1. v0.3.5 -- 2017.03.15
  2. * Improve documentation
  3. * Update dependencies
  4. v0.3.4 -- 2015.10.02
  5. * Add `emitError` extension
  6. v0.3.3 -- 2015.01.30
  7. * Fix reference to module in benchmarks
  8. v0.3.2 -- 2015.01.20
  9. * Improve documentation
  10. * Configure lint scripts
  11. * Fix spelling of LICENSE
  12. v0.3.1 -- 2014.04.25
  13. * Fix redefinition of emit method in `pipe`
  14. * Allow custom emit method name in `pipe`
  15. v0.3.0 -- 2014.04.24
  16. * Move out from lib folder
  17. * Do not expose all utilities on main module
  18. * Support objects which do not inherit from Object.prototype
  19. * Improve arguments validation
  20. * Improve internals
  21. * Remove Makefile
  22. * Improve documentation
  23. v0.2.2 -- 2013.06.05
  24. * `unify` functionality
  25. v0.2.1 -- 2012.09.21
  26. * hasListeners module
  27. * Simplified internal id (improves performance a little), now it starts with
  28. underscore (hint it's private). Abstracted it to external module to have it
  29. one place
  30. * Documentation cleanup
  31. v0.2.0 -- 2012.09.19
  32. * Trashed poor implementation of v0.1 and came up with something solid
  33. Changes:
  34. * Improved performance
  35. * Fixed bugs event-emitter is now cross-prototype safe and not affected by
  36. unexpected methods attached to Object.prototype
  37. * Removed support for optional "emitter" argument in `emit` method, it was
  38. cumbersome to use, and should be solved just with event objects
  39. v0.1.5 -- 2012.08.06
  40. * (maintanance) Do not use descriptors for internal objects, it exposes V8 bugs
  41. (only Node v0.6 branch)
  42. v0.1.4 -- 2012.06.13
  43. * Fix detachment of listeners added with 'once'
  44. v0.1.3 -- 2012.05.28
  45. * Updated es5-ext to latest version (v0.8)
  46. * Cleared package.json so it's in npm friendly format
  47. v0.1.2 -- 2012.01.22
  48. * Support for emitter argument in emit function, this allows some listeners not
  49. to be notified about event
  50. * allOff - removes all listeners from object
  51. * All methods returns self object
  52. * Internal fixes
  53. * Travis CI integration
  54. v0.1.1 -- 2011.08.08
  55. * Added TAD test suite to devDependencies, configured test commands.
  56. Tests can be run with 'make test' or 'npm test'
  57. v0.1.0 -- 2011.08.08
  58. Initial version