var PREVIOUS_CELL = { row: 0, width: 0, height: 0, top: 0, left: 0, tmpl: -1 }; /** * NO DOM */ export function processRecords(stopAtHeight, records, cells, headerFn, footerFn, data) { var record; var startRecordIndex; var previousCell; var tmpData; var lastRecordIndex = records ? (records.length - 1) : -1; if (cells.length) { // we already have cells previousCell = cells[cells.length - 1]; if ( + previousCell.height > stopAtHeight) { return; } startRecordIndex = (previousCell.record + 1); } else { // no cells have been created yet previousCell = PREVIOUS_CELL; startRecordIndex = 0; } var processedTotal = 0; for (var recordIndex = startRecordIndex; recordIndex <= lastRecordIndex; recordIndex++) { record = records[recordIndex]; if (headerFn) { tmpData = headerFn(record, recordIndex, records); if (tmpData !== null) { // add header data previousCell = addCell(previousCell, recordIndex, 1 /* Header */, tmpData, data.hdrWidth, data.hdrHeight, data.viewWidth); cells.push(previousCell); } } // add item data previousCell = addCell(previousCell, recordIndex, 0 /* Item */, null, data.itmWidth, data.itmHeight, data.viewWidth); cells.push(previousCell); if (footerFn) { tmpData = footerFn(record, recordIndex, records); if (tmpData !== null) { // add footer data previousCell = addCell(previousCell, recordIndex, 2 /* Footer */, tmpData, data.ftrWidth, data.ftrHeight, data.viewWidth); cells.push(previousCell); } } if (previousCell.record === lastRecordIndex) { previousCell.isLast = true; } // should always process at least 3 records processedTotal++; if ( + previousCell.height + data.itmHeight > stopAtHeight && processedTotal > 3) { return; } } } function addCell(previousCell, recordIndex, tmpl, tmplData, cellWidth, cellHeight, viewportWidth) { var newCell = { record: recordIndex, tmpl: tmpl, width: cellWidth, height: cellHeight, reads: 0 }; if (previousCell.left + previousCell.width + cellWidth > viewportWidth) { // add a new cell in a new row newCell.row = (previousCell.row + 1); = ( + previousCell.height); newCell.left = 0; } else { // add a new cell in the same row newCell.row = previousCell.row; =; newCell.left = (previousCell.left + previousCell.width); } if (tmplData) { = tmplData; } return newCell; } /** * NO DOM */ export function populateNodeData(startCellIndex, endCellIndex, scrollingDown, cells, records, nodes, viewContainer, itmTmp, hdrTmp, ftrTmp) { if (!records || records.length === 0) { nodes.length = 0; viewContainer.clear(); return true; } var recordsLength = records.length; var hasChanges = false; // let node: VirtualNode; var availableNode; var cell; var viewInsertIndex = null; var totalNodes = nodes.length; var templateRef; startCellIndex = Math.max(startCellIndex, 0); endCellIndex = Math.min(endCellIndex, cells.length - 1); var usedNodes = []; for (var cellIndex = startCellIndex; cellIndex <= endCellIndex; cellIndex++) { cell = cells[cellIndex]; availableNode = null; // find the first one that's available var existingNode = nodes.find(function (n) { return n.cell === cellIndex && n.tmpl === cell.tmpl; }); if (existingNode) { if (existingNode.view.context.$implicit === records[cell.record]) { usedNodes.push(existingNode); continue; // optimization: node data is the same no need to update } (void 0) /* console.debug */; availableNode = existingNode; // update existing node } else { (void 0) /* console.debug */; for (var i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (cell.tmpl !== node.tmpl || i === 0 && cellIndex !== 0) { // the cell must use the correct template // first node can only be used by the first cell (css :first-child reasons) // this node is never available to be reused continue; } if (node.cell < startCellIndex || node.cell > endCellIndex) { if (!availableNode) { // havent gotten an available node yet availableNode = node; (void 0) /* console.debug */; } else if (scrollingDown) { // scrolling down if (node.cell < availableNode.cell) { availableNode = node; (void 0) /* console.debug */; } } else { // scrolling up if (node.cell > availableNode.cell) { availableNode = node; (void 0) /* console.debug */; } } } } } if (!availableNode) { // did not find an available node to put the cell data into // insert a new node after existing ones if (viewInsertIndex === null) { viewInsertIndex = -1; for (var j = totalNodes - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var node = nodes[j]; if (node) { viewInsertIndex = viewContainer.indexOf(node.view); break; } } } // select which templateRef should be used for this cell templateRef = cell.tmpl === 1 /* Header */ ? hdrTmp : cell.tmpl === 2 /* Footer */ ? ftrTmp : itmTmp; if (!templateRef) { console.error("virtual" + (cell.tmpl === 1 /* Header */ ? 'Header' : cell.tmpl === 2 /* Footer */ ? 'Footer' : 'Item') + " template required"); continue; } availableNode = { tmpl: cell.tmpl, view: viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(templateRef, new VirtualContext(null, null, null), viewInsertIndex) }; totalNodes = nodes.push(availableNode); } // assign who's the new cell index for this node availableNode.cell = cellIndex; // apply the cell's data to this node var context = availableNode.view.context; context.