
Update README.md

Git-Leon 7 年 前
共有1 個のファイルを変更した1 個の追加0 個の削除を含む
  1. 1

+ 1
- 0
README.md ファイルの表示

@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
86 86
 	* The class should define a method named `findById` which makes use of a `long id` parameter to return a `Person` object with the respective `id` field.
87 87
 	* The class should define a method named `remove` which makes use of a `Person person` parameter to remove a respective `Person` object.
88 88
 	* The class should define a method named `remove` which makes use of a `long id` parameter to remove a `Person` object with the respective `id` field.
+	* The class should define a method named `getCount` which returns the size of `oersonList`.
89 90
 	* The class should define a method named `getArray` which returns an array representation of the `personList` field.
90 91
 	* The class should define a named `removeAll` which clears our `personList` field.
91 92