import; import java.awt.SystemTray; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Writeloops get you thinking about how to do different things with loops. * * @author anonymous coward * @version -0.3 * */ public class WriteLoops { private static final int _3 = 3; public int oneToFive() { int w = 0; for (int i= 1; i<=5; i++){ w= w + 1; } // Write a FOR loop that counts from 1 to 10. // calling // each time through the loop // this will tell the test how many times the loop executed. return w; } public int oneToTen() { int w = 0; for (int i= 1; i<=10; i++){ w= w + 1; } // Write a FOR loop that counts from 1 to 10. // calling // each time through the loop return w; } public int startAtTwentyOne() { int w = 0; for (int i= 21; i>=11; i--){ w= w + 1; } // Write a FOR loop that makes 10 iterations, start at 21. // calling // each time through the loop return w; } public int countDown() { int w = 0; for (int i= 100 ; i> 0; i--){ w= w + 1; } // Write a FOR loop that counts down from 100 to 0. // calling // each time through the loop return w; } public int byTwoTo32() { int w = 0; for (int i= 0; i<=32; i= i+2){ w= w + 0; } // Write a FOR loop from 0 to 32 by 2s. // calling // each time through the loop return w; } public int countDownFrom5000() { int w = 0; for (int i= 1; i<5001; i= i+11){ w= w + 1; } // Write a FOR loop from 1 to less than 5001 by 11s. // calling // each time through the loop return w; } public int nestedFors() { int w = 0; for (int i= 0; i<20; i++){ for (int j= 0; j<=4; j++){ w= w + 1; } } // Write a nested FOR loop(s), where one counts from // 0 to less than 20 and the inner one counts from 0 to 4 // calling // each time through the inner loop return w; } public int helloZipCode() { int w = 0; for ( w=5; w <=46; w++){ if ( w>47){ System.out.println("Hello Zipcode");} } // Write a FOR loop that counts from 5 to 105. Put an IF // statement inside the loop that checks the // loop index counter and if it’s greater than 51, // prints “Hello Zipcode” instead of the statement w = w + 1; // calling // each time through the inner loop return w; } public void simpleLoops() { int i = 0; // sample while loop while (i <= 5) { System.out.println("Eww."); i = i + 1; } // sample do...while loop i = 8; do { System.out.println("Eww."); i = i - 1; } while (i > 0); // what's the primary difference between them?!? //While loop firt the condition is teste and while that is true the program will continue to run // do loop the result will print at least one than will check the conditon to continue the program } // Write a WHILE loop that checks “gpsCurrentLocation()” // and if that is not equal to “Home” then and it calls “driveSomeMore()”. // After the loop is done, print “Honey, I’m Home!” public int driveHome() { int w = 0; while (gpsCurrentLocation().equals("Not Home")){ if (gpsCurrentLocation().equals("Not Home")){ driveSomeMore(); w +=1;} } // you need to use a .equals for two Strings. // calling // each time through the inner loop System.out.println("Honey, I’m Home!"); return w; } // Getting harder... // First declare and set “highestScore” to 236. Then set “currentScore” to // “gameNextScore()”. Then write a WHILE loop that checks "runningScore" // is less than “highestScore” and if it is, adds “currentScore” to // "runningScore" // and then sets “currentScore” to “gameNextScore()” public int checkGameScore() { int w = 0; int highestScore = 236; int currentScore = gameNextScore(); int runningScore = 0; // do your while loop here while (runningScore < highestScore){ runningScore+= currentScore; currentScore += gameNextScore(); // calling w = w +1; // each time through the inner loop } return w+1; // >= 3; } // Rewrite the previous WHILE loop as a DO..WHILE loop. // Notice how the “runningScore” variable usage is different. public boolean checkGameScoreDoWhile() { int w = 0; int highestScore = 236; int currentScore = gameNextScore(); int runningScore = 0; boolean checkGame; // do your while loop here do { w+=w; runningScore += currentScore; currentScore += gameNextScore(); checkGame= true; } while(runningScore < highestScore); // calling // each time through the inner loop return checkGame; } // Write a WHILE loop that checks “serverIsRunning()” and if true // calls “waitFor(5)” After the loop, write an IF and check “serverIsRunning()” // is false, and if so, call “sendEmergencyText(“Help!”, adminPhoneNumber)” // and also calls “tryServerRestart()” public int