import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; public class EightQueens { public static void main(String[] args) { solveNQueens(8); ArrayList solutions = getAllNQueens(8); System.out.println( solutions.size() ); for( int i = 0; i < solutions.size(); i++){ System.out.println("\n\nSolution " + (i+1)); if( queensAreSafe(solutions.get(i)) ) printBoard(solutions.get(i)); else System.out.println("UH OH!!!!! BETTER FIX IT!!!!!"); } /** * determine if the chess board represented by board is a safe set up *

pre: board != null, board.length > 0, board is a square matrix. * (In other words all rows in board have board.length columns.), * all elements of board == 'q' or '.'. 'q's represent queens, '.'s * represent open spaces.

post: return true if the configuration of board is safe, * that is no queen can attack any other queen on the board. * false otherwise. * @param board the chessboard * @return true if the configuration of board is safe, * that is no queen can attack any other queen on the board. * false otherwise. */ public static boolean queensAreSafe(char[][] board) { char[] validChars = {'q', '.'}; assert (board != null) && (board.length > 0) && isSquare(board) && onlyContains(board, validChars) : "Violation of precondition: queensAreSafe"; return true; } public static ArrayList getAllNQueens(int size){ ArrayList solutions = new ArrayList(); char[][] board = blankBoard(size); solveAllNQueens(board, 0, solutions); return solutions; } public static void solveAllNQueens(char[][] board, int col, ArrayList solutions){ // am I done? if so, add this solution to the ArrayList of solutions if( col == board.length){ solutions.add( makeCopy(board)); // all done } else { for(int row = 0; row < board.length; row++){ // place queen board[row][col] = 'q'; if( queensAreSafe(board) ) // if safe go on to next column solveAllNQueens(board, col + 1, solutions); board[row][col] = '.'; } } } // pre: mat != null, mat is rectangular public static char[][] makeCopy(char[][] mat){ assert mat != null; char[][] copy = new char[mat.length][mat[0].length]; for(int r = 0; r < mat.length; r++) for(int c = 0; c < mat[0].length; c++) copy[r][c] = mat[r][c]; return copy; } public static void printBoard(char[][] board){ for(int r = 0; r < board.length; r++){ for(int c = 0; c < board[r].length; c++) System.out.print(board[r][c]); System.out.println(); } } public static void solveNQueens(int n){ char[][] board = blankBoard(n); //start in column 0 boolean solved = canSolve(board, 0); if( solved ){ System.out.println("Solved the " + n + " queen problem."); printBoard(board); } else System.out.println("Can't solve the " + n + " queen problem."); } public static boolean canSolve(char[][] board, int col){ //know when you are done! if( col == board.length) return true; // solved!!!!! // not done, try all the rows boolean solved = false; for(int row = 0; row < board.length && !solved; row++){ //System.out.println(row + " " + col); // place queen board[row][col] = 'q'; if( queensAreSafe(board) ) solved = canSolve(board, col + 1); if( !solved ) board[row][col] = '.'; } return solved; //could be true(solved) or false(not solved)!! } private static char[][] blankBoard(int size){ char[][] result = new char[size][size]; for(int r = 0; r < size; r++) Arrays.fill(result[r], '.'); return result; } private static boolean inbounds(int row, int col, char[][] mat){ return row >= 0 && row < mat.length && col >= 0 && col < mat[0].length; } /* pre: mat != null post: return true if mat is a square matrix, false otherwise */ private static boolean isSquare(char[][] mat) { assert mat != null : "Violation of precondition: isSquare"; final int numRows = mat.length; int row = 0; boolean square = true; while( square && row < numRows ) { square = ( mat[row] != null) && (mat[row].length == numRows); row++; } return square; } /* pre: mat != null, valid != null post: return true if all elements in mat are one of the characters in valid */ private static boolean onlyContains(char[][] mat, char[] valid) { assert mat != null && valid != null : "Violation of precondition: onlyContains"; int row = 0; int col; boolean correct = true; while( correct && row < mat.length) { col = 0; while(correct && col < mat[row].length) { correct = contains(valid, mat[row][col]); col++; } row++; } return correct; } /* pre: list != null post: return true if c is in list */ private static boolean contains(char[] list, char c) { assert ( list != null ) : "Violation of precondition: contains"; boolean found = false; int index = 0; while( !found && index < list.length) { found = list[index] == c; index++; } return found; } }