123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- async = require 'async'
- {spawn, exec} = require 'child_process'
- fs = require 'fs'
- glob = require 'glob'
- log = console.log
- path = require 'path'
- remove = require 'remove'
- # Node 0.6 compatibility hack.
- unless fs.existsSync
- fs.existsSync = (filePath) -> path.existsSync filePath
- task 'build', ->
- build()
- task 'test', ->
- vendor ->
- build ->
- ssl_cert ->
- test_cases = glob.sync 'test/js/**/*_test.js'
- test_cases.sort() # Consistent test case order.
- run 'node_modules/.bin/mocha --colors --slow 200 --timeout 1000 ' +
- "--require test/js/helpers/setup.js #{test_cases.join(' ')}"
- task 'webtest', ->
- vendor ->
- build ->
- ssl_cert ->
- webtest()
- task 'cert', ->
- remove.removeSync 'test/ssl', ignoreMissing: true
- ssl_cert()
- task 'vendor', ->
- remove.removeSync './test/vendor', ignoreMissing: true
- vendor()
- task 'doc', ->
- run 'node_modules/.bin/codo --title "node-xhr API Documentation" src'
- build = (callback) ->
- commands = []
- # Ignoring ".coffee" when sorting.
- # We want "driver.coffee" to sort before "driver-browser.coffee"
- source_files = glob.sync 'src/**/*.coffee'
- source_files.sort (a, b) ->
- a.replace(/\.coffee$/, '').localeCompare b.replace(/\.coffee$/, '')
- # Compile without --join for decent error messages.
- commands.push 'node_modules/.bin/coffee --output tmp --compile ' +
- source_files.join(' ')
- commands.push 'node_modules/.bin/coffee --output lib --compile ' +
- "--join xhr2.js #{source_files.join(' ')}"
- # Tests are supposed to be independent, so the build order doesn't matter.
- test_dirs = glob.sync 'test/src/**/'
- for test_dir in test_dirs
- out_dir = test_dir.replace(/^test\/src\//, 'test/js/')
- test_files = glob.sync path.join(test_dir, '*.coffee')
- commands.push "node_modules/.bin/coffee --output #{out_dir} " +
- "--compile #{test_files.join(' ')}"
- async.forEachSeries commands, run, ->
- # Build the binary test image.
- buffer = fs.readFileSync 'test/fixtures/xhr2.png'
- bytes = (buffer.readUInt8(i) for i in [0...buffer.length])
- globalJs = '((function(){ return this.global || this; })())'
- js = "#{globalJs}.xhr2PngBytes = #{JSON.stringify(bytes)};"
- fs.writeFileSync 'test/js/helpers/xhr2.png.js', js
- callback() if callback
- webtest = (callback) ->
- xhrServer = require './test/js/helpers/xhr_server.js'
- if 'BROWSER' of process.env
- if process.env['BROWSER'] is 'false'
- url = xhrServer.https.testUrl()
- console.log "Please open the URL below in your browser:\n #{url}"
- else
- xhrServer.https.openBrowser process.env['BROWSER']
- else
- xhrServer.https.openBrowser()
- callback() if callback?
- ssl_cert = (callback) ->
- if fs.existsSync 'test/ssl/cert.pem'
- callback() if callback?
- return
- fs.mkdirSync 'test/ssl' unless fs.existsSync 'test/ssl'
- run 'openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 ' +
- '-batch -out test/ssl/cert.pem -keyout test/ssl/cert.pem ' +
- '-subj /O=xhr2.js/OU=Testing/CN=localhost ', callback
- vendor = (callback) ->
- # All the files will be dumped here.
- fs.mkdirSync 'test/vendor' unless fs.existsSync 'test/vendor'
- downloads = [
- # chai.js ships different builds for browsers vs node.js
- ['http://chaijs.com/chai.js', 'test/vendor/chai.js'],
- # sinon.js also ships special builds for browsers
- ['http://sinonjs.org/releases/sinon.js', 'test/vendor/sinon.js'],
- ]
- async.forEachSeries downloads, download, ->
- callback() if callback
- run = (args...) ->
- for a in args
- switch typeof a
- when 'string' then command = a
- when 'object'
- if a instanceof Array then params = a
- else options = a
- when 'function' then callback = a
- command += ' ' + params.join ' ' if params?
- cmd = spawn '/bin/sh', ['-c', command], options
- cmd.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> process.stdout.write data
- cmd.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> process.stderr.write data
- process.on 'SIGHUP', -> cmd.kill()
- cmd.on 'exit', (code) -> callback() if callback? and code is 0
- download = ([url, file], callback) ->
- if fs.existsSync file
- callback() if callback?
- return
- run "curl -o #{file} #{url}", callback