import { ElementRef, EventEmitter, Renderer } from '@angular/core';
import { NgControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { Config } from '../../config/config';
import { BaseInput } from '../../util/base-input';
import { TimeoutDebouncer } from '../../util/debouncer';
import { Platform } from '../../platform/platform';
* @name Searchbar
* @module ionic
* @description
* Manages the display of a Searchbar which can be used to search or filter items.
* @usage
* ```html
* ```
* @demo /docs/demos/src/searchbar/
* @see {@link /docs/components#searchbar Searchbar Component Docs}
export declare class Searchbar extends BaseInput {
private _plt;
_shouldBlur: boolean;
_shouldAlignLeft: boolean;
_isCancelVisible: boolean;
_spellcheck: boolean;
_autocomplete: string;
_autocorrect: string;
_isActive: boolean;
_showCancelButton: boolean;
_animated: boolean;
_inputDebouncer: TimeoutDebouncer;
* @input {string} Set the the cancel button text. Default: `"Cancel"`.
cancelButtonText: string;
* @input {boolean} If true, show the cancel button. Default `false`.
showCancelButton: boolean;
* @input {number} How long, in milliseconds, to wait to trigger the `ionInput` event after each keystroke. Default `250`.
debounce: number;
* @input {string} Set the input's placeholder. Default `"Search"`.
placeholder: string;
* @input {string} Set the input's autocomplete property. Values: `"on"`, `"off"`. Default `"off"`.
autocomplete: string;
* @input {string} Set the input's autocorrect property. Values: `"on"`, `"off"`. Default `"off"`.
autocorrect: string;
* @input {string|boolean} Set the input's spellcheck property. Values: `true`, `false`. Default `false`.
spellcheck: string | boolean;
* @input {string} Set the type of the input. Values: `"text"`, `"password"`, `"email"`, `"number"`, `"search"`, `"tel"`, `"url"`. Default `"search"`.
type: string;
* @input {boolean} If true, enable searchbar animation. Default `false`.
animated: boolean;
* @output {event} Emitted when the Searchbar input has changed, including when it's cleared.
ionInput: EventEmitter;
* @output {event} Emitted when the cancel button is clicked.
ionCancel: EventEmitter;
* @output {event} Emitted when the clear input button is clicked.
ionClear: EventEmitter;
constructor(config: Config, _plt: Platform, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer, ngControl: NgControl);
_searchbarInput: ElementRef;
_searchbarIcon: ElementRef;
_cancelButton: ElementRef;
* @hidden
* On Initialization check for attributes
ngOnInit(): void;
* @hidden
_inputUpdated(): void;
* @hidden
* Positions the input search icon, placeholder, and the cancel button
* based on the input value and if it is focused. (ios only)
positionElements(): void;
positionPlaceholder(): void;
* @hidden
* Show the iOS Cancel button on focus, hide it offscreen otherwise
positionCancelButton(): void;
* @hidden
* Update the Searchbar input value when the input changes
inputChanged(ev: any): void;
* @hidden
* Sets the Searchbar to focused and active on input focus.
inputFocused(): void;
* @hidden
* Sets the Searchbar to not focused and checks if it should align left
* based on whether there is a value in the searchbar or not.
inputBlurred(): void;
* @hidden
* Clears the input field and triggers the control change.
clearInput(ev: UIEvent): void;
* @hidden
* Clears the input field and tells the input to blur since
* the clearInput function doesn't want the input to blur
* then calls the custom cancel function if the user passed one in.
cancelSearchbar(ev: UIEvent): void;
setFocus(): void;