# ZCW-MesoLabs-YouAreEllClient ## **Objective:** * Write a font-end client that interacts with the YouAreEll RESTful API. * The client should visually display the user's message threads, with each thread containing a list of messages to and from another user. * The client should allow the user to post a new message to a particular user. ## **Constraint:** * No front end frameworks or libraries, including JQuery. * This project uses the latest JavaScript features, many of which are not available in browsers without using a transpiling technology. To avoid using a transpiller, you **MUST USE GOOGLE CHROME** for this lab. ### **Purpose:** * To establish familiarity with * HTML * HTML forms * CSS * JavaScript * JavaScript Modules * The Document Object Model * Http requests ### **Resources:** * [Intro to HTML, CSS, and JS]() * [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn) ### Part 0.0 - Familiarize Yourself with the Project Structure * Your project contains two files, ``index.html`` and ``styles.css``, providing you with the basic html structure of the project and some basic styles. ### Part 0.1 - Serve your project * Navigate to your project directory in the command line. Run the command ``python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000``. This will expose the project on ``localhost:8000``. Navigate there in your browser to view your project. ### Part 1.0 - Creating you JavaScript file * Create a new file in the project directory called ``index.js``. * Link this file in the ```` of your ``index.html`` file, using the ``