/** * Write a description of class Trigonometry here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Trigonometry { /** * Constructor for objects of class Trigonometry */ public Trigonometry() { } //sin public static double sin(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.sin(x); return Console.currentNumber; } //cos public static double cos(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.cos(x); return Console.currentNumber; } //tan public static double tan(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.tan(x); return Console.currentNumber; } //inverse of sin public static double sinInverse(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.asin(x); return Console.currentNumber; } //inverse of cos public static double cosInverse(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.acos(x); return Console.currentNumber; } //inver of tan public static double tanInverse(double x){ Console.currentNumber = Math.atan(x); return Console.currentNumber; } }