a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

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Crowd Sourced Comp Sci Course

While studying computer science at school I found that I was learning best from online courseware and youtube tutorials rather than the slides from my professor. I was surprised at how much open source material was online as well as the number of cheap courses that I would purchase from sites such as Udemy and Coursera. While I found that most of these courses were helpful, it was really only a few lessons that made concepts click for me.

For my passion project, I wanted to see how far I could get with developing a crowd sourced computer science course.  My program/site would allow users to create a hierarchy of concepts from beginner to advanced and propose the best material related to each concept. Users can submit a video, link, text or image to be affiliated with a certain lesson and other users can “vote” on it to determine it’s relevance when others search for that concept. Similar to stack overflow, contributors can build their reputation by contributing material that a high quantity of others “vote” for. This will allow them more power in their own votes as well as their initial proposals. This also ensures that bad or incorrect content falls to the bottom or gets deleted.

(Probably getting way ahead of myself)… I have been deeply interested in the implications of blockchain technology and was looking to find a way to dip my feet into the development of decentralized apps (Dapps).  Although this may be far out of my reach I thought it would be neat to create an incentivization mechanism in which users could earn tokens native to my platform that could be used in place of or along side the vote function. I have done a couple tutorials using solidity and would like to see if I could learn how define the token structure using a smart contract.