소스 검색

new chsnges

Stwillia94 5 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일3개의 추가작업 그리고 3개의 파일을 삭제
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ProjectDescription.md 파일 보기

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-Health Insurance Finder
+Hlth Insurance Finder
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 Find affordable Health Insurance!
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-When I moved to a new state it was a confusing process for me to establish health insurance coverage. I did not know where to seek advice on picking a health insurance plan that was suitable for me. Eventually I found the website for the health insurance marketplace for my state which had great resources and even a help line to call and speak to a representative to establish health insurance coverage.
- During my time working in the Emergency Department at my local hospital; I found that lots of people with serious medical conditions didn't have health insurance and were suffering because of this.
+When I moved to a new state it was a confusing process for me to establish health insurance coverage. I did not know where to seek advice on picking a health insurance plan that was suitable for me. Eventually I found the website for the health insurance marketplace for my state which had great resources and even a help line to call and speak to a representative to aid me.
+ During my time working in the Emergency Department at my local hospital; I found that lots of people with serious medical conditions didn't have health insurance and were suffering due to it.
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  The app/website I propose is one where a user inputs their zip code and is then directed to the health insurance marketplace for their state. My hope is that this will help many Americans to get the health insurance coverage that they need.
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