# ZCW-MicroLabs-ExceptionsAndLogging # PhoneNumberFactory * **Purpose** - to demonstrate basic exception handling and logging. * **Objective** - to implement a `PhoneNumberFactory` class that generates `PhoneNumber` objects. * The `PhoneNumber` class is a container for a `String` representation of a respective phone number. * Note: Phone numbers are a composite of 3 affixes; `Area Code`, `Central Office Code`, and `Phone Line Code`. * `Area Code` - the first 3 numeric values * `Central Office Code` - the 4th, 5th, and 6th numeric values. * `Phone Line Code` - the last 4 numeric values. * Below is a sample *instantation of* and *invokation on* `PhoneNumber`. ```Java String stringRepresentation = "(302)-312-5555"; PhoneNumber phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(stringRepresentation); String areaCode = phoneNumber.getAreaCode(); String centralOfficeCode = phoneNumber.getCentralOfficeCode(); String phoneLineCode = phoneNumber.getPhoneLineCode(); ``` # Part 1; Modify `createPhoneNumber` * Upon instantiating a new `PhoneNumber` object, it is possible to receive a `InvalidPhoneNumberFormatException` if the `String` passed into the `PhoneNumber` constructor does not fit the format `(###)-###-####`.
* `InvalidPhoneNumberFormatException` extends `IOException`, which is a `checked exception`.
* Modify the `createPhoneNumber` method so that it throws any resulting `InvalidPhoneNumberFormatException`. * This will ensure that any method calling `createPhoneNumber` will have to handle the exception. # Part 2; Implement `createPhoneNumberSafely` * Using the `createPhoneNumber` method from `Part 1`, define the `createPhoneNumberSafely` method such that the input parameters, `areaCode`, `centralOfficeCode`, `phoneLineCode` are concatenated to create a `String` representation of the respective phone number. * Use this `String` object to construct a new instance of `PhoneNumber` and return it. * If the concatentation of the input parameters yields a `String` whose value does not match the format `(###)-###-####`, then our `PhoneNumber` will throw a `InvalidPhoneNumberFormatException`. * If a `InvalidPhoneNumberFormatException` is thrown within this method, catch it and return `null`. # Part 3; Implement `createRandomPhoneNumber` * Using the `RandomNumberFactory`, generate a random `Area Code`, `Central Office Code`, and `Phone Line Code`. Pass these values as arguments of the `createPhoneNumberSafely` method from `Part 2` and return the resulting `PhoneNumber` object. # Part 4; Implement `createRandomPhoneNumberArray` * Using the `createRandomPhoneNumber` from `Part 3`, generate an array of `PhoneNumber` objects, whose length reflects the input argument. * For example `createRandomPhoneNumber(5)` should return an array of 5 `PhoneNumber` objects. # Part 5; Add logging * Add logging to the `createPhoneNumber` method from `Part 1`, which logs the message * `"Attempting to create a new PhoneNumber object with a value of (###)-###-####` * where `(###)-###-####` will be replaced with the respective input parameter. * Add logging to the `createPhoneNumberSafely` method from `Part 2`, which logs the message * `(###)-###-#### is not a valid phone number` * Where `(###)-###-####` will be replaced with the respective input parameter. # Part 6; Ensure all test cases pass * Yeah this header says all that is needed...