angular.module('app.routes', []) .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { // Ionic uses AngularUI Router which uses the concept of states // Learn more here: // Set up the various states which the app can be in. // Each state's controller can be found in controllers.js $stateProvider .state('tabsController.availablePage', { url: '/page2', views: { 'tab1': { templateUrl: 'templates/availablePage.html', controller: 'availablePageCtrl' } } }) .state('tabsController.activePage', { url: '/page3', views: { 'tab2': { templateUrl: 'templates/activePage.html', controller: 'activePageCtrl' } } }) .state('tabsController.redeemedPage', { url: '/page4', views: { 'tab3': { templateUrl: 'templates/redeemedPage.html', controller: 'redeemedPageCtrl' } } }) .state('tabsController', { url: '/page1', templateUrl: 'templates/tabsController.html', abstract:true }) .state('login', { url: '/page5', templateUrl: 'templates/login.html', controller: 'loginCtrl' }) .state('promotionsWallet', { url: '/page6', templateUrl: 'templates/promotionsWallet.html', controller: 'promotionsWalletCtrl' }) $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/page1/page4') });