# TriangleUtilities
## `String getRow(int width)`
* **Description**
* In the class, `Triangles` Write a method that returns a `String` representation of a row of asterisks whose length is equal to the `width` specified.
### Example
* Sample Script
// : Given
int width = 10;
// : When
String outcome = Triangles.getRow(width);
// : Then
* Sample Output
## `String getSmallTriangle()`
* **Description**
* In the class, `Triangles` Write a method that returns a `String` representation of a small triangle, whose base height and base width is 4 asterisks.
### Example
* Sample Script
// : Given
// : When
String outcome = Triangles.getSmallTriangle();
// : Then
* Sample Output
## `String getLargeTriangle()`
* **Description**
* Write a method that returns a `String` representation of a large triangle, whose base height and base width is 10 asterisks.
### Example
* Sample Script
// : Given
// : When
String outcome = Triangles.getLargeTriangle();
// : Then
* Sample Output
## `String getTriangle(int n)`
* **Description**
* Given one integer, `n`, generate a `String` representation of a triangle whose base height and width is equal to `n`.
### Example
* Sample Script
// : Given
int numberOfRows = 15;
// : When
String outcome = Triangles.createTriangle(numberOfRows);
// : Then
* Sample Output