checkServerStatus() { int w = 0; String adminPhoneNumber = "+1 202 456 1111"; while (serverIsRunning()){ waitFor(5); w= w+1; } if (serverIsRunning()){ sendEmergencyText("Help!", adminPhoneNumber); } // each time through the inner loop return w; } // Declare an “int” i. Set i to 7. // Write a WHILE loop that checks “i” is less than 50, // and if it is, add 7 to “i” public int loop50by7() { int w = 0; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop return w; } int[] threes_array = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 }; // Foo is method that add the first 7 factors of three together and prints // out the sum of them all. public int foo() { int w = 0; // this is an array of ints. it is of length 7 (from 0 -> 6) int sumOfThrees = 0; // this is a so called Enhanced for loop for (int index : threes_array) { sumOfThrees = sumOfThrees + threes_array[index]; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop } System.out.print("The Sum is "); System.out.println(sumOfThrees); return w; } // Ponder this: can all FOR loops be rewritten as WHILE loops? // rewrite the loop inside of "foo()" as a standard for loop // with 'i' as its index variable. public int rewriteFooAsFor() { int w = 0; int sumOfThrees = 0; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop System.out.print("The Sum is "); System.out.println(sumOfThrees); return w; } // Ponder this: can all WHILE loops be rewritten as FOR loops? // rewrite the loop inside of "foo()" as a 'while' loop public int rewriteFooAsWhile() { int w = 0; int sumOfThrees = 0; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop System.out.print("The Sum is "); System.out.println(sumOfThrees); return w; } // Declare a boolean “yardNeedsMowed” and initialize to true. // Write WHILE loop that checks for “isSummer()”. // inside the loop, write an IF that checks “yardNeedsMowed” and if true calls // “yellAtJuniorToMowLawn()” // After loop, call // “sendJuniorBackToSchool()” with an argument that decribes the day junior goes // back. public int manageYardAndJunior() { int w = 0; boolean onTime = true; // ADD YOUR CODE here. // be sure to call w = w + 1; // each time inside the loop return w; } String voteTallies[] = { "Lincoln", "Washington", "Adams", "Lincoln", "Washington", "Adams", "Lincoln", "Washington", "Adams", "Lincoln", "Washington", "Adams", "Roosevelt" }; // Given an array voteTallies[], write a FOR loop that prints out each value in // the array. public int tallyVote1() { int w = 0; int numberOfVotes = voteTallies.length; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop return w; } // Given an array voteTallies[], write a WHILE loop that prints out each value // in the array. You should declare and use an index “idx” to keep track of // where you are. public int tallyVote2() { int w = 0; int numberOfVotes = voteTallies.length; // calling w = w + 1; // each time through the inner loop return w; } /** * CONGRATS, you've written all the code. Does it all pass their tests?!? * * * If not, why not? :-) * * */ /** * IGNORE the CODER behind the CURTAIN. These are the support routines to make * all the examples interesting. */ // instance variables - replace the example below with your own private int x; /** * Constructor for objects of class WriteLoops */ public WriteLoops() { // initialise instance variables x = 0; } private int gps = 0; private String gpsCurrentLocation() { if (this.gps > 5) { return "Home"; } return "Not Home"; } private void driveSomeMore() { this.gps += 1; } private int scr = 31; private int gameNextScore() { return this.scr = this.scr + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(20, 99 + 1); } private void yellAtJuniorToMowLawn() { /* dammit, mow the yard */} private void sendJuniorBackToSchool(String timeForSchool) { if (!timeForSchool.equalsIgnoreCase("First Day of School")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* dammit, mow the yard */} // private Supplier isSummer = () -> { // int i = 0; // return Supplier () -> { // i = i + 1; // return (i >= 3); // }; // }; private int summer = 0; private boolean isSummer() { if (summer == 3) { return true; } summer++; return false; } private void sendEmergencyText(String mesg, String phone) { } private void tryServerRestart(String mesg, String phone) { } int serverStatus = 5; private boolean serverIsRunning() { return (serverStatus < 20); } private void waitFor(int interval) { serverStatus += interval; } }