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ZipStream v1.2.0 Build Status Build status

zip-stream is a streaming zip archive generator based on the ZipArchiveOutputStream prototype found in the compress-commons project.

It was originally created to be a successor to zipstream.

Visit the API documentation for a list of all methods available.


npm install zip-stream --save

You can also use npm install to test upcoming versions.


This module is meant to be wrapped internally by other modules and therefore lacks any queue management. This means you have to wait until the previous entry has been fully consumed to add another. Nested callbacks should be used to add multiple entries. There are modules like async that ease the so called "callback hell".

If you want a module that handles entry queueing and much more, you should check out archiver which uses this module internally.

var packer = require('zip-stream');
var archive = new packer(); // OR new packer(options)

archive.on('error', function(err) {
  throw err;

// pipe archive where you want it (ie fs, http, etc)
// listen to the destination's end, close, or finish event

archive.entry('string contents', { name: 'string.txt' }, function(err, entry) {
  if (err) throw err;
  archive.entry(null, { name: 'directory/' }, function(err, entry) {
    if (err) throw err;


Concept inspired by Antoine van Wel's zipstream module, which is no longer being updated.