a class in the package root.
  • Each bean can be injected into the class scope using @Autowired along with @Qualifier(name = "beanname")


Part 11.1 - Test StudentConfig Class

  • Create a TestStudentConfig class in the test package.
  • The class should ensure that each Bean in the StudentConfig class is configured as expected.
  • Tip: You can use the toString method to get a representation of the aggregate state of any People object.


Part 11.2 - Test InstructorConfig Class

  • Create a TestInstructorConfig class in the test package.
  • The class should ensure that each Bean in the TestInstructorConfig class is configured as expected.


Part 11.3 - Test ClassroomConfig Class

  • Create a TestClassroomConfig class in the test package.
  • The class should ensure that each Bean in the TestClassroomConfig class is configured as expected.

Part 11.0 - Using @Component

  • Annotating a class signature with @Component allows Spring to register the class as a Bean implicitly.


Part 11.1 - Create Alumni Class

  • Create an Alumni component which autowires Students of the previous cohort and Instructors
  • Create an executeBootcamp method which teaches each Student in the composite Students a totalNumberOfHours of 1200.
    • Annotate this method with @PostConstruct
      • denotes that this method must be executed before the class is put into an IoC container
  • Create a getter for each of the fields.


Part 11.2 - Test Alumni Class

  • Write a test class which ensures that each Student in the Alumni class has been taught 1200 hours upon injection of the Alumni dependency.
  • Ensure the numberOfHoursTaught has been evenly distributed amongst each of the instructors.

  • Tip: How to derive numberOfHoursTaught dynamically

    int numberOfInstructors = instructors.size();
    int numberOfStudents = students.size();
    double numberOfHoursToTeachEachStudent = 1200;
    double numberOfHoursToTeach = numberOfHoursToTeachEachStudent * numberOfStudents;
    double numberOfHoursPerInstructor = numberOfHoursToTeach / numberOfInstructors;