#Purpose Create an educational portal for Zip Code Wilmington Students that achieves the following features: * **Landing page for students that contains:** * A list of current assignments * A list of completed assignments based on their pull request status * A list of assignments that currently have not been forked by the student * A list of repos that the student is a collaborator on * Instructors will be able to assign assignments via Slack and have those assignments be added to all students assignment list * Instructors will have the option to “unlock” additional helpful features for the students * Core Concept list for each lab * Suggested Readings list for each lab based on the core concepts of the lab * **Stretch Goals:** * HackerRank/ CodeWars ish daily challenge feature * Instructors can post daily drill to challenge students * Students can complete challenge on embedded IDE #Structure * Java for scanning slack for commands, handling DB queries, sending DB info to UI * Database tables for: * current student assignments * completed labs * labs not forked * core concepts * suggested readings * UI available on desktop browsers and mobile(?) * VUE & bootstrap??