Dominique Clarke 98ec1e7fb4 fixed typos 6 年前 fixed typos 6 年前



  • Write a font-end client that interacts with the YouAreEll RESTful API.
  • The client should visually display the user's message threads, with each thread containing a list of messages to and from another user.
  • The client should allow the user to post a new message to a particular user.


  • No front end frameworks or libraries, including JQuery.
  • This project uses the latest JavaScript features, many of which are not available in browsers without using a transpiling technology. To avoid using a transpiller, you MUST USE GOOGLE CHROME for this lab.


  • To establish familiarity with
    • HTML
    • HTML forms
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • JavaScript Modules
    • The Document Object Model
    • Http requests


  • [Intro to HTML, CSS, and JS]()
  • MDN

Part 0.0 - Familiarize Yourself with the Project Structure

  • Your project contains two files, index.html and styles.css, providing you with the basic html structure of the project and some basic styles.

Part 0.1 - Serve your project

  • Navigate to your project directory in the command line. Run the command python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000. This will expose the project on localhost:8000. Navigate there in your browser to view your project.

Part 1.0 - Creating you JavaScript file

  • Create a new file in the project directory called index.js.
  • Link this file in the <head> of your index.html file, using the <script> tag.
    • In addition to src, you'll need two extra attributes on your <script> tag, type and async.
    • For the type attribute, assign it a value of module. This denotes that the file should be treated as a JavaScript module. Normally, JavaScript files are executed immediately once they are downloaded, even if the HTML hasn't finished parsing yet. We'll explore the benefits of JavaScirpt modules throughout this lab, but one benefit is that the executive of modules is deferred until after the HTML is Parsed. Read more about JavaScript modules
    • For the async attribute, assign it a value of true. Typically, when an HTML file hits a <script> tag, it stops parsing the HTML, downloads the JavaScript, and then executes the JavaScript. async="true" overrides this behavior, instead allowing the HTML to be parsed alongside downloading the JavaScript. Once the JavaScript is finished downloading, the HTML parsing is paused and the script executes. Read more about async and defer
  • At the top of your index.html file, declare a new variable called currentUser and assign it your YouAreEll username (You should have made one in the previous YouAreEll lab).
  • Add an event listener to the window object. The addEventListener method takes two parameters, the type of event you're listening for (examples include "load", "click", "keydown", etc), and a function reference, known as a [callback](), representing the function you want to invoke when the event occurs. Wraping code in a "load" event listener attached to the window object will insure that your code is only ran once the page has loaded. ```javascript let userId = "dominiqueclarke";

window.addEventListener("load", function () {


* Our goal is to add some text to the ``<h2`` element, nested within the ``header`` element containing the ``id`` of ``greeting``. In order to do so, we need to grab this element off the [``document``]( object 
* Use the [``getElementById``]( method to grab the element containing the id ``greeting``. This will return to you an object of type [``element``](, allowing you to use any of the methods or access any of the properites available on the element interface.
* Assign the [``innerHTML``]( property the [template string]( ``` `Welcome ${userId}` ```
let userId = "dominiqueclarke";

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;
  • Refresh your page to view your changes

Part 2.0 - Create Your Service

  • Create a new JavaScript file called message-serivce.js. This file will contain a JavaScript class called MessageService, responsible for making HTTP requests to fetch and update data from the YouAreEll RESTful API. ```javascript class MessageService {


* Configure your ``MessageService`` as a module. 
    * In JavaScript, the word "modules" refers to small units of independent, reusable code. They are the foundation of many JavaScript design patterns and are critically necessary when building any non-trivial JavaScript-based application. The closest analog in the Java language are Java Classes. However, JavaScript modules export a value, rather than define a type. In practice, most JavaScript modules export an object literal, a function, or a constructor. Modules that export a string containing an HTML template or a CSS stylesheet are also common.
    * The [``export``]( statement is used when creating JavaScript modules to export functions, objects, classes or primitive values from the module so they can be used by other programs with the import statement.
    * ``export`` your ``MessageService`` as the ``default``.
export default class MessageService {

  • Import your MessageService module into your index.js file using the import statement. This creates a global variable containing the exported value from the imported module. ```javascript import MessageService from "./message-service.js";

let userId = "dominiqueclarke";

window.addEventListener("load", function () {

document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;


* Create a new ``MessageService`` object by using the ``new`` keyword to invoke the ``MessageService`` constructor.
import MessageService from "./message-service.js";

let userId = "dominiqueclarke";
const messageService = new MessageService();

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;

