
Update 'README.md'

nhu313 6 年 前
共有1 個のファイルを変更した1 個の追加0 個の削除を含む
  1. 1

+ 1
- 0
README.md ファイルの表示

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
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 * **Purpose**
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 	* To demonstrate practical understanding of arrays, loops, and basic composition.
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 * **Instructions**
+    * The `IntegerDuplicateDeleter` and `StringDuplicateDeleter` both inherit from the abstract class `DuplicateDeleter`. The `DuplicateDeleter` class has two required methods that the IntegerDuplicateDeleter and StringDuplicateDeleter need to implement. You need to add the two methods into the two classes and add a constructor to call the `DuplicateDeleter` method to make your code compile.
8 9
     * Given an object, `IntegerDuplicateDeleter`, with a composite `Integer[]` object, write a method
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         * `removeDuplicatesExactly` which removes all values in the array which occur exactly the specified number of times.
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         * `removeDuplicates` which removes all values in the array which occur at least the specified number of times.