import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { JhiLanguageService } from 'ng-jhipster'; import { SessionStorageService } from 'ngx-webstorage'; import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { AccountService } from './account.service'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class Principal { private userIdentity: any; private authenticated = false; private authenticationState = new Subject(); constructor( private languageService: JhiLanguageService, private sessionStorage: SessionStorageService, private account: AccountService ) {} authenticate(identity) { this.userIdentity = identity; this.authenticated = identity !== null;; } hasAnyAuthority(authorities: string[]): Promise { return Promise.resolve(this.hasAnyAuthorityDirect(authorities)); } hasAnyAuthorityDirect(authorities: string[]): boolean { if (!this.authenticated || !this.userIdentity || !this.userIdentity.authorities) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < authorities.length; i++) { if (this.userIdentity.authorities.includes(authorities[i])) { return true; } } return false; } hasAuthority(authority: string): Promise { if (!this.authenticated) { return Promise.resolve(false); } return this.identity().then( id => { return Promise.resolve(id.authorities && id.authorities.includes(authority)); }, () => { return Promise.resolve(false); } ); } identity(force?: boolean): Promise { if (force === true) { this.userIdentity = undefined; } // check and see if we have retrieved the userIdentity data from the server. // if we have, reuse it by immediately resolving if (this.userIdentity) { return Promise.resolve(this.userIdentity); } // retrieve the userIdentity data from the server, update the identity object, and then resolve. return this.account .get() .toPromise() .then(response => { const account = response.body; if (account) { this.userIdentity = account; this.authenticated = true; // After retrieve the account info, the language will be changed to // the user's preferred language configured in the account setting const langKey = this.sessionStorage.retrieve('locale') || this.userIdentity.langKey; this.languageService.changeLanguage(langKey); } else { this.userIdentity = null; this.authenticated = false; }; return this.userIdentity; }) .catch(err => { this.userIdentity = null; this.authenticated = false;; return null; }); } isAuthenticated(): boolean { return this.authenticated; } isIdentityResolved(): boolean { return this.userIdentity !== undefined; } getAuthenticationState(): Observable { return this.authenticationState.asObservable(); } getImageUrl(): string { return this.isIdentityResolved() ? this.userIdentity.imageUrl : null; } }