lots of exercises in java... from https://github.com/exercism/java

exercise_readme.go.tmpl 406B

  1. # {{ .Spec.Name }}
  2. {{ .Spec.Description -}}
  3. {{- with .Hints }}
  4. # Java Tips
  5. {{ . }}
  6. {{ end }}
  7. # Running the tests
  8. You can run all the tests for an exercise by entering
  9. ```sh
  10. $ gradle test
  11. ```
  12. in your terminal.
  13. {{ with .Spec.Credits }}
  14. ## Source
  15. {{ . }}
  16. {{ end }}
  17. ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions
  18. It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.