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PROJECT TITLE: Java Fundamentals
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# Java Fundamentals
### **Objective:**
* To complete the method stubs in each of the provided classes
* `MathUtilities`
* `PredicateUtilities`
* `StringUtilities`
### **Purpose:**
* To establish familiarity with
* [primitive data-types](http://cs.fit.edu/~ryan/java/language/java-data.html)
* [method signatures and return statements](http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/java/java_methods.html)
* [String operations](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_strings.htm)
### **Classes to be completed:**
* `MathUtilities`
* `PredicateUtilities`
* `StringUtilities`
### **Instructions:**
1. Fork this Repository
* [fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your personal github account
* [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) **your** `forked` repository to your local machine.
* Complete steps 2 and 3
* `git add` your changes to the list of your `commited` files.
* `git commit` your added files to the list of your `staged` files.
* `git push` your staged files to your remote repository.
* submit a `pull request` which compares Zipcoder `master` to your `master`.
2. Begin by first ensuring the `main` method in your `ZipcodeRocks` class prints `"Zipcode Rocks!"` upon execution.
3. Complete each of the method stubs in each of the `main` classes provided.
* `main` classes are located in `src.main.java.com.zipcodewilmington.danny_do_better_exercises`
* There are comments above each method stub to describe the expected behavior.
4. Upon completion, open and run the `TestSuite` class to ensure that all tests have 100% success.
* `TestSuite` is located in `src.test.java.com.zipcodewilmington.danny_do_better_exercises`
## Predicate Utilities
* A _predicate_ is a clause which states something about a subject. (_e.g., **is assigning**_ in _"Leon **is assigning** homework"_)
* Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class [TestPredicateUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/PredicateUtilitiesTest.java) by completing each of the method stubs in the class [PredicateUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/PredicateUtilities.java).
* Method Stubs to be completed
* `boolean isGreaterThan(int x, int y)`
* `boolean isLessThan(int x, int y)`
* `boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(int x, int y)`
* `boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(int x, int y)`
## Math Utilities
* Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class [TestMathUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/TestMathUtilities.java) by completing each of the method stubs in the class [MathUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/MathUtilities.java).
* Method Stubs to be completed
* `Integer add(int, int)`
* `Long add(long, long)`
* `Short add(short, short)`
* `Byte add(byte, byte)`
* `Float add(float, float)`
* `Double add(double, double)`
* `Integer subtract(int, int)`
* `Long subtract(long, long)`
* `Short subtract(short, short)`
* `Byte subtract(byte, byte)`
* `Float subtract(float, float)`
* `Double subtract(double, double)`
* `Integer divide(int, int)`
* `Long divide(long, long)`
* `Short divide(short, short)`
* `Byte divide(byte, byte)`
* `Float divide(float, float)`
* `Double divide(double, double)`
* `Integer multiply(int, int)`
* `Long multiply(long, long)`
* `Short multiply(short, short)`
* `Byte multiply(byte, byte)`
* `Float multiply(float, float)`
* `Double multiply(double, double)`
* `Boolean returnTrue`
* `Boolean returnFalse`
## String Utilities
* Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class [TestStringUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/StringUtilitiesTest.java) by completing each of the method stubs in the class [StringUtilities](https://git.zipcode.rocks/ZipCodeWilmington/ZCW-Lab-Fundamental-Methods/src/branch/master/Method%20Fundamentals/StringUtilities.java).
* Method Stubs to be completed
* `String concatenation(String, String)`
* `String concatenation(int, String)`
* `String getPrefix(String)`
* `String getSuffix(String)`
* `Boolean compareTwoStrings(String)`
* `Character getMiddleCharacter(String)`
* `String getFirstWord(String)`
* `String getSecondWord(String)`
* `String reverse(String)`