/** * Write a description of class scienticFunctions here. * * @author (Roy Mpanju) * @version (a version number or a date) */ import java.lang.*; public class scienticFunctions { /** * A method - find solve for the trignometry functions of a given number by converting it to radians * * @param y a sample parameter for a method * @return the sine of y */ public static double sine(double y){ return Math.sin(Math.toRadians(y)); } public static double cosine(double y){ return Math.cos(Math.toRadians(y)); } public double tangent(double y){ return Math.tan(Math.toRadians(y)); } public double inverseCosine(double y){ return Math.acos(y) * 180/Math.PI; } public double inverseSine(double y){ return (Math.asin(y))* 180/Math.PI; } public double inverseTangent(double y){ return (Math.atan(y))*180/Math.PI; } }