# ZCW-MicroLabs-JavaFundamentals-TooLargeTooSmall # Guessing Game; Too Large Too Small ## **Objective:** * Write a guessing game which prompts a user to guess a mystery number within some range. * After every guess the program should display some variation of "too large", "too small", "correct guess", respectively. * Upon termination, the program should display the number of guesses before successfully guessing correctly. * A number that is input consecutively, should register as a single guess. ### **Purpose:** * To establish familiarity with * Control Flow * Conditionals * User input * The `Random` class * Object instantation/declaration * Method invokation ### **Resources:** * [Procedural Programming](https://zipcoder.github.io/reveal-slides-light/procedural-programming.html#/) ## Unit Test No Unit Test ## What's Next? * The next lab can be found [here](https://github.com/Zipcoder/ZCW-MicroLabs-JavaFundamentals-SumOrProduct)