/** * Write a description of class WriteIFs here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class WriteIFs { public void playerDied(boolean player1) { // Write an IF statement that checks “player1.isAlive()” // and if that’s false, calls “displayGameOver(player1)” if (player1.isAlive() == false) { return displayGameOver(player1); } else return null; } public String thermoSTAT(int room) { // Write an IF statement that checks the // “temperature(room)” and if that check is less than 70, // calls “heatOn()” else calls “coolOn()” if (room < 70) { return heatOn(); } else return coolOn(); } public void fireplaceControl(Object fireplace1) { // Write an IF statement that checks // “outsideTemp()” is less than 50 // AND // “insideTemp()” is less than 62, // calls “startAFire(fireplace1)” if (outsideTemp() < 50 && insideTemp() < 62) { return startAFire(fireplace1); } } public void checkFuel(double fuelLevel) { // Write an IF statement that checks “fuelLevel” // and if that check is less than 0.08, calls “refuel()” if (fuelLevel < 0.08) { return refuel(); } } /** * Pay no attention to the code below this point. * * * instance variables * / int x; int tt_t; int tt_s; int oo1, oo2; String ss; /** * Constructor for objects of class WriteIFs */ public WriteIFs() { // initialise instance variables x = 0; tt_t = 0; tt_s = 1; ss = ""; oo1 = 61; oo2 = 49; } // associated routines public boolean isAlive(boolean p) { return !p; } private int tempurature(int t) { return t+2; } private void heatOn() { this.ss = "heating"; } private void coolOn() { this.ss = "cooling"; } private int insideTemp() { return oo1; } private int outsideTemp() { return oo2; } private void startAFire(Object o) { this.tt_s = 213; } private void refuel() { this.x = 99; } private void displayGameOver(boolean b) { this.ss = "Game Over!"; } }