# PossibleMiniProjects some ideas for smaller web application projects. ### UI for YouAreEll build a simple UI that watches for messages, allows for posting, a little like a simple IMessage clone. ### A CALCULATOR APP A standard calculator: numbers, +, -, *, /, and the result Add scientific functions from the calulator lab. ### A BOOK DATABASE Enter the books you own Enter the books you’d like to buy Store the book info, images Store everything in mysql Link to a ISBN (look it up) API ### A RECIPES APP Enter a name, a description with the steps Have pictures Have some ranking for difficulty and quality Add the time needed Have different steps with a picture for each Store them somewhere ### A BILL TRACKER Log bills, amounts and date List bills Have a few graphs (this year / last year) Store them somewhere ### AN EXPENSES TRACKER Log expenses, tag them (or have categories) List expenses Have a few graphs (last month / last year) Store them somewhere ### A CHAT APPLICATION Some sort of stripped-down Slack People enter without authentication and are assigned a name, stored for when they come back Store the history Add notifications ### A NOTES APP Add a new note List all your notes in the sidebar Store them somewhere ### A PERSONAL DIARY APP Add entries with a date and text Entries have a date Show more recent first Attach pictures Store them somewhere ### A POMODORO (look it up) APP Enter a time Start timer Alert when the time is over ### A MEME GENERATOR Have 10 popular meme images Let the user add the text Result is image + text Store the history ### TIC-TAC-TOE GAME We all know what a tic-tac-toe game is 🙂 ### A BLOG ENGINE Allow to login and add posts Visitors can add comments Store the data somewhere ### A Q&A ENGINE Allow to login Allow to add questions Allow to answer to questions Allow original user to choose the best question Store the data somewhere ### A FORUM ENGINE Allow to login Allow to add posts Allow to comment on posts Store the data somewhere ### AN EMBEDDABLE LIVE CHAT Think Intercom or Olark. Have a “backend” where you respond Embed on a web page Let people write to you privately ### A WEIGHT TRACKER APP It accepts a set of manual entries of weight measurements taken at different dates It can plot a graph It can allow to track multiple entities, for example more than one person weight Store them somewhere