Part 3.0 - Creating AJAX HTTP Requests

  • In message-service.js, create a method called getAllMessages, which takes 0 parameters
  • Create a XMLHTTPRequest (XHR) object and assign it to a variable called request. XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects interact with servers through HTTP requests. You can retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh. XMLHttpRequest is used heavily in Ajax programming.
  • Use the open method on the request object, passing the type of HTTP request you'd like to make and the request endpoint as the first two arguments. To get all the global messages, use the /messages/ endpoint. Refer back to the original YouAreEll lab for documentation on the API if necessary.
  • Use the send method to send the request. This method takes an optional parameter of the request body when necessary.

    export default class MessageService {
    getAllMessages() {
        let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
   "GET", "");

Part 3.5 - Listening for Request Responses

  • We've configured and sent the request, but what happens when we receive the request back? We can define a function to be used once the response is received using the onload property of the request object.

    getAllMessages() {
    let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
    request.onload = function() {
        // do something
    };"GET", ``);
  • If the status is greater than or equal to 200 and less than 300, than we have a successful response. Else, we have an error. Create an if/else statement to handle the response or error.

  • The response is stored in the responseText property of the request object as an array of JSON objects. To convert it into an array of JavaScript objects, use JSON.parse(request.responseText).

    getAllMessages() {
    let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
    request.onload = function() {
        if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
            console.log(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); // 'This is the returned text.'
        } else {
            console.log('Error: ' + request.status); // An error occurred during the request.
    };"GET", "");
  • Test the function by navigating back to index.js and invoking the function. ```javascript import MessageService from "./message-service.js";

let userId = "dominiqueclarke"; const messageService = new MessageService(userId);

window.addEventListener("load", function () {

document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;


* Refresh your browser. Right click on the page and select ``inspect``. When the dev tools container pops up, click the ``console`` tab. Once the response is returned, you should see the returned array of messages printed to the console.

### Part 4.0 - Promise based AJAX requests

* Our current ``getAllMessages`` method has some issues. XMLHTTPRequests are processed asynchronously using callbacks. Callbacks cannot contain a return value. This makes it difficult to pass back a value to ``index.js`` where this ``messageService.getAllMessages()`` is being called. Fortunately, we can alieviate this issue using [``promises``](
    * A [Promise]( is an object representing a contract to preform some task asynchronous (often, an ``HTTP`` request), providing a value (often, an ``HTTP`` response) when the task is complete.
    * Promises allow us to continue running syncronous code while waiting for for the execution of the promised task.
    * Promises allow us to specify a function that should be run once the task is complete using the ``then`` method.
    * Promises are tricky. Familiarize yourself with Promises with [this tutorial](
* Wrap your ``request.onload`` function in a ``new`` ``Promise``;
getAllMessages() {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                console.log(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); // 'This is the returned text.'
            } else {
                console.log('Error: ' + request.status); // An error occurred during the request.
        };"GET", "");

  • If the request is successful, resolve the promise passing in the threads object``

    getAllMessages() {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                const threads = JSON.parse(request.responseText); // 'This is the returned text.'
            } else {
                console.log('Error: ' + request.status); // An error occurred during the request.
   "GET", "");
  • If the request returns an error, reject the promise passing in the threads object``

    getAllMessages() {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                const threads = JSON.parse(request.responseText); // 'This is the returned text.'
            } else {
                    status: request.status,
                    statusText: request.statusText
   "GET", "");
  • Specify the function you'd like executed when the promise is resolved by using the then method.

    • The then method is part of the Promise interface. It takes up to two parameters: a callback function for the success case and a callback function for the failure case of the Promise.
    • If the Promise is successful, the first parameter (the success callback), is executed. If the Promise results in an error, the second parameter (the failure callback), is excuted.
      ```javascript getAllMessages() { const request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

    // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
    request.onload = function () {
        // Process the response
        if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
            // If successful
            const threads = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
        } else {
                status: request.status,
                statusText: request.statusText
    };"GET", "");

    }).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback() {

    console.log("Promise is successful!");


    function errorCallback() {

    console.log("An error occurred");

    } } ```

  • When the callbacks are executed, the receive a special parameter. The success callback receives the value passed to the resolve method, while the failure callback receives the value passed to the reject method.

    getAllMessages() {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                // If successful
                const threads = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
                // this data is passed to the success callback
            } else {
                // this data is passed to the failure callback
                    status: request.status,
                    statusText: request.statusText
   "GET", "");
    }).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
    function successCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the resolve method
    function errorCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the reject method

Part 5.0 - Consuming the Promise elsewhere

  • By refactoring our getAllMessages method, we can consume the Promise within our index.js file, allowing for separation of concerns.
  • Remove the then method, successCallback declaration and errorCallback declaration from getAllMessages.
  • return the Promise from the getAllMessages method. This will allow us to call the then method, passing in the appropriate success and failure callbacks, elsewhere.

