import { Directive, ElementRef, Optional, Renderer } from '@angular/core'; import { Config } from '../../config/config'; import { Ion } from '../ion'; import { ViewController } from '../../navigation/view-controller'; /** * @name Header * @description * Header is a parent component that holds the navbar and toolbar component. * It's important to note that `ion-header` needs to be one of the three root elements of a page * * @usage * * ```html * * * Page1 * * * * Subheader * * * * * ``` * */ export class Header extends Ion { constructor(config, elementRef, renderer, viewCtrl) { super(config, elementRef, renderer, 'header'); viewCtrl && viewCtrl._setHeader(this); } } Header.decorators = [ { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: 'ion-header' },] }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ Header.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: Config, }, { type: ElementRef, }, { type: Renderer, }, { type: ViewController, decorators: [{ type: Optional },] }, ]; //#