lots of exercises in java... from https://github.com/exercism/java


Installing Java

In addition to the exercism CLI and your favorite text editor, practicing with Exercism exercises in Java requires:

  • the Java Development Kit (JDK) — which includes both a Java Runtime and development tools (most notably, the Java compiler); and
  • Gradle — a build tool specifically for Java projects.

Choose your operating system:

... or ...

Optionally, you can also use a Java IDE.


Open an administrative command prompt. (If you need assistance opening an administrative prompt, see open an elevated prompt in Windows 8+ (or Windows 7).

  1. If you have not installed Chocolatey, do so now:

     C:\Windows\system32> @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
  2. Install the JDK:

     C:\Windows\system32> choco install jdk8
     C:\Windows\system32> refreshenv
  3. Install Gradle:

     C:\Windows\system32>choco install gradle

We recommend closing the administrative command prompt and opening a new command prompt -- you do not require administrator privileges to practice Exercism exercises.

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".

Mac OS X

Below are instructions for install using the most common method - using Homebrew. If you'd rather, you can also install on OS X without Homebrew.


  1. If you haven't installed Homebrew, yet, do so now:

     $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Tap the Homebrew Cask — this allows us to install pre-built binaries like the JDK.

     $ brew tap caskroom/cask
  3. Install the JDK:

     $ brew cask install java
  4. Install Gradle:

     $ brew install gradle

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".


Below are instructions for install using the package manager of your distro. If you'd rather, you can also install on Linux without a package manager.


If you are using Debian or its derivatives (like Ubuntu or Linux Mint), use APT:

(verified on: Linux Mint 18, Ubuntu 14)

  1. Install the JDK:

     $ sudo apt-get update
     $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
     $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
     $ sudo apt-get update
     $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
     $ sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
  2. Install Gradle:

     $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
     $ sudo apt-get update
     $ sudo apt-get install gradle

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".


If you are using Fedora or its derivatives, use DNF:

(verified on: Fedora 24)

  1. Install the JDK:

     $ sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
  2. Install Gradle:

     $ sudo dnf install gradle

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".

Install Manually

Installing on Windows manually

NOTE: these instructions are intended for experienced Windows users. If you don't already know how to set environment variables or feel comfortable managing the directory structure, we highly recommend you use the Chocolatey-based install, above.

  1. Install the JDK:
    1. Download "Java Platform (JDK)" from Oracle OTN.
    2. Run the installer, using all the defaults.
  2. Install Gradle:
    • Download "Binary only distribution" from the Gradle download page.
    • Unzip the archive. We recommend a place like C:\Users\JohnDoe\Tools.
    • Add a new system environment variable named GRADLE_HOME and set it to the path you just created (e.g. C:\Users\JohnDoe\Tools\gradle-x.y).
    • Update the system Path to include the bin directory from Gradle's home (e.g. Path=...;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin).

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".

Installing on Mac OS X without Homebrew

NOTE: these instructions are intended for experienced Mac OS X users. Unless you specifically do not want to use a package manager, we highly recommend using the Homebrew-based installation instructions, above.

  1. Install the JDK:
    1. Download "Java Platform (JDK)" from Oracle OTN.
    2. Run the installer, using all the defaults.
  2. Install Gradle:

    1. Download "Binary only distribution" from the Gradle download page.
    2. Unpack Gradle:
     $ mkdir ~/tools
     $ cd ~/tools
     $ unzip ~/Downloads/gradle-*-bin.zip
     $ cd gradle*
    1. Configure Gradle and add it to the path:
     $ cat << DONE >> ~/.bashrc
     export GRADLE_HOME=`pwd`
     export PATH=\$PATH:\$GRADLE_HOME/bin

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".

Installing on Linux without a package manager

NOTE: these instructions are intended for experienced Linux users. Unless you specifically do not want to use a package manager, we highly recommend using the the installation instructions, above.

  1. Install the JDK:
    1. Download "Java Platform (JDK)" from Oracle OTN.
    2. Run the installer, using all the defaults.
  2. Install Gradle:

    1. Download "Binary only distribution" from the Gradle download page.
    2. Unpack Gradle:
     $ mkdir ~/tools
     $ cd ~/tools
     $ unzip ~/Downloads/gradle-*-bin.zip
     $ cd gradle*
    1. Configure Gradle and add it to the path:
     $ cat << DONE >> ~/.bashrc
     export GRADLE_HOME=`pwd`
     export PATH=\$PATH:\$GRADLE_HOME/bin

You now are ready to get started with the Java track of Exercism!

To get started, see "Running the Tests".

Java IDEs

There are many Java IDEs available. The three most popular are:

and there are others.