    getAllMessages() {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                // If successful
                const threads = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
                // this data is passed to the success callback
            } else {
                // this data is passed to the failure callback
                    status: request.status,
                    statusText: request.statusText
   "GET", "");
  • Navigate back to your index.js file. getAllMessages now returns a Promise. We can now use the then method to specify a callback function to be executed in case of success or failure of that Promise. Call .then on messageService.getAllMessages, reimplementing the original code. ```javascript messageService.getAllMessages() .then(successCallback, errorCallback);

function successCallback(response) {

// This data comes from the resolve method


function errorCallback(response) {

// This data comes from the reject method


### Part 6.0 - Populating the DOM

* Now that we have our messages, let's add them to our page visually. Using the DOM interface, we can create and add HTML elements to our page.
    * We'll populate our  messages inside the unordered list``<ul id="message-list">``.
* Create a new function in ``index.js`` called ``populateMessages``. ``populateMessages`` should take one parameter, a list of messages.
import MessageService from "./message-service.js";

let userId = "dominiqueclarke";
const messageService = new MessageService(userId);

window.addEventListener("load", function () {

    document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;
        .then(successCallback, errorCallback);

    function successCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the resolve method

    function errorCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the reject method

function populateMessages(messages) {

  • In order to add content to the DOM, we need to create new nodes. A node is an interface is an interface from which a number of DOM API object types inherit, including document, element and more. A node represents a piece of the DOM tree.
  • Using a forEach loop, loop through each message in the array of messages.
  • For each message, create a new <li> element to hold the sender username and the message content and assign it to messageListItem.
    • You can do this by calling the createElement method on the document object, passing in the element tag name as a string. This will return a new HTML element that you can later append to the DOM. Remember, elements are a type of node.
  • For each message, create a new <h3> element for the sender username and assign it to const userIdHeading.
  • For each message, create a new <p> element for the message content and assign it to const messageParagraph. javascript function populateThread(messages) { messages.forEach(message => { const messageListItem = document.createElement("LI"); const userIdHeading = document.createElement("h3"); const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p"); }) }
  • Both our <h3> element and our <p> element will contain text.
    • To add new text to our page, we need to first create a new text node. You can create a text node using the createTextNode method on the document object, passing in the text you wish to include in the node. This will return a new text node that you can later append to an element.
  • For each message, create a text node using the fromid property on the message object and assign it to const userIdContent.
  • For each message, create a text node using the message property on the message object and assign it to const messageContent. javascript function populateThread(messages) { messages.forEach(message => { const messageListItem = document.createElement("LI"); const userIdHeading = document.createElement("h3"); const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p"); const messageContent = document.createTextNode(message.message); const userIdContent = document.createTextNode(message.fromid); }) }
  • Now that we've created these text nodes, we need to add them to our new html elements.
    • To add any node to another node, use the [appendChild] method. The Node.appendChild() method adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node. appendChild returns the modified node object, allowing you to perform method chaining.
  • Add your messageContent node to your messageParagraph node using the appendChild method.
  • Add your userIdContent node to your userIdHeading node using the appendChild method.
  • Add both your userIdHeading node and your messageParagraph node to your messageListItem node, using the appendChild method and method chaining. javascript function populateThread(messages) { messages.forEach(message => { const messageListItem = document.createElement("LI"); const userIdHeading = document.createElement("h3"); const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p"); const messageContent = document.createTextNode(message.message); const userIdContent = document.createTextNode(message.fromid); userIdHeading.appendChild(userIdContent); messageParagraph.appendChild(messageContent); messageListItem .appendChild(userIdHeading) .appendChild(messageParagraph); }) }
  • By using these methods, we've created a complete DOM node for each message that includes an <li> containing a <h3> element for the message.fromId and an <p> element for the message.message.
  • Now that we've created our new node, we need to add it to an existing HTML element on our page. Review the index.html file and find <ul id="message-list">. We want to add all of our new individual <li> elements to this <ul>. To grab this element using javascript, we can use the getElementById method on the document object, passing in the element's id as a string.
  • Using the appendChild method, append the messageListItem node to the element returned using document.getElementById("message-list"). This will add a new <li> representing each message to our <ul id="message-list"> element. javascript function populateThread(messages) { messages.forEach(message => { const messageListItem = document.createElement("LI"); const userIdHeading = document.createElement("h3"); const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p"); const messageContent = document.createTextNode(message.message); const userIdContent = document.createTextNode(message.fromid); userIdHeading.appendChild(userIdContent); messageParagraph.appendChild(messageContent); messageListItem .appendChild(userIdHeading) .appendChild(messageParagraph); document.getElementById("message-list").appendChild(messageListItem); }) }
  • Now that we've created our message, let's invoke the function from our successCallback method, passing in the array of messages returned from our HTTP request.

