a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

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Nation Of Novels app


  • Purchase a variety of novels, non-fiction, poetry, graphic novels, anthologies, and so many more
  • Display the glorious books on shelves and tables around the house
  • Read through them with joy and share them (if you want)
  • Buy some more!
  • ...do you already have some of these books?? If it's a series, have you read the first one yet?!

Wait! Why stand in a bookstore questioning if you already have that book? Just run home and check!

That is an easy solution if you live in one easily accessible area, don't have too many books, have a photographic memory, or so on and so forth. But what if you don't have those abilities? What if you could not only have a way to keep track of those treasures of knowledge, but also log your progress? No more questioning if you have ever read the book, no more questioning if you read the first novel in a series, and no more questioning if you even have the book of interest in your possession at all.

With the Nation of Novels app, you'll be able to focus on the adventure on the pages instead of the logistics of book-buying in real life. Enjoy the escape!


jaejoson (Jae Joson) - random change to submit again