a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

ProjectDescription.md 971B

Bus Transfer

No more headache

When I first started Zipcode I had a lot of issues with my daughter school bus. The school district takes up to 10 days to assign a bus route to a child. Whether the child is new to the school or simply change address the process is long and tedious. If a child family moves and change address, the school district will drop the child from the current route. The parents then are to expected to find an alternative transportation to get the child to school until the child is assigned to the new route.

I want to create an app that can make that transition easier to parents. My app will be able to calculate an alternative route as soon the address is input into the system. Also, change the route schedule to accommodate the new student and still be able to get to school on time. I also would like as a bonus feature to send a notification to the parents and the bus drives when a change has been made.

  • Nuridalia Hernandex