$implicit = || records[cell.record]; context.index = cellIndex; context.count = recordsLength; availableNode.hasChanges = true; availableNode.lastTransform = null; hasChanges = true; usedNodes.push(availableNode); } var unusedNodes = nodes.filter(function (n) { return usedNodes.indexOf(n) < 0; }); unusedNodes.forEach(function (node) { var index = viewContainer.indexOf(node.view); viewContainer.remove(index); var removeIndex = nodes.findIndex(function (n) { return n === node; }); nodes.splice(removeIndex, 1); }); usedNodes.length = 0; unusedNodes.length = 0; return hasChanges; } /** * DOM READ */ export function initReadNodes(plt, nodes, cells, data) { if (nodes.length && cells.length) { // first node // ******** DOM READ **************** var ele = getElement(nodes[0]); var firstCell = cells[0]; = ele.clientTop; firstCell.left = ele.clientLeft; firstCell.row = 0; // ******** DOM READ **************** updateDimensions(plt, nodes, cells, data, true); } } /** * DOM READ */ export function updateDimensions(plt, nodes, cells, data, initialUpdate) { var node; var element; var cell; var previousCell; var totalCells = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; cell = cells[node.cell]; // read element dimensions if they haven't been checked enough times if (cell && cell.reads < REQUIRED_DOM_READS) { element = getElement(node); // ******** DOM READ **************** readElements(plt, cell, element); if (initialUpdate) { // update estimated dimensions with more accurate dimensions if (cell.tmpl === 1 /* Header */) { data.hdrHeight = cell.height; if (cell.left === 0) { data.hdrWidth = cell.width; } } else if (cell.tmpl === 2 /* Footer */) { data.ftrHeight = cell.height; if (cell.left === 0) { data.ftrWidth = cell.width; } } else { data.itmHeight = cell.height; if (cell.left === 0) { data.itmWidth = cell.width; } } } cell.reads++; } } // figure out which cells are currently viewable within the viewport var viewableBottom = (data.scrollTop + data.viewHeight); data.topViewCell = totalCells; data.bottomViewCell = 0; if (totalCells > 0) { // completely realign position to ensure they're all accurately placed cell = cells[0]; previousCell = { row: 0, width: 0, height: 0, top:, left: 0, tmpl: -1 }; for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < totalCells; i_1++) { cell = cells[i_1]; if (previousCell.left + previousCell.width + cell.width > data.viewWidth) { // new row cell.row++; = ( + previousCell.height); cell.left = 0; } else { // same row cell.row = previousCell.row; =; cell.left = (previousCell.left + previousCell.width); } // figure out which cells are viewable within the viewport if ( + cell.height > data.scrollTop && i_1 < data.topViewCell) { data.topViewCell = i_1; } else if ( < viewableBottom && i_1 > data.bottomViewCell) { data.bottomViewCell = i_1; } previousCell = cell; } } } export function updateNodeContext(nodes, cells, data) { // ensure each node has the correct bounds in its context var node; var cell; var bounds; for (var i = 0, ilen = nodes.length; i < ilen; i++) { node = nodes[i]; cell = cells[node.cell]; if (node && cell) { bounds = node.view.context.bounds; = + data.viewTop; bounds.bottom = + cell.height; bounds.left = cell.left + data.viewLeft; bounds.right = bounds.left + cell.width; bounds.width = cell.width; bounds.height = cell.height; } } } /** * DOM READ */ function readElements(plt, cell, element) { // ******** DOM READ **************** var styles = plt.getElementComputedStyle(element); // ******** DOM READ **************** cell.left = (element.clientLeft - parseFloat(styles.marginLeft)); // ******** DOM READ **************** cell.width = (element.offsetWidth + parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight)); // ******** DOM READ **************** cell.height = (element.offsetHeight + parseFloat(styles.marginTop) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom)); } /** * DOM WRITE */ export function writeToNodes(plt, nodes, cells, totalRecords) { var node; var element; var cell; var transform; var totalCells = Math.max(totalRecords, cells.length); for (var i = 0, ilen = nodes.length; i < ilen; i++) { node = nodes[i]; cell = cells[node.cell]; transform = "translate3d(" + cell.left + "px," + + "px,0px)"; if (node.lastTransform !