/** * This class represents a simple picture. You can draw the picture using * the draw method. But wait, there's more: being an electronic picture, it * can be changed. You can set it to black-and-white display and back to * colors (only after it's been drawn, of course). * * This class was written as an early example for teaching Java with BlueJ. * * @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes * @version 1.1 (24 May 2001) */ public class Picture { private Square wall; private Square window; private Triangle roof; private Circle sun; private Circle sun2; /** * Constructor for objects of class Picture */ public Picture() { // nothing to do... instance variables are automatically set to null } /** * Draw this picture. */ public void draw() { wall = new Square(); wall.moveVertical(80); wall.changeSize(100); wall.makeVisible(); window = new Square(); window.changeColor("black"); window.moveHorizontal(20); window.moveVertical(100); window.makeVisible(); roof = new Triangle(); roof.changeSize(50, 140); roof.moveHorizontal(60); roof.moveVertical(70); roof.makeVisible(); sun = new Circle(); sun.changeColor("blue"); sun.moveHorizontal(180); sun.moveVertical(-10); sun.changeSize(60); sun.makeVisible(); sun2 = new Circle(); sun2.changeColor("yellow"); sun2.moveHorizontal(100); sun2.moveVertical(-10); sun2.changeSize(60); sun2.makeVisible(); sun2.slowMoveVertical(300); sun.slowMoveVertical(300); } /** public void draw2() { sun.slowMoveVertical(300); } **/ /** * Change this picture to black/white display */ public void setBlackAndWhite() { if(wall != null) // only if it's painted already... { wall.changeColor("black"); window.changeColor("white"); roof.changeColor("black"); sun.changeColor("black"); } } /** * Change this picture to use color display */ public void setColor() { if(wall != null) // only if it's painted already... { wall.changeColor("red"); window.changeColor("black"); roof.changeColor("green"); sun.changeColor("yellow"); } } }