# MonkeysTypewritersOhMy ## Monkey Typewriter According to Wikipedia: > The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text. We don't have that kind of time, but what we do have are super smart monkeys. These monkeys are able to copy text. So, guess what. We're starting a printing company powered entirely off of monkey typists. ### What to do! Testing multithreaded applications is super difficult. Even more so, there's a chance that (if you're not actually testing things correctly) your tests will occasionally pass when they shouldn't (since a poorly threaded application isn't guaranteed to mess anything up). Instead, we're going to use the main method in `Monkey Typewriter` to see exactly what happens when things are threaded incorrectly vs correctly. ### Part 1 Made for you is an abstract base class of `Copier` which has a constructor that takes a String and turns that into an iterator. This will allow us to traverse the text to be copied and pass it along to each monkey (thread). Extend `Copier` in `UnsafeCopier`. Then, write a `run` method that will have the monkey grab the next word and append it to the copy. Modify `MonkeyTypewriter` to create 5 monkeys (threads) using the `UnsafeCopier` and start them. After the sleep, print out the results of the unsafely copied passage. ### Part 2 Finish the `SafeCopier` and then call that from the main method, in addition to the unsafe version.