Steffon Williams f504c3732a Drills 6 lat temu
.gitignore updated read me; 6 lat temu
.travis.yml Create .travis.yml 6 lat temu
MathUtilities.class Drills 6 lat temu
MathUtilities.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu Drills 6 lat temu
MathUtilitiesTest.class convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
MathUtilitiesTest.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
PredicateUtilities.class Drills 6 lat temu
PredicateUtilities.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu Drills 6 lat temu
PredicateUtilitiesTest.class convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
PredicateUtilitiesTest.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu convert them to bluej 6 lat temu convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
StringUtilities.class Drills 6 lat temu
StringUtilities.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu Drills 6 lat temu
StringUtilitiesTest.class convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
StringUtilitiesTest.ctxt convert them to bluej 6 lat temu convert them to bluej 6 lat temu
package.bluej change file arrangment 6 lat temu

Java Fundamentals


  • To complete the method stubs in each of the provided classes
    • MathUtilities
    • PredicateUtilities
    • StringUtilities


Classes to be completed:

  • MathUtilities
  • PredicateUtilities
  • StringUtilities


  1. Fork this Repository
    • fork this repository to your personal github account
    • clone your forked repository to your local machine.
    • Complete steps 2 and 3
    • git add your changes to the list of your commited files.
    • git commit your added files to the list of your staged files.
    • git push your staged files to your remote repository.
    • submit a pull request which compares Zipcoder master to your master.
  2. Begin by first ensuring the main method in your ZipcodeRocks class prints "Zipcode Rocks!" upon execution.
  3. Complete each of the method stubs in each of the main classes provided.
    • main classes are located in
    • There are comments above each method stub to describe the expected behavior.
  4. Upon completion, open and run the TestSuite class to ensure that all tests have 100% success.
    • TestSuite is located in

Predicate Utilities

  • A predicate is a clause which states something about a subject. (e.g., is assigning in "Leon is assigning homework")
  • Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class PredicateUtilitiesTest by completing each of the method stubs in the class PredicateUtilities.
  • Method Stubs to be completed
    • boolean isGreaterThan(int x, int y)
    • boolean isLessThan(int x, int y)
    • boolean isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(int x, int y)
    • boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo(int x, int y)

Math Utilities

  • Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class MathUtilitiesTest by completing each of the method stubs in the class MathUtilities.
  • Method Stubs to be completed
    • Integer add(int, int)
    • Long add(long, long)
    • Short add(short, short)
    • Byte add(byte, byte)
    • Float add(float, float)
    • Double add(double, double)
    • Integer subtract(int, int)
    • Long subtract(long, long)
    • Short subtract(short, short)
    • Byte subtract(byte, byte)
    • Float subtract(float, float)
    • Double subtract(double, double)
    • Integer divide(int, int)
    • Long divide(long, long)
    • Short divide(short, short)
    • Byte divide(byte, byte)
    • Float divide(float, float)
    • Double divide(double, double)
    • Integer multiply(int, int)
    • Long multiply(long, long)
    • Short multiply(short, short)
    • Byte multiply(byte, byte)
    • Float multiply(float, float)
    • Double multiply(double, double)
    • Boolean returnTrue
    • Boolean returnFalse

String Utilities

  • Ensure each of the test cases passes successfully in the class StringUtilitiesTest by completing each of the method stubs in the class StringUtilities.
  • Method Stubs to be completed
    • String concatenation(String, String)
    • String concatenation(int, String)
    • String getPrefix(String)
    • String getSuffix(String)
    • Boolean compareTwoStrings(String)
    • Character getMiddleCharacter(String)
    • String getFirstWord(String)
    • String getSecondWord(String)
    • String reverse(String)