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  21. <li><a href="#intro">Welcome</a></li>
  22. <li><a href="#one">Accounts</a></li>
  23. <li><a href="#two">What we do</a></li>
  24. <li><a href="#three">Get in touch</a></li>
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  34. <h1>ODA</h1>
  35. <h2>On Demand Art</h2>
  36. <p>Connecting Art & Artists together in a very simple, but innovative way!<br />
  37. by eliminating the modern day pressures that the industry faces.</a>.</p>
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  39. <li><a href="#one" class="button scrolly">Learn more</a></li>
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  49. <h2>Create Account</h2>
  50. <p>Here we allow both the Artist and our Model/Art clients to create an account stating what brings them to ODA & what they are looking to gain from it..</p>
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  52. <li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn more</a></li>
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  61. <h2>Artist meet Art</h2>
  62. <p>We realize that a lot of people are eager to get into the industry, but just dont know where to start. We have fixed this problem.</p>
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  64. <li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn more</a></li>
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  73. <h2>Endless Opportunity</h2>
  74. <p>We promote positive interactions between aspiring artist and the models they work with. </p>
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  76. <li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn more</a></li>
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  85. <h2>What we do</h2>
  86. <p>By creating a peer to peer platform offering all, from aspiring photographers to those at the professional level, a medium to express themselves in a "test-safe" environment.</p>
  87. <div class="features">
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  89. <span class="icon major fa-code"></span>
  90. <h3>Peer Based Grading</h3>
  91. <p>We allow all users of ODA to grade those that they work with on their professionalism, creativity, and pure comfortability.</p>
  92. </section>
  93. <section>
  94. <span class="icon major fa-lock"></span>
  95. <h3>Safe Payment System</h3>
  96. <p>We use to next-level encryption to handle all payment processing to keep the Artist and their Art both satisfied.</p>
  97. </section>
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  99. <span class="icon major fa-cog"></span>
  100. <h3>Instant Notifications</h3>
  101. <p>Our Instant Notifications system allows Users to know exactly when they would be needed for any type of event.</p>
  102. </section>
  103. <section>
  104. <span class="icon major fa-desktop"></span>
  105. <h3>Real Life Experiences</h3>
  106. <p>Being able to connect with people in the real world gives you experiences that you could not receive from school or course work.</p>
  107. </section>
  108. <section>
  109. <span class="icon major fa-chain"></span>
  110. <h3>Self Promotion</h3>
  111. <p>We allow our users to promote themselves for free on our app, to help bring new artist into the industry.</p>
  112. </section>
  113. <section>
  114. <span class="icon major fa-diamond"></span>
  115. <h3>Easy to Use</h3>
  116. <p>Very similar to modern day apps, so setting up your account will be a breeze!</p>
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  120. <li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn more</a></li>
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  127. <h2>Get in touch</h2>
  128. <p>Feel free to reach out to us with any input you have or any ideas you think would make ODA greater than it already is.</p>
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  154. <h3>Address</h3>
  155. <span>12345 Somewhere Road #654<br />
  156. Nashville, TN 00000-0000<br />
  157. USA</span>
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  160. <h3>Email</h3>
  161. <a href="#">user@untitled.tld</a>
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  164. <h3>Phone</h3>
  165. <span>(000) 000-0000</span>
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