Front end of the Slack clone application.

.jshintrc 843B

  1. {
  2. "asi": true,
  3. "bitwise": false,
  4. "camelcase": true,
  5. "curly": false,
  6. "eqeqeq": true,
  7. "forin": true,
  8. "immed": true,
  9. "indent": 4,
  10. "latedef": false,
  11. "newcap": true,
  12. "noarg": true,
  13. "nonew": true,
  14. "plusplus": false,
  15. "quotmark": false,
  16. "regexp": false,
  17. "undef": true,
  18. "unused": true,
  19. "strict": false,
  20. "trailing": true,
  21. "noempty": true,
  22. "maxdepth": 4,
  23. "maxparams": 4,
  24. "globals": {
  25. "console": true,
  26. "Buffer": true,
  27. "setTimeout": true,
  28. "clearTimeout": true,
  29. "setInterval": true,
  30. "clearInterval": true,
  31. "require": false,
  32. "module": false,
  33. "exports": true,
  34. "global": false,
  35. "process": true,
  36. "__dirname": false,
  37. "__filename": false
  38. },
  39. "node": false
  40. }