== transform) { element = getElement(node); if (element) { // ******** DOM WRITE ****************[plt.Css.transform] = node.lastTransform = transform; // ******** DOM WRITE **************** element.classList.add('virtual-position'); // // ******** DOM WRITE **************** element.setAttribute('aria-posinset', node.cell + 1); // // ******** DOM WRITE **************** element.setAttribute('aria-setsize', totalCells); } } } } /** * NO DOM */ export function adjustRendered(cells, data) { var maxRenderHeight = (data.renderHeight - data.itmHeight); var totalCells = cells.length; var viewableRenderedPadding = (data.itmHeight < 90 ? VIEWABLE_RENDERED_PADDING : 0); if (data.scrollDiff > 0) { // scrolling down data.topCell = Math.max(data.topViewCell - viewableRenderedPadding, 0); data.bottomCell = data.topCell; var cellsRenderHeight = 0; for (var i = data.topCell; i < totalCells; i++) { cellsRenderHeight += cells[i].height; if (i > data.bottomCell) data.bottomCell = i; if (cellsRenderHeight >= maxRenderHeight) break; } if (cellsRenderHeight < maxRenderHeight) { // there are no more cells at the bottom, so move topCell to a smaller index for (var i = data.topCell - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cellsRenderHeight += cells[i].height; data.topCell = i; if (cellsRenderHeight >= maxRenderHeight) break; } } } else { // scroll up data.bottomCell = Math.min(data.bottomViewCell + viewableRenderedPadding, totalCells - 1); data.topCell = data.bottomCell; var cellsRenderHeight = 0; (void 0) /* assert */; for (var i = data.bottomCell; i >= 0; i--) { cellsRenderHeight += cells[i].height; if (i < data.topCell) data.topCell = i; if (cellsRenderHeight >= maxRenderHeight) break; } if (cellsRenderHeight < maxRenderHeight) { // there are no more cells at the top, so move bottomCell to a higher index for (var i = data.bottomCell; i < totalCells; i++) { cellsRenderHeight += cells[i].height; data.bottomCell = i; if (cellsRenderHeight >= maxRenderHeight) break; } } } } /** * NO DOM */ export function getVirtualHeight(totalRecords, lastCell) { if (lastCell.record >= totalRecords - 1) { return ( + lastCell.height); } var unknownRecords = (totalRecords - lastCell.record - 1); var knownHeight = ( + lastCell.height); return Math.ceil(knownHeight + ((knownHeight / (totalRecords - unknownRecords)) * unknownRecords)); } /** * NO DOM */ export function estimateHeight(totalRecords, lastCell, existingHeight, difference) { if (!totalRecords || !lastCell) { return 0; } var newHeight = getVirtualHeight(totalRecords, lastCell); var percentToBottom = (lastCell.record / (totalRecords - 1)); var diff = Math.abs(existingHeight - newHeight); if ((diff > (newHeight * difference)) || (percentToBottom > .995)) { return newHeight; } return existingHeight; } /** * DOM READ */ export function calcDimensions(data, virtualScrollElement, approxItemWidth, approxItemHeight, appoxHeaderWidth, approxHeaderHeight, approxFooterWidth, approxFooterHeight, bufferRatio) { // get the parent container's viewport bounds var viewportElement = virtualScrollElement.parentElement; // ******** DOM READ **************** data.viewWidth = viewportElement.offsetWidth; // ******** DOM READ **************** data.viewHeight = viewportElement.offsetHeight; // get the virtual scroll element's offset data // ******** DOM READ **************** data.viewTop = virtualScrollElement.offsetTop; // ******** DOM READ **************** data.viewLeft = virtualScrollElement.offsetLeft; // the height we'd like to render, which is larger than viewable data.renderHeight = (data.viewHeight * bufferRatio); if (data.viewWidth > 0 && data.viewHeight > 0) { data.itmWidth = calcWidth(data.viewWidth, approxItemWidth); data.itmHeight = calcHeight(data.viewHeight, approxItemHeight); data.hdrWidth = calcWidth(data.viewWidth, appoxHeaderWidth); data.hdrHeight = calcHeight(data.viewHeight, approxHeaderHeight); data.ftrWidth = calcWidth(data.viewWidth, approxFooterWidth); data.ftrHeight = calcHeight(data.viewHeight, approxFooterHeight); data.valid = true; } } /** * NO DOM */ function calcWidth(viewportWidth, approxWidth) { if (approxWidth.indexOf('%') > 0) { return (viewportWidth * (parseFloat(approxWidth) / 100)); } else if (approxWidth.indexOf('px') > 0) { return parseFloat(approxWidth); } throw new Error('virtual scroll width can only use "%" or "px" units'); } /** * NO DOM */ function calcHeight(_viewportHeight, approxHeight) { if (approxHeight.indexOf('px') > 0) { return parseFloat(approxHeight); } throw new Error('virtual scroll height must use "px" units'); } /** * NO DOM */ function getElement(node) { var rootNodes = node.view.rootNodes; for (var i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) { if (rootNodes[i].nodeType === 1) { return rootNodes[i]; } } return null; } var VirtualContext = (function () { function VirtualContext($implicit, index, count) { this.$implicit = $implicit; this.index = index; this.count = count; this.bounds = {}; } Object.defineProperty(VirtualContext.prototype, "first", { get: function () { return this.index === 0; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(VirtualContext.prototype, "last", { get: function () { return this.index === this.count - 1; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(VirtualContext.prototype, "even", { get: function () { return this.index % 2 === 0; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(VirtualContext.prototype, "odd", { get: function () { return !this.even; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return VirtualContext; }()); export { VirtualContext }; var VIEWABLE_RENDERED_PADDING = 3; var REQUIRED_DOM_READS = 2; //#