a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

ProjectDescription.md 1.3KB

Your Project Name

a cool tagline...

Less than 300 words which describe your project. Etc,....

  • Demetrius Murray

Still coming up with ideas, but here are two...

  1. As a chess player, it's hard to find other people who play chess. Thanks to online gameplay and the growth of the chess.com website and app you can always find an opponent. However, it's not the same as playing someone you know. To grow the chess community, I would like to create an app that connects you with chess.com players nearby.
    • It will target any users of chess.com and give you the opportunity to connect.
    • If there is someone in your class you know but haven't ever talked about chess (because who does), this new app will send you a notification with the player's username and stats.
    • How do I plan to do this? I don't know.
  2. Second option for the time being is to make a full game out of Froilan's Farm. Think Sim City where the name of the game is to keep the farm running and grow it. User will have the ability to control the players Froilan, Freelan, and the illustrious Froilanda to keep the farm running. Surely this will have a GUI, so I envision only being able to do certain tasks when you are in the right scene. Think how pokemon looked back in the day.
    • Maybe if I want to get crazy, I'll come up with a way to connect users to interact with other farms.