    window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = `Welcome ${userId}!`;
        .then(successCallback, errorCallback);
    function successCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the resolve method
    function errorCallback(response) {
        // This data comes from the reject method
  • Refresh your page to review the results and check for any errors

Part 7.0 - Creating A New Messages

  • Now that we've fetched all the current messages, let's send new messages out into the atmosphere.
  • Navigate to your message-service.js file. Add a new method called createNewMessage. It should take one parameter, the new message object.
  • Set up your XMLHTTPRequest. The set up is the same as our getAllMessages method, except for calling the and request.send methods.
  • To add a new message to the database, we need to use the HTTP POST method. In the method, pass in "POST" as the first parameter, and the Post endpoint as the second parameter. The endpoint to send a new message is /ids/:mygithubid/messages/. Refer back to the original YouAreEll lab for documentation on the API if necessary.
  • For HTTP methods where a request body is necessary, pass the request body as a parameter to the request.send method. To send our message object as the request body, first convert it from a JavaScript object to a JSON object using the JSON.stringify method.

    createNewMessage(message) {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        // Setup our listener to process compeleted requests
        request.onload = function () {
            // Process the response
            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                // If successful
            } else {
                    status: request.status,
                    statusText: request.statusText
   "POST", `${message.fromid}/messages`);
  • Navigate to your index.js file. Notice that in our index.html file, we have a form. This form exists to create and send new messages. In order to set up the form to listen to input from the user and respond propertly to the user hitting the submit button, we need to set up an eventListener for our form.

  • Create a new function in index.js called createFormListener. This method takes 0 parameters. ```javascript function createFormListener() {


* Grab the ``form`` ``element`` using ``document.getElementById`` passing in the ``id`` of the ``form``.
* Set the onsubmit property of the ``form`` to a function reference. This function takes one parameter, ``event``. This function will fire when the form is submitted.
* To prevent the default form action from occuring, use the ``preventDefault`` method on the ``event`` object.
function createFormListener() {
    const form = document.getElementById("new-message-form");

    form.onsubmit = function (event) {
        // stop the regular form submission
  • Navigate to index.html and find the form element. Notice that the form contains two form elements, textarea and button. textarea has an attribute of name set to the property message. When form elements are given a name attribute, it adds information about that element the form object as a property.
  • Create a object called data with two properties, fromid and message. fromid should be assigned the value of userid, and message should be assigned the value of form.message.value (the value of the textarea with attribute name="message").
  • Call the createNewMessage method on the messageService object, passing in the data object. The createNewMessage method returns a Promise, so specify your success and failure callbacks using the then method.
  • In your successCallback method, invoke the populateMessages

    function createFormListener() {
    const form = document.getElementById("new-message-form");
    form.onsubmit = function (event) {
        // stop the regular form submission
        const data = {
            fromid: userId,
            message: form.message.value
            .then(successCallback, errorCallback);
        function successCallback(response) {
            // This data comes from the resolve method
        function errorCallback(response) {
            // This data comes from the reject method

    Part 8.0 - Adding Your New Message To the DOM

  • Just like we added our array of messages from before, we now need to add our new message to our list of messages.

  • Navigate to your index.js file. Add a method called addMessageToThread. The method should take on parameter, a single message.

  • Like before, we need to create a bunch of individual nodes and combine them together in order to create a full <li> element containing a message.

    function addMessageToThread(message) {
    const messageListItem = document.createElement("LI");
    const userIdHeading = document.createElement("h3");
    const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p");
    const messageContent = document.createTextNode(message.message);
    const userIdContent = document.createTextNode(message.fromid);
  • Does this code look familiar? Before we move forward, let's go back and refactor our populateThread method to use this addMessageToThread method.

    function populateMessages(messages) {
    messages.forEach(message => {
  • Navigate back to your createFormListener method. In the successCallback, invoke the addMessageToThread method, passing in the response, instead of logging the response.

    function createFormListener() {
    const form = document.getElementById("new-message-form");
    form.onsubmit = function (event) {
        // stop the regular form submission
        const data = {
            fromid: userId,
            message: form.message.value
            .then(successCallback, errorCallback);
        function successCallback(response) {
            // This data comes from the resolve method
        function errorCallback(response) {
            // This data comes from the reject method