import { Component, ElementRef, Input, Optional, Renderer } from '@angular/core'; import { App } from '../app/app'; import { Config } from '../../config/config'; import { isTrueProperty } from '../../util/util'; import { NavController } from '../../navigation/nav-controller'; import { ToolbarBase } from './toolbar-base'; import { ViewController } from '../../navigation/view-controller'; /** * @name Navbar * @description * Navbar acts as the navigational toolbar, which also comes with a back * button. A navbar can contain a `ion-title`, any number of buttons, * a segment, or a searchbar. Navbars must be placed within an * `` in order for them to be placed above the content. * It's important to note that navbar's are part of the dynamic navigation * stack. If you need a static toolbar, use ion-toolbar. * * @usage * ```html * * * * * * * Page Title * * * * * * * * * ``` * * @demo /docs/demos/src/navbar/ * @see {@link ../../toolbar/Toolbar/ Toolbar API Docs} */ export class Navbar extends ToolbarBase { constructor(_app, viewCtrl, navCtrl, config, elementRef, renderer) { super(config, elementRef, renderer); this._app = _app; this.navCtrl = navCtrl; /** * @hidden */ this._hidden = false; /** * @hidden */ this._hideBb = false; viewCtrl && viewCtrl._setNavbar(this); this._bbIcon = config.get('backButtonIcon'); this._sbPadding = config.getBoolean('statusbarPadding'); this._backText = config.get('backButtonText', 'Back'); } /** * @input {boolean} If true, the back button will be hidden. */ get hideBackButton() { return this._hideBb; } set hideBackButton(val) { this._hideBb = isTrueProperty(val); } backButtonClick(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); this.navCtrl && this.navCtrl.pop(null, null); } /** * Set the text of the Back Button in the Nav Bar. Defaults to "Back". */ setBackButtonText(text) { this._backText = text; } /** * @hidden */ didEnter() { try { this._app.setTitle(this.getTitleText()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } /** * @hidden */ setHidden(isHidden) { // used to display none/block the navbar this._hidden = isHidden; } } Navbar.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'ion-navbar', template: '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '
', host: { '[hidden]': '_hidden', 'class': 'toolbar', '[class.statusbar-padding]': '_sbPadding' } },] }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ Navbar.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: App, }, { type: ViewController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, { type: NavController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, { type: Config, }, { type: ElementRef, }, { type: Renderer, }, ]; Navbar.propDecorators = { 'hideBackButton': [{ type: Input },], }; //#