a start on the passion projects of cohort 4.2

Fitness/Wellness Application - "Ness"

Connecting people to custom fitness and wellness information and programs

The application allows users to create a profile to track workouts, caloric intake, and provides access to information on certain exercises, food/nutrition, and even custom plans created by other members of the platform. This would allow them to set goals for weight loss, muscle gain, and track progress to adjust either your workouts or diet accordingly. To expand on each section, the fitness section would provide users with muscle group options and even with different types of workouts depending on what they were trying to accomplish (add muscle or burn calories for example). On the nutritional side it would basically incorporate a caloric counter that many other sites provide access to. By comparing how many calories people burn with their workouts compared to their caloric intake, we can figure out how long it will take someone to lose a certain amount of weight.

  • Christian Sheridan

Recruiting Application idea - "Passive"

Helping passively looking candidates find companies that fit what they are looking for in a new role

A lot of people fear that in passively looking for a new job, their current company could find out and they could then be at risk of backlash from their current employer. This app would allow people to create an anonymous profile to reach out to companies for positions with their organization. These anonymous profiles would be shortened resumes highlighting their most recent work in detail and allowing them to put older experience in more general terms. Once engaged with the company via a chat application within the app, they could then remove the anonymity so that the potential employer could set up a phone screen or further communication.

Side note - saw someone is looking to create a similar application to remove racial, and sexual bias from interviewers